After the bay12 forum got quoted on RPS for its coverage of a certain mythical RL I wondered how significant bay12 was on the wider internet.
So i wasted 15mins today looking at the size of various forums to see how big we are in comparison with others
Bay12: 18607 members 1039 max daily attendance
Tigsauce: 30404 m, 715mda
spacesim central: 920 m
Paradox forums: 223118m (33307 listed active)
Unknown worlds: 46710m, 3499mda
Temple of the Roguelike 652m
Chaos Forge 1607m
(you can add to this list if you like)
i tried to get some figures for RPS forums, battlenet (probs more members than humans on earth), and escapist but they didnt show em.
these are just the forums im either aware of or frequent, theres probs many others. But we seem pretty big given that we are centred round an eclectic ascii game.
Also our internet influence is about more than just numbers, but the kinds of discussions we have, i expect 10% of our population has a greater IQ than the whole of battlenet combined.
Im interested (just casually) in the role of forums like this as a force or influence on the internet. People come here to plug their games (either for testing, general interest or sale) and we sometimes get quoted on other blogs, so this community is more than just the DF fan base.