I don't mind bringing a few people along on my trade runs - link me anytime I'm on and ask me if I'm free - but I have to impose some restrictions.
1. Be at least level 17 - I might make a few exceptions, but my runs are quite dangerous and can double as xp farms.
I usually send people to xp in the graveyard early on, were the monsters give around 3-7k experience each. I tend to meet a couple of mob factions along the road. A single risk 400 lion can give upwards of 250,000 xp, and there can be up to THIRTY every time they spawn; I usually end up fighting 12 of those lions AT THE SAME TIME.
2. Have time - These trade runs usually take around 20-30 minutes, but it can be delayed by bad weather or a sadistic DM - I faced off against a lion's den, then ran into haunted a forest, then had a crystal spider lair appear UNDER the forest, then was attacked by centaur bandits WITHIN THE SAME 20 ROOMS. And they can spawn with little or no warning, there are times where I can barely protect myself, much less the rest of you.
3. Have the following items:
A. A source of teleport, NOT RECALL. Wolves, Lions, and Pigs block you from fleeing and there are often times where I'm forced to resort to hit and run tactics in order to continue. It's important that you have the ability to run and do so quickly. I can resurrect players who die, but it drains me of both hp and mp so I'm hoping I won't have to resort to it. Menthol potions fit this bill if you can't cast the spell, and you can buy them in the cleric's quarter. "Enter Cleric" from recall and look for the shop called "The Ordained". Have at least 10, but the more the better.
B. A source of healing - golden seal/green potions etc. You can buy golden seal potions 2e and 2n of recall. I'm probably going to be the one tanking most of the time, but all mob factions have a special process that will deal damage to you regardless of your position, and it will bypass ANY type of protection, including manashields.
C. An alternative form of attack - Unless you're pretty damn uber at the time, you probably won't be able to go toe-to-toe with the beasties we'll be facing. If possible I'll stick you in the middle or back rows - but for melee classes that means you won't be able to engage in battle effectively. In that case, find a weapon with the "Long" attribute which allows you to engage in battle in the middle rows without any penalties, or go to the shop mentioned above "The Ordained" and buy some platinum wands.
If possible, do both since you can attack in melee and fire a wand at the same time. The command to use wands is to first "Hold" the wand, then "use wand <enemy>". You'll automatically grab a replacement wand if there's one in your inventory when you current one runs out of charges. Level 20 or above characters can buy "Heavy Oak Staves" which cast harm on all enemies in the room, which is one of the best options available.
D. Optional 200,000 gold - If you've played for a decent amount of time, you've probably received your newbie gifts by now, so this amount is trivial. If you don't have it, I'll provide it. 100,000 to buy a covered wagon, 10,000 to buy a mount, and the rest will be more than enough to cover the costs of the goods.
For players above level 20, carry an extra 100,000 gold, that's to call a dragon to defend you if an evil dragon starts hunting you. When you see the message about a dragon hunting someone, immediately warn the others via "f <message>" and then attempt to "link". If you're not able to link, it means you're the one being hunted. Immediately "call" a dragon to defend you.
4. Everyone should know the following commands: They're case insensitive.
"Freight" which will direct you to where your freight is in case you lose it.
"brief" to cut out all the extra flavor text of the rooms when we travel.
"hitch" to hitch your freight in case we have to leave it somewhere.
"take covered" to unhitch your freight, which will usually be a covered wagon.
"tether" to tether your mount in case you have to dismount.
"mount" to mount your mount. mount.
"follow" to form parties.
Formtalk "f <message>" to talk to your members.
"Formlog" - We'll usually be moving very quickly, so the messages will scroll by very quickly. This command allows you to review the last few messages sent via formtalk.
"Form" to see your position in the formation.
"Freport" or just "fre" to see your party's hp/mp.
"weather" to check the weather. Be on the lookout for things like Hurricanes, wasp storms, tornadoes, fire storms, and the incredibly dangerous Storms from Afar.
"link" to teleport in and out of Medlink. That's where we'll be chilling in case we run into bad weather we can't avoid.