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Author Topic: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?  (Read 10824 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #75 on: September 26, 2010, 10:14:11 pm »

What do I want? Nothing! Keep up the good work, Toady!

Actually... (checks Dev Log for upcoming changes)

Yup! As you were, good sir!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #76 on: September 27, 2010, 05:37:31 am »

for years I've sought a job managing interface  :'( :'( :'(

...but now I may also look for squads with more than 10 dwarves

and somebody talked about restacking stuff in stockpiles...
« Last Edit: September 27, 2010, 06:03:56 am by LoSboccacc »


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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #77 on: September 27, 2010, 11:03:04 am »

Hmm. What do I want in next version?
Hmmm, I'll have to think about that, but the first thing I want is definitely more forgiving gameplay. I'm still quite a noob in this.
I didn't really understand why I died until I discovered I was teleporting my own spine into my enemies' body as a primary way of attack.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #78 on: September 27, 2010, 10:06:58 pm »

A better liquids system so that there can be things like Molten copper 1/7. Mainly so I can fill an area with molten gallium and let it solidify, and watch the goblins walk across the gallium floor, which would then melt. The goblins would drown and the gallium would then solidify.


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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #79 on: September 28, 2010, 12:22:30 am »

Have some of the meteorites have a chance of introducing alien wildlife to your dwarfia (i.e. megabeasts and semi-megabeasts).
My Lovecraft senses are tingling....
True, but at a certain velocity the resulting explosion expels invader-bits at fatal speeds. You don't want to be dropping trogdolyte-shaped shrapnel bombs into your boneworks.
Only in Dwarf Fortress...

Medicine Man

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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #80 on: October 02, 2010, 09:51:55 am »

I want to see water + lava make sulphuric acid, not obsidian. I also want to see magma forges and furnaces replaced with sulphuric acid forges and furnaces.


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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #81 on: October 02, 2010, 02:38:05 pm »

I would like to see a new skill introduced, Nannying.
set a playroom zone just like you would a hospital, fill it with toys and stuff.
Could also maybe increase the children's skill levels before adulthood, nothing above adequate.
maybe make the nanny a minor noble, a novice nanny could look after 2-3 children whereas a master nanny could look after 50+ children. all this so that Urist McHammerlord doesn't run out to fight a goblin siege only to have her baby skewered through the head, causing her to tantrum, possibly starting a tantrum spiral.


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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #82 on: October 02, 2010, 03:19:46 pm »

To go along with that idea, we shall also require umbrellas.
I still think that the whole fortress should be flooded with magma the moment you try dividing by zero.
This could be a handy way of teaching preschool children mathematics.


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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #83 on: October 02, 2010, 11:33:08 pm »

I'd also love to see mounts added for dwarves!


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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #84 on: October 05, 2010, 11:21:01 am »

The main thing I'd like to see is a clothing system that allows you to tell the game explicitly what a piece of clothing covers, and by extent what bodyparts an item needs to be worn by a creature.
Maybe this'll make dwarves actually wear stuff like rings, earrings and necklaces.

Another thing I'd like to see is dwarves buying their own furniture for their room. Maybe let the player designate a room or several as a single living area, and then letting the dwarf who picks it as his' to grab the furniture he likes and install it.

And finally something similar with workshops, maybe designating a full workshop from the main 3X3 building, and having the quality and speed of the work, as well as the thoughts of the dwarves working in it based on the quality of the room.
"Urist McCraftsdwarf has worked in an amazing workshop lately."
A dwarf's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me. We long for a caring Fortress which will save us from our childish mistakes, and in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary we will pin all our hopes on the slimmest of doubts. Gold has not been proven not to exist, therefore it must exist.
Philosopher Prokhor Zakharov,
"For I Have Tasted The Plump Helmet"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #85 on: December 23, 2010, 12:55:19 am »

I can't wait until there is mass migration and "retire fortress".

Yes! The one feature I would most like to see added (to Fortress Mode) is the ability to take some of your resources and animals (hopefully keeping intact the genetic traits inherited from breeding) from your old Fortress, along with seven dwarves, to embark towards establishing a new Fort.

This would put a whole new spin on the term "succession game". (I'm thinking "Succession Embark" might be more appropriate.)

What I mean is that the player would effectively give up control of their old fortress. This would be similar to Abandoning their fort, except that NPC dwarves (or whatever race, via a mod, the player was playing as) would still inhabit it. Then it could be more fun to revisit the place in Adventure Mode, esp. if your exotic pets are still there...

Also, this would be different from the usual Embark method in several ways. Before leaving the old fort, the player chooses which dwarves embark with and which resources and animals to take along. But as before, the player is restricted in terms of points to spend (determined by the item and pet value). Also, skills could not be bought because it's assumed that your dwarves are already skilled.

Being allowed to bring along stuff from the previous fortress would allow for certain animals and goods that are normally not possible on Embark. Yes, I realize that there is some potential for such a system to be abused. But the points available limits that. And if the player wants a challenge they would try to limit what they bring. Anyway, I do wonder if this might make for slightly easier settlement of difficult biomes and climates, such as Evil or on Glaciers.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #86 on: December 23, 2010, 01:57:27 pm »

Higher noncombat difficulty, or the ability to tweak settings to make the difficulty higher.  Specifically:

I don't need farming to be (that much) more complex, but I do need it to not be so obscenely easy.  Yes, yes, it still takes a lot of nifty architecture if you want to water it in a cool way underground.  But once that architecture is in place, you don't need hardly any dwarves to feed all of your people--and besides, you can just set up a couple 4x3 farming plots OUTSIDE with a couple untrained dwarves, wall up the area with a staircase to your fort once you start getting invaders, and feed all your dwarves forever.  Give me a tag in the raws to modify farming yield; based on current production = 1000, set humans to 500 and dwarves to 250.  Oh yeah, and give me a tag for herbalism yield, too.  Elves get 2000, humans and dwarves get 200.  In the mod I would want to play, herbalism is most useful to get just enough plants for seeds...not to feed a 200-dwarf fort with like one herbalist.  Food is too easy.  I should need more dwarves on food.  Yes, it makes immigrants more challenging.  But it also means "Thank Armok!  We have more hands for the farms!"

I would really, REALLY like a setting in the raws to change dig speed (and it makes sense that dwarves would have a tag to make them dig 10x faster than other, let me reduce it).  As it is, I would expect that dwarves get 1000 and humans get 200.  In my mod, I would reduce dwarves to 200 (and presumably humans lower when that matters).  More immigrants?  "Thank Armok!  Give the new miners these picks!"  Oh, and if it's not there already, make dig speed depend on pick material and quality.  Current dig speed is -steel picks-.  Modifying these values isn't for everyone, since it would make megaprojects a lot slower, but...really, the big difference is between using four miners (who step all over each other anyway) and twenty miners.  We're dwarves.  There are times when we SHOULD have 1/3 of our population with picks in their hands.  If THAT doesn't scream megaproject then I don't know what does.  Oh yeah...and give us a raw tag for construction build+remove speed, too.

While I'm on the subject of mining modifications, it would be nice if the 'economic stone' screen let us specify minimum skill allowed to dig out different materials.  Make high-enough-skilled miners prioritize the highest-requirement ore that they are allowed to dig.  Improve mining priorities across the board.  (Dwarves should always dig out what's nearby--don't change their pathfinding, as such, just USE pathfinding in places that they currently don't...or something.  Dwarves should seek and destroy the closest mineable spot, even if another dwarf has claimed that square, too!  Multiple dwarves should be allowed to work on the same square, which is important if dig speed goes down.)  Oh yeah...And let us set DIG PRIORITIES, just like we currently set pathfinding hints (high/normal/low/restricted traffic).  Let us tag mining squares as low/medium/high/critical priority.  Dwarves never mine any squares that are lower-priority than the highest-priority squares currently accessible.  That way, you can designate your whole first level all at once...including the entire width of your seven-square-wide hallways.  Just set the outside of the hallways (which we're all used to putting off until later!) as low priority.  Designate the simplest possible route to the first seven bedrooms critical.  How many people have screwed up their fort design by forgetting that a certain square SHOULD be mined later, but they want their miners to prioritize something else first?  Yeah, all of us.

More intelligent trade routes would be pretty cool too; it doesn't make sense that you can buy ten units of leather for $30, then craft it with zero skill and sell it back for like $300 to the exact same caravan.  I know that this is already in the pipe, but caravan buying price really must be a value-added thing.  If the trader's hometown can produce +leather clothes+, but the leather itself is in short supply, then he should value base-value 'leather clothes' LESS than the raw leather!!  Really, what on earth can you add to the value of a piece of leather when you create a base-value object out of it?  All you add is the time spent to create it...which is REALLY not worth taking a caravan trip to do.

Less lethal non-major-civ invasions.  I go into the caverns and I have to wall off EVERYTHING, every passage from floor to ceiling, or giant bats fly in and bite everyone's heads off before I can shoot them and regardless of armor.  That's not Fun, because it means I either don't fight anything at all, or I lose all my awesome crafters with no hope of military defense.  Maybe that's okay two or three caverns down, but I'd like these constant threats to be less all-or-nothing.

...The first two improvements seem relatively simple, to me.  Adding tags to the raws is a relatively common operation, and you just replace some currently hard-coded values with whatever the raws supplied.  IMO, those new tags could probably make it into the next release or two, regardless of what else is in those releases.  The other ones, not so much.

I want this :S


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #87 on: December 23, 2010, 03:08:35 pm »

I can't wait until there is mass migration and "retire fortress".

Yes! The one feature I would most like to see added (to Fortress Mode) is the ability to take some of your resources and animals (hopefully keeping intact the genetic traits inherited from breeding) from your old Fortress, along with seven dwarves, to embark towards establishing a new Fort.

This would put a whole new spin on the term "succession game". (I'm thinking "Succession Embark" might be more appropriate.)

What I mean is that the player would effectively give up control of their old fortress. This would be similar to Abandoning their fort, except that NPC dwarves (or whatever race, via a mod, the player was playing as) would still inhabit it. Then it could be more fun to revisit the place in Adventure Mode, esp. if your exotic pets are still there...

Also, this would be different from the usual Embark method in several ways. Before leaving the old fort, the player chooses which dwarves embark with and which resources and animals to take along. But as before, the player is restricted in terms of points to spend (determined by the item and pet value). Also, skills could not be bought because it's assumed that your dwarves are already skilled.

Being allowed to bring along stuff from the previous fortress would allow for certain animals and goods that are normally not possible on Embark. Yes, I realize that there is some potential for such a system to be abused. But the points available limits that. And if the player wants a challenge they would try to limit what they bring. Anyway, I do wonder if this might make for slightly easier settlement of difficult biomes and climates, such as Evil or on Glaciers.
THIS. I also think that it would be more fun if you started with, say, 10 dwarves and then guided them Adventurer-style to their new home, with the possibility of losing a few on the way. That's how embark would start- instead of a game opening in your new location, it would open in the Mountainhomes, with the dwarves packed and ready to go.

@Footjob, you can microwave most grains I've tried pretty easily through the microwave, even if they aren't packaged for it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #88 on: December 23, 2010, 05:33:26 pm »

I want to see windmills and waterwheels power something more than screw pumps.
What do you think? Yes? No?


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Re: What do you want to see in the next version of DF?
« Reply #89 on: December 23, 2010, 05:54:51 pm »

1. Improved Legends Mode interface. Who knows how many Tholtig Cryptbrains have been lost to time because of how obtuse the present Legends mode is.

2. Some way to assign specific objects to specific bins, bags, or barrels.

3. This is more of a long term one, but I'd also like to have the option to set up daycares for babies and schools for kids (either as workshops or zones, like hospitals) where the babies can be kept safe from the hazards of their parents jobs and where the children can gain experience for specific skills, like a med school to learn various healthcare skills (possibly using the cadavers of livestock and/or enemies), art classes to learn various crafting skills, lessons mathematics and engineering... Heck, even some sort of squire program for training up future generations of military dwarves without having to abuse "danger rooms". But, like I said, this sort of feature is more of a long term thing that would probably require all sorts of specialized jobs and junk. It would be nice to see, but it probably would take a few versions to figure out.
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