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Author Topic: Godhood III OOC Thread  (Read 108100 times)


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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2460 on: December 30, 2010, 05:29:15 pm »

Ok the first part of the reaction is up. I tried not to get too carried away but I imagined what it would be like for those 3 being taken by a god and taught so many advanced things in so short a time, as well as being shown all places of the world (particularly dordrath with the enormous battle and the gods dancing around throwing lightning) and then fitting that in with Kains worldview and I came up with this. The dwarven tribe is on course for becoming a mechanical and highly ordered society where crafts and technology are the most important things. Between Akiels prophets and the golems there's not much room in that cavern for counter-cultures and spiritualism. The dwarves of course are now dependent on divine intervention. Everything they need is being given to them by gods. Visionaries and free-thinkers are going to be persecuted in that society which will no doubt lead to a stagnation of development. If something new and different was really worth pursuing wouldn't the gods give it to them? The spiritualists, thinkers, philosophers, artists and general deviants will be forced from the society and into the arms of Neshara.

this isn't to say the new dwarven culture is bad, it's just regimented and highly structured. It's likely to develop a caste system as dwarves teach their young the secrets they've mastered. As well as the practical need to pass on ones skills to a younger generation because learning these skills is so important to the dwarves they'll be taught only to blood relatives and the most loyal of assistants. Given time this will naturall create a caste system with the masters of each field ruling over the dwarf culture.

I hope you like the direction the dwarves are going in. I feltl it neccessary to ponder the recpurcussions of uplifting a barbarian race in such a manner though.

The next part will involve what happens to the Shamans and those who follow Neshara (who clearly no longer fit with the emerging dwarf culture). If anyone wants to jump into the story go ahead I'll leave it a couple days before I do.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 05:31:52 pm by Demantiae »


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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2461 on: December 30, 2010, 05:44:57 pm »

Ohhhh, they didn't spread the written word. That was the most important part. I'll deal with them.

EDIT: Now that was fun to write.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 06:09:40 pm by nbonaparte »
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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2462 on: December 30, 2010, 06:14:37 pm »

hehe, last post was awesome! They got punished! oohh, make them feel his wrath by not listening to Akiel! that would be even awesomer!

btw: I have a plan for the next few turns which makes sending mortal armies (particularly humans, i hate them!) into the southern forest's kind of...dangerous...muahahehehe...
« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 06:20:19 pm by Atilliano »


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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2463 on: December 30, 2010, 06:20:59 pm »

I particularly like my description of Akiel's unmasked form.
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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2464 on: December 30, 2010, 08:37:05 pm »

My hand is forced! This saga could have played out a little longer but Akiels dramatic entrance severely upset the delicate balance of dwarven society. The Shamans can see which way the underground winds are blowing and they don't like it! The exodus is about to begin. I'd like to know how many of the dwarves might actually follow Neshara. I don't think it will be a lot. there might be a couple dozen shamans and an underterminate number of regular dwarves, maybe some unhappy dwarves not specifically followers of Neshara might join them too? The Exodus is going to be dangerous as who knows what the hell is lurking in the depths of the earth? But it's probably better than the cavern right now!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2465 on: December 30, 2010, 08:38:13 pm »

hehe, last post was awesome! They got punished! oohh, make them feel his wrath by not listening to Akiel! that would be even awesomer!

btw: I have a plan for the next few turns which makes sending mortal armies (particularly humans, i hate them!) into the southern forest's kind of...dangerous...muahahehehe...

For a god of life your quite eager to kill off the mortals!


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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2466 on: December 30, 2010, 09:14:32 pm »

I... fuck. That didn't go as planned. Haha, oh well.
A service to the forum: clowns=demons, cotton candy=adamantine, clown car=adamantine tube, circus=hell, circus tent=demonic fortress.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2467 on: December 31, 2010, 04:38:05 am »

I... fuck. That didn't go as planned. Haha, oh well.

Poor Akiel. He never gets what he wants.

And yeshh, little dorfs, come to the depths of the world. You'll meet a friend of mine on the way.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2468 on: December 31, 2010, 06:24:09 am »

hehe, last post was awesome! They got punished! oohh, make them feel his wrath by not listening to Akiel! that would be even awesomer!

btw: I have a plan for the next few turns which makes sending mortal armies (particularly humans, i hate them!) into the southern forest's kind of...dangerous...muahahehehe...

For a god of life your quite eager to kill off the mortals!

Aarseral thinks humans aren't pure, like the Vulpan and Forologh, because they are the greatest warmongers in the world.
Therefore he doesn't allow them to enter the southern forests so they can't bring their wars there.
Basically, everyone who wants to bring war to the south will get killed and everyone who wants to go to the south peacefully to just live there, won't.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2469 on: December 31, 2010, 08:11:14 am »

Concerning Akiel he came off in a bad light. That's the problem when gods get angry, it scares people a lot (you know the flood and all that!). The Dwarves are going to be very scared of Akiel now. Maybe they'll become more fervent in their worship of Kain (as the protector) or maybe they'll just try and do what Akiel says but they're going to be afraid. The dwarves that can't fit into this well ordered society are now being forced out (and of course Neshara as a goddess of change of personal freedoms is subtely encouraging them to go).

Concerning the Blood Beast (or whatever it should be called, I haven't come up with a good name yet) just remember that the exodus dwarves are mostly Neshara followers and the blood beast also is tied to Nshara now. The goddess wouldn't allow the beast to kill her children off. But there are other creative ways these can interact (even ways the beast can feed if neccessary). So whatever you do don'thave the beast kill them!

Concerning Aaseral, why don't you just ban weapons from the south? It's not just humans who are aggressive, it's the Northren too. And don't forget Aaseral created some of his Forologh to attack the creatures at Drywall, they're not without aggression too. I just think a god of life shouldn't be so quick to try to extinguish it. Maybe you could use your power and ties to Life magic to cast a great enchantment over the southern continent that weakens aggressive tendencies, a sort of pacification spell. It might have other consequences (making it easier for tyrants and other nasties to control people but thtas another story). That would probably be better than killing any human who you think might be aggressive. Plus what the Lord of Hunger was saying about the nature of humans is true, humans just like other animals fight. It's part of their nature. Aaseral should be the god of all life not just some life that onforms to one particular world view. Those are my thoughts anyway, at the end of the day its your character to do with as you see fit!


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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2470 on: December 31, 2010, 08:22:32 am »

Aarseral thinks the humans(he doesn't know of northren yet)have proven themselves as malicious barbarians.(btw, it were ents that attacked the chosen in the village not Forologh)He will only stop them when they come as an invading army, not if they just want to start a new life in the woods and live there peacefully. Aarseral first looks to what the intentions of the creatures coming there are, and if they are, in his view of the world, bad, he will destroy them, for they don't deserve to be living. Aarseral doesn't like to kill, but he does know that there will be much more killing and slaughter if he doesn't stop them, and the only way to do that, is killing. He kills to safe others. Others who's intentions are peaceful instead of agressive. He wants to safe the vulpans and forologh from war, which will cost many lives, and he doesn't like spending lives.


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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2471 on: December 31, 2010, 08:58:24 am »

All it would take for some of the Murr to accept Trickles vision would be for a couple more visions like it to happen to other Murr. Or for a single hungry Murr to stop in one of those caverns and eat the moss or drink the water... But Neshara works slowly to gain her worshipers. Creating races isn't her thing, but changing them is! Change takes time.

well i don't think you will get much worshippers among the Murr this way. Their culture and society is up to now very successful and theres no need for any other way of life. Especially not such a radical change. Neshara should rather try to become known among the Murr and be worshipped as a minor goddess before trying such radical changes.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Goddess of Earth, Awakener of the Primordial
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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2472 on: December 31, 2010, 08:59:32 am »

I think they Forologh may have attacked the sand creatures is that right? I can see where Aaseral is coming from, cultivating the mortal cultures to weed out the undesireable traits but he could try other things first, like lobotomizing them :D I'm starting to understand better where you're coming from. Aaseral views life as a gift that shouldn't be squandered, those who choose to kill forfit their right to enjoy that gift, is that correct? (Without trying to bring politics and morality into this) it's like laws against murder where the punishment is death. If you kill then expect to be killed as punishment.

I'm just trying to fully understand Aaserals perspective because he's one of the gods Neshara will (eventually) be dealing with a lot. Incidently she also find the killing of mortals to be abhorent although there's a good possibility she'll be somewhat conflicted over this issue....


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2473 on: December 31, 2010, 09:09:50 am »

well i don't think you will get much worshippers among the Murr this way. Their culture and society is up to now very successful and theres no need for any other way of life. Especially not such a radical change. Neshara should rather try to become known among the Murr and be worshipped as a minor goddess before trying such radical changes.

Yeah this is not at the top of my agenda to be honest. She's likely to be a minor goddess everywhere. I see her as a minor goddess of the dwarves (mostly the goddess of outcasts and the wilds beyond the cavern which the dwarves are afraid of) so being a minor Murr goddess would be most appropriate. I can see some of the Murr learning how to shape the earth and stone around them and being some sort of blessed diggers/miners for the Murr society with some ability to control the earth via primordial magic. As for having lots of worshipers that's not likely. You'll find a pattern in Neshara as the game goes on. She likes artists, philosophers, shamans, great artisans and inspirational leaders. She's not concerned with courting the worship of large numbers of regular folk becuse she's interested in the potential of mortals and encouraging them to be exceptional. Except for a society where everyone is awesome she's going to be worshiped by individuals of certain trades/classes and given only lip service by others. This isn't because she wants to control the best of mortal societies it's just that her nature forces her to encourage these things in others and she tends to ignore the mundane "masses".

But courting the attentions of the Murr will take time and it isn't on her mind just yet. She's focusing all her attention on the exodus dwarves and on figuring out her place in the world.


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Re: Godhood III OOC Thread
« Reply #2474 on: December 31, 2010, 09:50:15 am »

I have to say that despite the folly it was, writing an angry god is fun.

And I thought the Murr were curious creatures. Wouldn't one choose to drink from the line springs?
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