A band of friends hopeing to make a mark on the world...
This game is heavily based on Qwertyuiopas' game 'Just some group of people, out to make a name for themsleves in the world...' Find it
Here. . The main purpose is the same,its freeform although you can make goals for your characters such as making a town, becoming a famous individual by any means. Or owning a guild, discovering a new type of magic or becoming very rich.
Your friends and yourself have traveled to the capitol of Ethyrum. However you have stopped. You would need money, fame, and materials to achieve what you were hoping for in the capitol. Instead you have settled where the mountain meets the forest. You are a week away from Epitaina and you seem to be in the middle of nowhere. However you did see a village two days ago. You have managed to build a building, by using a hand axe to chop down trees and tools to build with it.
Game lore.
Country names:
Ethyrum -- It is a country that is ruled by a King and Queen. It has a great location, there is a place where mountains meet sea meet forest. That is where the Capitol is, being built of wood and stone in the forest where the castle is situated in the mountains, being carved from the rock.
Town names
epitaina- Capitol of Ethyrum, home of loyal palace. Is very large.
It exists and there are several branches. You dont know the spefifics though. Anyone can use it with time, around a week to a month gaining the smallest amount of knowledge about it, it apparantly takes years to master.There is one known branch to you and that is alchemy, the usage of magical ingreadients and mundane ingrediants to form potions and other mixes.
(This shall get more detailed the more you find out about the world.)
Your peasants have no skills, however you can steer them towards any goal that you would like. keep in mind that you are in a forest near to a mountain (1-2 days on foot) if you want to resorce gather. You must also eat and drink although you have a week of food and water. You can play this from the original to a dungeon crawler if I need to.
Character sheet
number 1-7: