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Author Topic: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)  (Read 13879 times)


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #75 on: September 21, 2010, 01:20:16 am »

Second half of Felsite

My attempted escape was a failure; Analog was too busy engraving, and they got me back into the leader's seat. Hrg... well, I guess it can't be too bad. I just need to give them work to do, and send the military on any invaders. But if they complain about lack of entusiasm, then they can kiss my hairy rump and give this leader position a try instead!

Nothing special happened the rest of the month. I only hope I can keep this fort together long enough...

OOC: YES, I am continuing my year. I guess it's the best thing to do. 'Sides, I told you I want that migrant slaughter to be remembered  ;D
And regarding my Minecraft LP, it's sort of a daily update kind of thing, so just pushing me forward a year won't work too well.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 01:24:04 am by Dwarf Midget »
EoS company name: Vikings Inc.

random guardian

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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #76 on: September 21, 2010, 02:49:45 pm »

well that (skipped) on the front page makes me feel like loser :P
also I hde a virus right after quitin so I think me not skipping would not have made a diffrence.

The real reason I came was because Dwarf Midget should not give up! I gave up for school but a Minecraft LP! Stop that logic and start being a dwarf 8) but in all seriousness its bad enough I gave up, on my first communit fort no less, so you should not give! If you are gettin bored from the fort make some fun! I am shure Analog everybody wont mind!
You see a youtube comment you dont agree with. As you type out an insult against the users mother a member of your family watches you. Fed up with your addiction to youtube and spouting random swears at people who didnt enjoy your Naruto AMV, the family member grabs your head and rams it into the screen of your computer butchering your face and electricuting you to death.

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here!


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #77 on: September 21, 2010, 02:57:26 pm »


I did some small things, ordered the gems from 3 months ago to be cut and made the mason make doors. I don't know what we really need, but sometime we're gonna need doors. I also made the carpenter make beds.

In the middle of the month, As Norameshtan was possessed and claimed a craftdwarf's workshop. I wonder what he'll make... probably some useless crafts, looking at the tools he's gonna use.

He made a figurine called Eguredod. I must admit, it looks quite nice.

The final notable thing that happened is that one of our kittens was impaled on one of our training spears. I was there to see it, not very pretty.

OOC: @random guardian, I don't really know any way to have Fun without seriously messing up the fort. I'll see what I can do.
EoS company name: Vikings Inc.


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #78 on: September 21, 2010, 03:20:24 pm »


The month started with a bear that somehow sneaked into our fort and guzzled down seven barrels of booze. How can it drink so much? Now it's stumbling around in a drunken haze. I must get rid of it somehow...

Also, I got proficient enough to become a full-fledged axedwarf this month. I am quite pleased.

And later... a forgotten beast came. Thiliri Ruyavanunore Cironoricote, a giant, pink scorpion. I must send all of our military to fight it.

OOC: Halp guys. Give me a quick explanation on how to attack. The wiki is down, so I can't check there.
EoS company name: Vikings Inc.


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #79 on: September 21, 2010, 03:46:23 pm »

Press (s) and then (A) (B) (k), and target the FB

Edit: Fixed
« Last Edit: September 21, 2010, 04:39:35 pm by charred_gp »


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #80 on: September 21, 2010, 03:52:19 pm »

Press [s] and then [A] [B] [k], and target the FB
Gotta do a little workaround with that BBCode. Thanks for the help.
EoS company name: Vikings Inc.


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #81 on: September 22, 2010, 09:53:43 am »

Second half of Malachite

I sent all our men, including myself, down to attack the beast. That's before I realised that we couldn't reach the beast, and it couldn't reach us. I decided we would let it be; eliminating it isn't worth the risk. We returned to our normal schedule and abandoned the beast in the caverns. This was the last notable thing that happened this month.

OOC: Lamest FB ever... unless... maybe I'll have some Fun with it :D
EoS company name: Vikings Inc.


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #82 on: September 22, 2010, 10:25:53 am »


Nothing's happening; that's what happens when you don't know what to do. The fort is standing still. The FB seems to have disappeared. I wonder, should I leave the fort the way it is? Or should I make my mark...

Then, in the middle of the month, a siege! The humans were attacking, some of them mounted on war animals. I watched them carefully, and wondered if they would pierce the walls. I didn't think they would; they were pretty much only crossbowmen, and they had no siege weapons. They were essentialy on a failure mission. I wonder how long they will keep this up.
EoS company name: Vikings Inc.


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #83 on: September 22, 2010, 11:00:39 am »

As usual, nothing's happening. I sent the engravers down to smooth the walls in the mine. Yes, it's useless, but better to do that than have those damn parties in th dining room.

I am thinking of making a monument. Just so it'll be visible that I've been here, ordering every one of these bloody dwarves around. As a reward for the leadership job. I'll see if I can't get started making it soon.

One of the dwarves got inspired again. Oddom Logemvucar, bowyer. However, he's was just standing there, frozen. I assumed he didn't have the workshop he needed, and yes, we don't have a bowyer's workshop. I ordered one to be built right away. But apparently we can't make one without crossbow-making, or some crap like that. I'll see if I can't make an useless idler do it.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 04:55:47 am by Dwarf Midget »
EoS company name: Vikings Inc.


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #84 on: September 22, 2010, 11:51:50 am »


I ordered a woodcutter to make it, it doesn't seem like experience matters while making buildings. Anyway, the bowyer claimed it right away, grabbed some random materials and started working. He made Istergethust, a pine crossbow. It's got kangaroo devils. This is the kind of artifacts I like.

The work on the monument has started. It is built in such a fashion that it's true face can only be seen by the leader, don't ask how.
EoS company name: Vikings Inc.


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #85 on: September 22, 2010, 12:18:33 pm »


The monument is finished. Note to the next leader; You will find it on the workshop level. I feel a nice satisfaction after getting this thing made, something that will stay there until the fortress falls. Unless someone decides it should be tore down because "the space is needed". If anyone attempts that, I'll whack them in the head with my axe. The blunt end, if they're lucky.
EoS company name: Vikings Inc.


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #86 on: September 23, 2010, 06:40:52 am »

Come on Midget! Only winter left! I've got plans for this fort, BIG PLANS!  8)
A dwarf is a short, bearded, drunk embodiment of Survival of the Fittest, chasing you around and admiring your haunting moos.


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #87 on: September 23, 2010, 11:07:06 am »


We ran out of wood this month. I didn't even think of ordering the woodcutters to go get more; a flaw on my part. I sent them out immideatly to go get whatever trees were out there.

Also, another Forgotten Beast came from the caverns. It was Rohin, a giant insect. The thing disgusts me. This time, I know neither of us will reach each other, so I didn't even bother.

Only two months left, and I'll be out of here.

OOC: @Analog: What, make more masterpieces? :V
EoS company name: Vikings Inc.


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #88 on: September 23, 2010, 12:21:51 pm »


The month started with Fikod Zulbanlikot, a stoneworker, withdrawing from society. He then claims a craftdwarf's workshop and starts making something. Is this inspiration thing some sort of dwarven disease?

He made a marble amulet called Ennolid Rober. It's got spikes and looks pretty badass.

The fortress is practically standing still, like always. People are working, but nothing's happening. One month left now.
EoS company name: Vikings Inc.


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Re: Filledcrystal, The Ageless Dirt (31.12 succession)
« Reply #89 on: September 23, 2010, 01:01:08 pm »


We have a new dwarf in the fort. Rakust Unibteling gave birth to a boy. His name's Kumil Asdumat. I hope that dwarf will grow up to be a hard worker.

In other news, the engravers finished smoothing the first larger floor of the mine. Now they have to make engravings, all of them explicitly of me slaughtering goblins. I'm not sure they'll do that last part.

It is now spring. The annual leader choice has spoken: Analog shall take over the leader's seat.
I'm free.
I'm free!

OOC: I AM FINISHED. The save is here. Have fun, analog.
EoS company name: Vikings Inc.
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