first, remove the two existing castes, including [SELECT_CASTE:ALL], from the file, and the [BODY:x:y:z] tag.
Next, insert this code in the space the body tag previously occupied:
The gender tag lets it know how breeding works.
To add beards, put square brackets around the following:
This is the absolute easiest way to define many different castes with different body parts (for instance; adding male and female genitalia to the appropriate genders with no overlap. Do it all the time
) that function off the same basic body definitions (skin/bone/muscle/fingernail etc. materials and tissue layers.)
Now, the
easiest way to define two castes that function off different body definitions I couldn't tell you, but I know one way: changing that
[SELECT_ADDITIONAL_CASTE:whatever else that will use the normal body definition...]
and then defining that body definition, afterwards selecting the castes that will use your abnormal body definitions, like the gold skeleton one,
then copy and paste the normal body definition, placing it below the abnormal caste selection and finally editing that one to give them gold bones or jaguar fur or whatever, then finishing it off with a [SELECT_CASTE:ALL] and adding everything else that will be common to all castes.
On dwarves, I think everything contained below the normal [BODY:] tag and above the [MAX_AGE:x:y] tag is all you will need to include in the 'normal' body definition, and just before the max age token is also the point where [SELECT_CASTE:ALL] should be reapplied.
Now, if you knowingly add a caste that modifies anything currently below that [SELECT_CASTE:ALL] token, then you should probably duplicate and remove the original token(s) from below that [SELECT_CASTE:ALL] and add it to every other caste-body definition before adding it to yours, to prevent horrible, game-crashing conflicts and odd bugs. This is where the search (ctrl+f) function in notepad/whatever else comes in handy, really.
If we're going to be doing this a lot, then adding "place dwarven raw definition in it's own separate file" to the list of changes for the Regen of Aluonra should be high-priority, because when using the search function you won't be having to check that you're still in the raws for dwarves.
i should probably go through and make sure all my directions pan out correctly.