Journal of Dariush The Third, Early Winter of 527.So, it was a year since I've picked up the overseer duties over here. Tradition says that every overseer must give up his position after twelve months. However, Queen's orders say that every overseer must give up his duties on 1st Hematite. Thus, fuck tradition.
The trade entrance construction is stalled. No cage traps were constructed because of lack of mechanisms. Simultaneously, almost 20 dwarves at any given moment were idle. Enraged, I gave them all orders to build mechanisms. That didn't do anything. (how did you guess?...) I stormed off to mechanic's workshops. Or rather tried to.
Looking back over reports, it appears that some ghost toppled some door. What report didn't specify was that this was
the door to the fucking aquifer.This place is oh so fucked up.
Whoever built this, my plea to thou:
I'm too lazy to write in-character (or at all), so here's a quick summary:
Entrance sign - finished;
Door Monument (above courtyard) - partly finished;
Pumpstack (Shift+F2) - pumps themself finished on 2/3 (though building the topmost one that faces the cavern would be difficult), space for future axles is being dug out;
Trade Entrance (to the east of courtyard) - supports and walls are finished, only cages and links remain. PLEASE read instructions on the water before doing anything with it!
Fractal bedroom (Shift+F3) - fully dug out, halfway smoothed, one-fourth of beds are finished;
Squad training must be reviewed and fixed (I tried to, but failed miserably
I produced lots of armor and bronze axes, so more squads are welcome;
The central stairway is flooded on five levels out of six. I forbade all doors and built other ways, but if someone could close the leak in topmost chamber, it would be awesome.
Have Fun!