So I've been playing some more and getting a feel for the Jade Dragon mechanics.
- China mechanics are spot-on. China is always there but it doesn't totally dominate play in India and Tibet
- The soundtrack is magnificent. I particularly like "The Way of the Dragon".
- Most of the CBs work well; De Jure Duchy in particular has a huge prestige price that makes it good for emperors and risky for kings, as intended.
- The kowtow journey mechanic is pretty cool.
- There is basically no downside to selling the people you don't like to the emperor.
- I think it's part of the update, not the DLC, but I wanna mention that I love how you can buy armor from the blacksmith now.
- Waifu button
- Grace prices are kind of weird, and unless you become a tributary or kowtow to the Emperor (which give you a running bonus like prestige or piety) you might need to save up for a couple of rulers to get anything decent.
- Force vassalization is incredibly broken and there's no option to turn it off without killing the actually good CBs. I saw a surprising number of HRE revolts, but the Kaiser kept forcing them to be his vassals again. Brittany, Wales, and Ireland died instantly.
- I'm not a huge fan of how "WESTERN PROTECTORATE" gets superimposed on China's tributaries in place of their original names.
I'm dead???