Hello everyone!
Yes folks, it’s time to answer that age old question: can human behavior be nurtured, or is it too much of a nuisance? Educating children in CK2 is a powerful tool to sculpt your future character and supporting cast, but it can also become a bit of nuisance, at least if you have Conclave. This issue has been on my radar for awhile, but we finally got around to addressing it with a three pronged assault. First, since children don’t actually need an assigned Guardian or a set Childhood or Education Focus, we added a Game Rule controlling when you get Education Alerts; for all children, your close relatives, or just your own character and your primary heir. Secondly, there really isn’t any reason why you should not be able to assign a Guardian for children below the age of 6 - it’s just annoying to have to wait for a specific birthday. So... now you can. Lastly, and probably most significantly, being the default “Educator” for all children at court means you can get spammed with a lot of upbringing events concerning kids you don’t care about. Thus, we added a new “Honorary Title” called Teacher. The Court Teacher becomes the default Educator for all kids at court that don’t have a specific Guardian (so you can still make yourself the Guardian for two kids you care about and get their upbringing events, for example.) Together, these changes make upbringing far less of a hassle.
But enough about that; time to say a few words about the next patch! We’ve been keeping a close eye on your feedback and have decided to release an Open Beta patch (probably next week) which should fix the worst outstanding issues and tide you over the summer. The patch should hopefully address most of your concerns. We will not go into full detail for all points now (we’ll save that for when it comes out), but we’re hoping to have solutions for the following issues:
Infinite Epidemics
Tribal Inheritance Issues (Tribal rulers turning Feudal on succession)
AI Pathfinding during Crusades
Soul Corruption events appearing for non-Satanists
Secret Cult Frequency - For this one we did a lot of testing & balancing, hopefully with the following changes they shouldn’t appear too frequently:
When a Secret Religious Cult reveals itself, all members will join in the conversion instead of just the ones in the same realm
The AI is now more often unsuccessful in recruiting new members to Secret Religious Cults
Priests, Zealous characters and Paranoid characters are now much less likely to join a secret cult
Characters accused of Apostasy (with the modifier) can no longer Induce Sympathy, Induct or Invite characters to Secret Cults
The cooldown between inviting/inducting characters into Secret Cults increased to 10 years from 5
The AI is now less likely to recruit/induct characters into cults if they are in a realm without a player
Lowered the maximum amount of members the AI can recruit into Secret Religious Cults to a more modest number (from 370 to 91)
Characters in Secret Religious Cults can now only use Prepare Grounds in counties they or their vassals own
The AI is now much less inclined to create a secret religious cult just because their liege is a player
That’s all for now! Stay tuned for next week’s dev diary, and be sure to check out the livestream today, starting at 17:00 CET (not 16 this time.)