So currently CK2 is the only game that is going well for me. Hell = Popular Disney Movie.
Started as king of Pictland, no Ruler Designer or such so if I hadn't had the EXTREME FORESIGHT of activating Better Gender Laws for my REPUBLIC RUN.
BETTER GENDER LAWS. REPUBLIC RUN. *FACEHAMMER* then I would probably have some really nice achievements right now.
But yeah, things are going very well, the starting guy died very very fast and I ended up playing KING TARLA THE BOLD, who quickly ended up breaking Northumbria, uniting de jure Pict lands, earning craptons of money to build up ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS with and generally being the most successful son of a bitch in the universe. Oh, and he expanded into Ireland as well, pretty much the entire north tip of it.
On his "grand"son now. I put quotes around the grand part because Tarla's first son died, then his second son became a homosexual after I went through the trouble of setting him up with a GENIUS wife, so Tarla took things in his own hands and threw penis at her himself. Because it wasn't like Ciniod was gonna.
Oh, and Ciniod then died in battle putting down a rebellion, so Erpin (the "Grand"son) is who I'm playing now.
Erpin started his reign at 11 years young, in the middle of a rebellion AND a Cathar uprising. Dear old "grand"dad just barely finished the war for Northumbria before passing, so Pictland is fucking HUGE right now, at its height it had well over FIVE THOUSAND TROOPS, putting it over Francia (both of them kinda split all over the place, Europe looks like a quilt right now) and generally making it the sexiest thing in the western world.
After dealing with the rebellions, bribing his regent, and throwing a few titles around Erpin quickly restored any stability lost from his succession. He then turned Pictland into the Serene Republic of Pictland, which I should have waited a bit to do, because a claim fabricated right around then for the last of the north tip of Ireland and I decided the middle of a war was as good a time as any to lose my tribal stuffs. Eh, worked out with the proper application of mercenaries.
Now that Erpin actually grew up to a brilliant strategist Pictland is back to having about 2500ish troops, which isn't all that bad at all. Certainly more then anyone else around me can muster. I think Northumbria is officially fucked, they have something like 600 max troops total at this point and are constantly dealing with rebellions. I think I am definitely the villain in their eyes.