Annoys me how long religious conversion missions take. Can't be that time-consuming to kill people until they're christian.
I had five backers at one point. If they need more than that, it's now impossible to assassinate people.
Must be bad luck. It's at least good that they've tried to make it harder to assassinate. The way it was they might as well have installed heart plugs in everyone.
Can't say I'm fond of the new plot system. The only time I have plots happen in a reasonable amount of time is when I have 300% plot power, and even then it can take years. Sometimes I find myself using the assassinate button after waiting for years at 90-100% plot power with no success.
The new plot system is pretty useless if you have the money for assassinations, because at the moment plain assassinations are so much better because:
A) No real negative side effects besides wasting money (if you have enough money to kill them and you are planning on doing it, then it won't really matter if you lose 20 piety and they dislike you a bit more before they die).
B) You can always assassinate someone (compared with only being able to plot against some people semi-randomly).
C) Instant (able to end annoying rebellions, get heir in power instead of some that hates you, get a regent in place so you can push a claim, able to kill multiple people in a single day if you can afford it) vs probably within a decade (slow enough that they have a good chance of dying naturally, they will probably get more heirs before they die, lands can pass out of your country, kids can grow up, and it won't end any wars except with extreme luck), and thats at 100% plot power.
D) Plots require annoying micromanaging (inviting a dozen different nobels to plot, paying them money to get to like you if they have high plot power, and then renewing the nobles every couple of years when they die/lose their positions)
I think they plots and assassinations would be much better balanced if:
A) Non-plot assassinations had a cumulative penalty the more attempts are made on a life in a short time (eg. every assassination lowers success by 5% and raises chance of being caught by 5% for 6 months)
B) Plots show your annual chance of getting a assassination attempt, so you know at least that you have a 30% chance per year, even if it takes 5 years to happen it will feel a bit better.
I feel like it would be better would be having assassination plots be multi-staged (eg. stage 1 is planning and hiring assassins, stage 2 is setting up the attempt, stage 3 is the assassination attempt itself), so it would be more distinct and so there is a little bit of feedback on how its going.
...the combined emperor of about a dozen different kingdoms (Empire of brittania+85% of spain+85% of francia+sweden (and parts of neighboring countries)+Hungary)...
Can we see a map of that save?
Ill upload it in a few hours when I get home.