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Author Topic: Crusader Kings 2 is released.  (Read 2053547 times)


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14460 on: January 26, 2019, 10:18:24 pm »

I think I broke ck2 while raiding a city,
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Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14461 on: January 26, 2019, 11:25:40 pm »

"My liege, I've captured the city of Tiberias!"
"No my liege, I captured the city of Tiberias!"
"Both of these men are lying my lord. I captured the city of Tiberias. and ignore the line of men outside too."
"MY LIEGE!...."
Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14462 on: January 26, 2019, 11:54:12 pm »

"My liege, I've captured the city of Tiberias!"
"No my liege, I captured the city of Tiberias!"
"Both of these men are lying my lord. I captured the city of Tiberias. and ignore the line of men outside too."
"MY LIEGE!...."
every second several new notifications were popping up. My economy is fuled by sacking Tiberias.

Edit: A vassal of mine ruined it.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 12:04:14 am by spazyak »
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Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14463 on: January 27, 2019, 12:24:46 am »

Edit: A vassal of mine ruined it.

I feel like this sums up CK2
I consume
I purchase
I consume again


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14464 on: January 27, 2019, 12:53:09 am »

Edit: A vassal of mine ruined it.

I feel like this sums up CK2

This is why I try and make all my vassals from my that somewhere along the lines I can at least take ownership of their stupidity.


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14465 on: January 27, 2019, 06:47:39 am »



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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14466 on: January 27, 2019, 09:44:39 am »

one county with max baronies
Y tho?
You can pop your steward on your capital county and get the tax benefits of hitting 5 castles instead of 1 or 2. Also the aforementioned doomstack you can get in your capital county, plus, again aforementioned, the ease with which you can move around your primary levies, given they're pretty much already together.

I generally do what ZG does: max out the castles in the capital county, then focus on the counties in the capital duchy. Also, setting the crown focus on your capital county when it's got holdings in all the available slots appears to give a chance of an event to pay a lot of pennies to open another slot, allowing you to build even more castles. After I have all the castles, I will then focus on retinues, regretfully, since I'm not a huge fan of retinues, since they just sit around doing nothing a lot of the time while eating your money/prestige.

5 castles gives you, like, 15k guys depending on your martial and tech anyways.
Yeah, I've been following that line of thinking when playing. But much like Chairman, I'm starting to question if this is the best use of your demesne. For each castle you don't own yourself, you hold another one that is a county capital. That's probably going to cost you about 50% of troops from that castle. But you gain the levy and the cash, from max 6 lowest-tier vassals who don't count towards your vassal limit nor can realistically rebel. That should roughly even out the lost troops, plus you get all that money you can then spend on mercs and whatnot.
The only clear-cut advantage I can see is having all troops immediately raised in one spot, which becomes less important as you grow.
At the same time, that's one less county that you have to give away, which helps in keeping your vassals less powerful.

The thing is, it's never really one or the other. Your starting situation, your income, your goals, etc, all affect it. Probably you don't start in a 6-slot county. Probably when you do get one, it's already got a bunch non-castle holdings in it. Are there ways to tear them down and start again? Sure, but it costs tons of money to build up a new holding. Even if you can build more castles in a county, same problem; lots of times you can get more troops in the short-medium term by just taking someone else's built up castle.

More realistically, the problem is something like "just died, new ruler has crap stats for now, do I give away a single county somewhere else or do I auto-generate an easy-to-kill baron in my capital county." It's not just about taking and holding things forever, it's always about how to manage a new situation when things change slightly.


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14467 on: January 27, 2019, 10:33:41 am »

The only alternative I can see, is just sucking up the Tyranny and taking the title from your vassal, or to find some creative way to blackmail them to get all of the townships/baronies in your capital.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14468 on: January 27, 2019, 10:42:42 am »

I've been thinking a little bit lately about how language changes and evolves over time through different coincidences (particularly thinking about Castilian Spanish and the royal lisp), and I got to imagining what a language-focused CK2 campaign would look like.

So you start off with your standard language, and then make changes to how your characters talk based on significant events or such that happen over the course of the game.

A thertain ruler ith born with a lithp, and hith nature demandth that the populathe follow hith lead with regardth to thpeech. Diththenterth are put to the death for mocking their liege.

Then after ein paar yearth of dealing with German thilk merchantth, the nobility pickth up a few German wordth through their tailorth, and it thuddenly becometh thehr moderne to thlip them into converthation.

A couple genewationth of inbwed kindew latew, and the boy-king thuffewth fwom whotathithm, thuth thparking a new vewändwung in the day-to-day thpwache of the uppew claththeth.

It sounds funny in my head, but I can't imagine things getting very far before everything falls completely apart and becomes wholly indecipherable.


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14469 on: January 27, 2019, 11:09:51 am »

(particularly thinking about Castilian Spanish and the royal lisp)
Never heard of this
After googling I found this bit on wikipedia

"A persistent urban legend claims that the prevalence of the sound /θ/ in Spanish can be traced back to a Spanish king who spoke with a lisp, and whose pronunciation spread by prestige borrowing to the rest of the population. This myth has been discredited by scholars for lack of evidence"

Sounds about right. I can tell you that I've not found any significant lisp in the northern half of the peninsula, and in fact the only really noticeable "lispers" I can think of come from Andalusia&neighbouring regions, and the Canary Islands.

For that matter: I'd think that a single king would be unlikely to have a far reaching impact in the language. Particularily with how decentralized is Spain, and particularily with how many of the rulers were actually from outside the Iberian Peninsula (eg: you'd expect a bigger prevalence of fake German and French accents if weird royal mannerisms were the ones driving lingüistical quirks)
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 11:13:38 am by ChairmanPoo »
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Everyone sucks at everything. Until they don't. Not sucking is a product of time invested.


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14470 on: January 27, 2019, 12:42:28 pm »

Sounds about right. I can tell you that I've not found any significant lisp in the northern half of the peninsula, and in fact the only really noticeable "lispers" I can think of come from Andalusia&neighbouring regions, and the Canary Islands.
He's talking about the way Spaniards pronounce c differently form s, which is considered proper to the Castilian language but isn't normal for Spanish in the new world, not the way that s may be pronounced in Asturias. In other words, it's included distinción and ceceo dialects together, separate only from seseo. People who don't know much of Iberian Spanish only notice what's different from what they're used to, so the distinction between different Iberian dialectal features isn't usually apparent.


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14471 on: January 27, 2019, 04:20:57 pm »

I mean, the reason behind the pronunciation is still invalid, as I just learned today, so the point stands.


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14472 on: January 27, 2019, 06:31:47 pm »

The only alternative I can see, is just sucking up the Tyranny and taking the title from your vassal, or to find some creative way to blackmail them to get all of the townships/baronies in your capital.

yeah i mean especially if you just generate yourself a new baron, it's absurdly easy to assassinate him and just get it back. and yeah worst case scenario revoke. for a long-standing ruler the tyranny hit isn't big.


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14473 on: January 28, 2019, 03:08:08 pm »

I've been thinking a little bit lately about how language changes and evolves over time through different coincidences (particularly thinking about Castilian Spanish and the royal lisp), and I got to imagining what a language-focused CK2 campaign would look like.

So you start off with your standard language, and then make changes to how your characters talk based on significant events or such that happen over the course of the game.

A thertain ruler ith born with a lithp, and hith nature demandth that the populathe follow hith lead with regardth to thpeech. Diththenterth are put to the death for mocking their liege.

Then after ein paar yearth of dealing with German thilk merchantth, the nobility pickth up a few German wordth through their tailorth, and it thuddenly becometh thehr moderne to thlip them into converthation.

A couple genewationth of inbwed kindew latew, and the boy-king thuffewth fwom whotathithm, thuth thparking a new vewändwung in the day-to-day thpwache of the uppew claththeth.

It sounds funny in my head, but I can't imagine things getting very far before everything falls completely apart and becomes wholly indecipherable.
I wish it was easier to mod in combination and fracture cultures. I still sometimes find that cultures tend to blob pretty hard, and sometimes there's interesting mixtures that I feel like should create new cultures, but they don't because Pdox never thought of them.

It's one thing for German to push into Polish or even replace it, but if a German count somehow inherits, say, Andalusia, there should be some interesting things occurring.

Stuff like: if the ruler is of a foreign culture, but holds no provinces of his own culture, his culture can't spread to the peasantry (outside of events). If he does, it's at a very slow rate, unless the capital of the country is in one of those properly cultured provinces (e.g. when William conquers England, Norman is unlikely to replace Anglo-Saxon in any province, particularly before English pops). Instead, rulers should be slightly more prone to adopting local culture rather than the other way around - probably over a generation or so though. Childhood events maybe?

Likewise, if a ruler is of a foreign culture, and a combinatorial culture exists, if the realm capital is not matching culture with the realm ruler, than combinatorial culture events should be more likely to pop than usual. If a normal combinatorial culture doesn't exist, there should be a system in place to create one, either via decision or event. The ruler could even be given the opportunity to name the culture, like with babies. I could even see a slight procedural generation system in place with lists of phonemes tagged with cultures to make sure the name sounds "correct" even when randomly generated.
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


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Re: Crusader Kings 2 is released.
« Reply #14474 on: January 30, 2019, 10:38:05 am »

Does anybody know of a mod that allows you to drop your titles to ypur heir and become an adventurer/merc?

If there isnt there should be one
There's two kinds of performance reviews: the one you make they don't read, the one they make whilst they sharpen their daggers
Everyone sucks at everything. Until they don't. Not sucking is a product of time invested.
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