Its funny, because immediately after posting I asked her what she was doing and she said she was searching to see why I had been angry at her the day before and trying to see what was wrong. Instead she claims I sounded like such an incredible man all the time, and was so happy to see me showing all the good parts of our relationship and bragging about her. We then had sex, about fifteen or thirty minutes of peace, then had a big argument in which I told her about everything on my mind in the last week and why I'd been so angry. Then she was kind of resentful, went off to do the dishes, came back having thought about it and realized she'd missed emotional connections with me so much because I'd been bottling up my angry ( like any man should ) and confusing that for not caring about what happened, when she realized I was really worried for us and missed her. So then we had sex again and she made pork tenderloin for dinner.
So yeah, all your advice sucked because "confront, have sex, rage, make her work, have sex, have dinner" wasn't part of any of your suggestions. I was just seeing if any of you had a clue how to keep a marriage running.
Maggarg; she doesn't drink, much to my disappointment. Alcohol is something of an issue between us.
Nyx; yes, it screws with her head. No, you have no idea how badly.
Scriver; Eeew, that's gross and nothing I would publicly admit to doing except to gloat. PS; remarkably sweet.
DJ; good luck even getting engaged with that attitude.