Of course..Generally everything could be solved by an interface update, but that won't come till later.
Generally while I understand your complexity issues, the fact of the matter is that your rather "Rude" when trying to push a point, a bit pushy overall when it comes to things, prone to attacking posters as well as other things.
If you push yourself onto people like that, you generally come off as thoughtless to everything but your own idea's, and it makes people want to be combative with you since your personally attacking them, and spitting on their idea's without really much care.
I want complexity within DF too, I want things harder and hard to do, but I want them "Explained" within the context as well. So that new people can learn and grow within the forum and community as well. And if enough people are accidentally pushed away, toady loses income, has to get a job, and updates for DF begin to dwindle.
Am I the only seeing a problem with your logic here?
You've never downloaded something to play later on? Or lived in an area where the internet connection drops faster then a sudden gunshot?
Silly comment aside and about the post as a whole, you dedicated a whole post to pointing out a flaw in an unfinished game and sounding offended about it. Silly. Like loudly complaining about a half-built house not having quite as much wallpaper as you like.
Realy now, its nowhere near finished and they got better things to do then fix your minor complaint. Its going to be there evntualy, but if you plan on using it as it is now, expect some discomfort
Rude, argumentative, and with a bit spiteful posting. Exactly what this post is rather about.
Since the suggestion was made for a future version in mind, it's more along the lines of "Please, add this to the framework later on"
Since y'know, it's a