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Author Topic: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread  (Read 106174 times)


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #360 on: May 07, 2011, 10:40:23 pm »

For the glacier volcano thing, check this out and let me know if it gives you what you're looking for.


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #361 on: May 07, 2011, 11:18:56 pm »

For the glacier volcano thing, check this out and let me know if it gives you what you're looking for.

It gives me glaciers with volcanoes, but only a thin strip which trades with other places, and most volcanoes seem to have magma only go to the surface (and I need magma above the surface, at least 5 levels above the surface is best).

ETA: I had been using the Glacial map earlier; I readjusted temperature to -25 instead of -50 so that other civilizations (and animals) had a chance to survive. It didn't seem to affect the amount of area in which I could trade with other civilizations all that much.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 11:23:17 pm by uncool »


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #362 on: May 09, 2011, 10:12:45 pm »

Grats to anyone who can gen this for me, I've been trying for about two days.
I'm going to use it for a game story once I've finished Lolumbom.

I need a 6x6 embark region with:
a good forest
a neutral mountain
an evil region
a volcano, preferably in the evil region
hopefully a river/ocean (as long as there's no aquifer under the mountain)

Ideally the volcano is in an evil mountain range across the forested river valley from the savage wilds mountain range. But that's probably asking too much.
Thanks in advance!
« Last Edit: May 09, 2011, 10:48:43 pm by Ganondwarf »


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #363 on: May 09, 2011, 10:45:18 pm »

You may have the best luck accomplishing this with the world painter....


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #364 on: May 09, 2011, 10:48:04 pm »

Seriously? I've gotten close.
What if I cut the river/ocean? And the neutral region doesn't have to be savage, I just realized.


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #365 on: May 10, 2011, 01:58:16 pm »

If you find that, post about it. :p

The closest thing I can think of was posted here:

I'm playing on that now, though the mountain didn't gen as evil for me but as good.


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #366 on: May 10, 2011, 03:02:50 pm »

Best combo of settings to get sedimentary layers ? (layers with ore in it).
Other than that, as long as there is no aquafier and some water, I'm happy.


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #367 on: May 11, 2011, 11:51:33 pm »

Okay, I've got a couple of options for my good/evil/neutral volcano (no river) map.

Here's the paramaters
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

This one's an 8x8, and it's the first I got. I've got a sliver of river in the bottom right but I'd probably shrink it down and cut that out.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Just testing out this world again, I realized I had another perfect embark spot in this world. It doesn't have a river, which is probably why I didn't notice it before.
Oh, and making it 6x6 and bringing it up to the river will deprive me of savage wilds, FYI.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A 6x6, the next I found. Also without the river. This one's got high savagery every biome (I think), unlike the last one.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And finally a 4x4. THIS ONE HAS A VOLCANO 3 TILES FROM THE SURFACE ON THE BOTTOM LEVEL! It's perfect for recreating boatmurdered!...I think. Not as much room, but meh.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Okay, so as you can probably tell, these world gen params are freakin' INSANE. No biomes but forests and mountains, short history to speed up generation, small size so I can see the whole thing in one frame, high volcanism so I don't get all the biomes and no volcano, high good and evil so I don't get the volcano and not the biomes... It's geared specifically towards generating my perfect embark, specified a few posts above. I could probably get rivers too, come to think of it...

But anyways, all these maps feature really nice flat cliffs and plateaus, next to tall mountain slopes. Certainly very epic, I think.


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #368 on: May 12, 2011, 12:37:51 am »

Best combo of settings to get sedimentary layers ? (layers with ore in it).
Other than that, as long as there is no aquafier and some water, I'm happy.
Try messing with drainage parameters. Unfortunately I've never messed with this so I'm not sure how to adjust them, but if you find out how drainage affects aquifers and sedimentary layers please post your findings.


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #369 on: May 12, 2011, 07:07:16 am »

If you find that, post about it. :p

The closest thing I can think of was posted here:

I'm playing on that now, though the mountain didn't gen as evil for me but as good.

Well, i posted this spot a few weeks ago. I wasn't totally satisfied because i was at peace with goblins and the moutain didn't shows up as evil. After tweaking a few params i was able to regen it to be at WAR with goblins and have the ground to really looks like it should be in evil biome. I boostet mineral scarcity, so there is a lot of everything down there, much less trading is needed as in previous version. Oh, and i tried to reduce embark to 4*4 and i still got Unicorns on my map :)

But i must say there is not a lot of EVIL creatures on the surface, but i think it might be some !!!FUN!!! in the caverns. Regardless of the Fortress hidden downthere ^^

I'm @work right now, but i will probably post "The perfect spot v2" tonight if anyone's interested.

The MAIN drawback is that it lacks flat areas, the mountain is a bit too high, a nit too fast for me :( Same map with plateaux, less slopes and more pure evil creatures on the surface and that will truly be the perfect spot. I tried to mess with the evil settings, but it changed the whole map every time.

Still some room for improvements :)


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #370 on: May 12, 2011, 10:00:45 am »

I'm @work right now, but i will probably post "The perfect spot v2" tonight if anyone's interested.


and thank you for the first perfect spot  :D



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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #371 on: May 12, 2011, 07:27:27 pm »

No need to thank me, i spent too much time on this for not to share it !

You can find the v2 here :

have fun :)

By the way, if someone could get more undeads, more jungle-like wilds, a flatter area but still with plateau/moutain, native_platinum, more iron ores, bituminous or lignite without sacrifying any of the other features of the map, i would love to get an hand on it !


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #372 on: May 26, 2011, 09:57:16 am »

Here is flat volcanic/river embark for .25.

It has a variety of metals including iron and a fair amount of gold. Flux is available but you will have to dig quite far down to get to it. I guess the surroundings will vary from computer to computer so you might find your embark in anything from Serene to terrifying.

May I have the save file for that? Many attempts at generation have all been for nought!
...A True Dwarf does not use silly little "Site Finders", he merely closes one eye and points his finger at a map, then walks there no matter what. If the entire site is on fire, he will dig a hole in the ground; If there is a goblin fortress in the way, he will dig a hole in the ground; If the ground is under 10 layers of water, HE WILL DIG A HOLE IN THE GROUND.


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #373 on: May 30, 2011, 01:58:11 pm »

Okay, so, I'm playing the .25d version of Genesis and I was kind of hoping someone could help me create a world to my specifications. (Despite playing this game for months, I still don't understand most of this worldgen stuff. :P)

- Flat, fully desert terrain, with preferably only one layer of sand
- Volcano (Which I don't really care about, because I know how to tweak the no. of volcanoes in the adv worldgen menu in-game.)
- Flux
- No Caverns (Which I also know how to tweak. :P)
- VERY deep stone
- River (But not a waterfall.)

See, I was messing around with this stuff and decided to take out 2 layers of cavern, because it normally just gets in the way of my glorious architecture, but I think the caverns make up most of the stone layers. So, the world I genned left me with only so many layers of stone before I hit magma. And without a metric butt ton of stone layers, I couldn't build an epic maze of a fort like I wanted to without boiling my dorfy dorfs alive. If you guys can give me parameters that might have this kind of embark on it, thanks, but I'd like to know how to increase my stone layers too. And if its possible, I'd like to know how to make a reasonably flat world. Thanks! :D

EDIT: Nevermind, I got it myself. Well, mostly. Still don't know how to make it desert-like.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2011, 03:02:52 pm by Exlo »
Clearly, this represents six side-by-side wheelbarrows, as indicated by the right half of the icon.  The left half indicates they are carrying babies with hats in these wheelbarrows.

Presumably, they are lining up to dump them into the baby furnaces.


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Re: DF2010 WorldGen "Cookbook" Thread
« Reply #374 on: May 30, 2011, 03:46:55 pm »

Check the worldgen docs on the wiki. Basically you need very low rainfall and high drainage, or something like that. There's no way to create a world that's 100% desert that has a playable race in it without modding races though because all of the default races require forest, hills, grassland, or mountains. (Actually maybe goblins can occur in an evil desert....)
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