Thanks, FleshForge!
After hours of button-smashing in .16, I've got the world of Boldolonra--this site, specifically:
Features: Volcano, sand, some mudstone, marble for flux, what looks to be a good amount of gabbro and granite. Tropical Joyous/Savage Wilds. Access to all other civs; kobolds are alive in this world. Top of volcano pierces a murky pool, so two veins of cotton candy are immediately revealed. There are two caves fairly close by; not sure if this affects titan/megabeast attacks.
Possible drawbacks: May not have an infinite source of water; biomes are also Hot. Kind of lumpy and uncompelling, when it comes to z-level distribution. NO EVIL SQUARES!! :[
But... the sand is only four steps from the magma. Four. Steps.
Created in DF v0.31.16.
With a world genned in .12 and convered to .14, it took me several tries but I did get an evil embark that has phantom spiders and glumprong, it looks like there are three possibilities for evil biomes: 1) all dead, with undeads, 2) all mundane with stuff like ogres, and 3) supernatural with glumprong/silverbarb/spiders and werewolves.
I tested with an all-herbalist team and came up with silverbarbs on the glumprong map, so I'm pretty sure if you see glumprongs you'll get silverbarbs too.
I think you are teh winner!
I actually did manage to gen a world with glumprongs in .14 or .15. My .12 map had werewolves and no glumprongs--but that might've been due to using it with newer versions.
Despite several 16x16 embarks I only got one set, all dead or mundane or supernatural, so I'm pretty sure this is determined for the entire embark tile (possibly for the entire subregion but I really hope not).
The "type" of evil seems to be hugely widespread... so, hoping not also, but strongly suspecting yes.