I found one good embark with all 3 savage environments in 2x7, major river and volcano.
Babbling also in: http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=47986.msg1660820#msg1660820
World: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=3312
Worldgen file: http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=3327
A volcano... with major river... on the same map?! That's Awesome Beyond All Repair.
Not so. I've got hundreds if not thousands of such. Such sites are quite easy to make, so easy, that I won't even post maps about it anymore:
Just set your rivers to 800 on start (or maybe more with text editor) and 400-800 to finish and your volcano numbers to 24000 in world_gen.txt by some text editor,
then load up DF and generate the world/game. You'll easily find lots of river sites with nearby volcanoes within very playable range. (Why is the volcano maximum only 300 anyway?)
What remains challenging is getting the biome that you want, the right climate, the sea or the lake shore that is so coveted and the physically beautiful location that will please your aesthetics, that won't be just dull flatland or one giant hillside.
One word of warning though: You might get rivers (one or 2 tiles in embark screen length) that both start and end in the same lake and within one embark area. Starting on such a map seems to crash the game.
Or I dunno if .17 crashes for other reasons too on embark, but all such tried embarks crashed for me. (Tried to embark on them out of curiosity to see what such perpetual motion river-lake systems would look like.)
Anyways, River+Volcano+Shore is the best combo for fortress games, imo. You can usually let some magma on the lake/sea and build your fortress on top of it.
Also savage/joyous combo didn't seem to work for me on .16 as all the game area seemed to be just one type, despite embark screen showing various types.