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Author Topic: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict  (Read 6431 times)


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #45 on: August 18, 2010, 06:33:08 am »

Tired Lacrine headed to his study aboard the Palis, he had messages to send via it's dedicated link.
He had to do something about that loonatic Keltonian before he tried to shoot his way into the site or worse found something with a mixed expedition before some kind of resolution as to who owns what could be reached.


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #46 on: August 18, 2010, 05:10:32 pm »

The night passes uneventfully for some and less uneventfully for others.  In the morning, on the way to the negotiation room, all three ambassadors at some point pass a vidscreen showing an image of a canyon on Lester with a train of three dark grey vehicles.  A Terran reporter is beside the scene and speaking.

"...sign that the negotiations are close to reaching a conclusion," says the reporter.  "Infamous archaeologist and explorer Colonel Mustang was last night arrested by Ackrian officials, stating the potential dangers of an unexplored site to an unlicensed expedition team.  The Colonel refused to go quietly and was subdued after a short firefight by sleep gas.  No serious injuries were incurred by either side.  The Colonel is now being transferred to Keltonian custody to avoid an incid-"

Behind the reporter, a fourth vehicle burst out of a concealed crevice and rammed the middle vehicle out of the convoy.  The reporter turned to look as Ackrian figures with weapons stepped out of the fourth vehicle and started firing warning shots.

"It looks like Mustang's supporters have other ideas!" the reporter says quickly.  "We're seeing what appears to be a fourth vehicle, holding up the escort.  So far only warning shots have been fired, there are a lot of them.  I think that's Mustang being dragged out of the vehicle there, yes, they're putting him into the escape car.  And they're off!"

The reporter turns back to the camera.

"We've just witnessed a rare on-camera rescue of a political prisoner.  To date, nobody knows how both Ackrian and Keltonian governments will respond - particularly since it just happened.  I'm Kelsey Punctuation, and we're going back to the Studio."


In the negotiation room, the Speaker calls the meeting to order and asks if any ambassadors wish to make statements.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.

Spartan 117

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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #47 on: August 18, 2010, 09:08:31 pm »

Spoiler:  OOC (click to show/hide)
Well, you know how if you take your thumb and forefinger and hold them up to your eye, you can make it look like you're squishing someone's head? It's like that, only for real.
"Sometimes being a dwarf has it's advantages, KNEE-CAPPING TIME!"


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #48 on: August 18, 2010, 10:07:11 pm »

Lankton stands to address the assembly.

"Thank you, speaker.  First off, I would like to state that the Keltonian Senate in no way supports the actions of extremist elements who ignore the rule of law on Lester.  An investigation will be launched to catch those responsible and bring them to justice.  I hope that this incident will not interfere with the positive tone of these talks."

"However, the matter does underscore the importance of resolving this matter quickly."

He turns to address the Ackrian ambassador.

"Ambassador, you expressed interest in the world, Rhydell V, we had offered space on in exchange for Lester.  I requested data sheets regarding the planet, and I have brought you information on the world."

He slides over the information.

"In brief, this world has many rich deposits, including lithium and heavy metals.  Our presence is small on Rhydell V, so there would be plenty of room for your expansion.  It's in a favorable position for terraforming.  Farming there would be a significant improvement over ship-grown fare, I am sure."

"Has the night improved your disposition to our offer?"
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #49 on: August 19, 2010, 09:02:07 am »

Lacrine took the data sheets and closely examined them.
"Well maybe, but of course I'm forced to ask if you had plenty of space on such a rich world as sa'Rhydell V that you would keep a colony on Lester III? Which given that it doesn't export much and is too small to be self sufficient it has to be a money sink. Still if you were to offer a portion of land on Rydell V and let us have Lester III then we can let you have the entire Saronite deposit,"

"The Ackrian monarchy does not condone the violence of the anarchist archaeologist Col Mustang or his supporters and recognises that apprehending these dangerous criminals is in the best interests of both our governments...and to that end..." Lacrine produced a data sheet of his own and handed it to Lankton. "That is as much information as I could get on him on short notice. It reads Mustang is a maverick archaeologist/adventurer and retired Keltonian explorer and gunship pilot.  He is rated at commando level experience and is rumoured to have been a contract assassin in the past.  His personality profile indicates a lust for danger and wild profit with little regard for conventional rules or government,"

"I believe he his drawing support from some anti government, dissident groups within the Ackrian segment on Lester III. We are naturally going to launch our own investigation and support your efforts to bring these criminals to justice,"


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #50 on: August 19, 2010, 03:50:46 pm »

"We appreciate your assistance on resolving this on-world squabble."

Lankton stops and thinks for several seconds.

"Your offer is interesting, but I would have to check with my superiors, and I do not think they would care for that deal.  I think there is no way we could give up both Rhydell and Lester, even keeping the saronite."

"I have a question for you.  You said yesterday that your planetary claim was made based on the discovery of the facility.  So I can better negotiate an offer that would suit you, tell me which is more important to you- the planet or the facility?  Your words indicate the planet, but your actions say that the facility is the true goal.  Tell me, so we can resolve this matter."
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #51 on: August 19, 2010, 05:05:06 pm »

"I apologise I should have been more clear with my words: the discovery of the facility mearly prompted our claim for the planet as we expected you would also claim the world. Still the facility, the Saronite and potential weapons chache are all vaulable assets that would assist us greatly. But the actualy need for us here goes deeper than I have directly stated...our recent return to surface living is understandably difficult concepts shoulds as ground vehicles, underground cables and utility pipes and mass transit systems are all new concepts to us. Our word for building is the same as our word for ship. It is an entire nation learning to walk again. Despite the great progress we are making die hard traditionlists blame the inevitable hardships of this transition on my eldest brother. My brother has a great number of fanatical supporters some of whom are worryingly becoming increasingly harder to restrian. While most of the unrest is occuring beyond known space it is still a major concern for me and my brothers. My eldest brother, the current ruler of the Ackrian nation, has declaired that we will gain Lester III. While I do believe such a statement was foolish it does mean that if we do not get Lester III my brother will appear weak and foolish to his people. But if we can win a political victory here then a)It makes my brother appear stronger and b)It'll help make it clear to my brother's supporters that my brother is commited to peaceful solutions and that peaceful solutions do work.
And it would also be nice in this time of unrest to aquire a cache of Polnareth weaponry and one of their fortresses, in case of the worst happening."

"All that is of course in addition to the fact that we need lots of land for arriving settlers,"

"I find myself wondering what exactly is that you want and why? From what I understand I'm guessing the Saronite is your main goal."


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #52 on: August 19, 2010, 10:59:36 pm »

Lankton nods.

"Yes, our primary goal is the saronite.  It is no secret that a prime source of our income is mining worlds we have explored, and this saronite represents a great deal of profit to us.  But we also desire the planet itself- I see that it will be a great point of contention."

"I would have to confirm this deal with my superiors before I can truly offer it, but I ask you to consider this.  Would you allow us to maintain our colony and take possession of the contents of the fortress as well as the Saronite vein in exchange for Kelton relinquishing its claims on the planet?  We may be also be able to yield the fortress back to you once the resources have been extracted.  If you have any counter offers, we will consider them as well."

Lankton turns to the Trade Union ambassador.

"AL3R, have you anything to add?  Barring that, I request that we adjourn for the day so we can consider offers on the table."
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #53 on: August 20, 2010, 05:24:04 am »

[OOC:  As both Ghazkull and I are (For separate reasons!) away Saturday/Sunday, Day 3 will most likely arrive Sunday Evening/Monday.]
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #54 on: August 20, 2010, 06:33:13 am »

"...The Trade Federation has no care for criminals like Mustang, but I can safely say that we wouldn't mind laxing taxation towards you to help locate this explorer. That will be all.


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2010, 05:08:30 pm »

"It was never our wish to force the colonists out of their homes if we didn't have to. I see no problems in them remaining in the event of Lester III becoming ours.,"

"My intial thoughts on your new offer is concern to how long extraction of the entire deposit will take and I'm unsure if those I represent will accept that deal. But aside from that I really must ask because I honestly don't understand: why do you want Lester III? I can't see how it would be useful to you,"

[OOC: Unfortunatly as of monday I'm going to find it hard to get online]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #56 on: August 23, 2010, 07:10:01 am »

Seeing negotiations get nowhere, the Speaker eventually called the meeting to an end.  Not a great deal happened for the remainder of the evening.

The next day, ambassadors awaken and check the vidscreens in their rooms to discover that a party of Keltonians arrived during the night and have been staging protests against what they view as an Ackrian 'occupation' of Lester III.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #57 on: August 23, 2010, 08:28:19 am »

Mobs, mobs were never reasonable. More like an unthinking mass of raw emotion than a collection of intelligent people. Unpredicatable and dangerous especially if you represent the focus of their anger.
Lacrine watched the protesters through the vid screen as he tried to get his thoughts in order.
"Here's hoping they don't tear me limb from bloody limb," he muttered with a sigh.
Slowly he stood and ponderously walked out the door.
As he walked his footsteps changed becoming a confident stride as he stripped his mind of doubts and focused on the task at hand.
He stepped out in front of the protesters and loudly declared "Good evening, my name is Ga ra'Lacrine Hackra and I am the Ackrian ambassador sent to resolve the issue of ownership of Lester III,"
His eyes swept the crowd before continuing "You should know your representatives seem to have a good handle on your needs and wants and are doing their level best to push your desires. Still I could not pass up the opportunity to speak to the motivation of my opposite in these discussions. Which would be you...the people of Keltonian state. But before I continue I humbly ask that consider that I too am a representative sent here by the will of my people to carry out their will. You see I would not be surprised if a group of Ackrian's turned up and started protesting what they feel is Keltonian greed. The problem lies in that Ackrians are very different to you. As a former nomadic species are presence was always transient, temporary and being the first to reach some where meant nothing. To us it still means nothing and while I understand that you think differently most of my people do not. Many are greatly angered, falsely feeling that your actions in trying to block our claim of Lester III is purely to restrict us and no other reason,"

"What I don't understand is what is about our presence on Lester III that draw such emotion from you that you came here? I must know the reason or I doubt these talks will ever end."


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #58 on: August 23, 2010, 08:54:42 am »

[Persuasion Check - 50 + 12 vs d100:  68  (Minor Fail)]

Unfortunately, your speech was not sufficiently moving to calm the mob.  They continue to shout angry slurs, but do not yet seem inclined to violence.  One of them speaks up.

"You've got a great big rail gun!" he shouts.  "It's aimed right at our monasteries, and you already did your 'show of force' with them by blowing open that Polnareth fortress!  Why don't you just clear off and take your weapons with you?  We were living peaceful lives until now!"
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #59 on: August 23, 2010, 02:23:04 pm »

Lankton goes out to seek the leader of this mob.  He thinks he has the best chance to calm down this group due to their shared heritage.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.
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