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Author Topic: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict  (Read 6437 times)


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #30 on: August 14, 2010, 01:33:46 pm »

Irech eyed the dock workers with dismay.

Humans. He would have to tell his brother that they should keep out an eye for those guys. They tended to steal technologies which seemed new to them.

Ogra, your in command until im back, look that those...softskins refuel the ship. But don't forget they tend to steal...

his brother nodded in approval. Ni'hirc matured within one year they could life several hundred years and although Irech was considered quite young by his kind, his brother Ogra would be with and age of 20 nothing more than a child in the eyes of an adult Ni'hirc.

Without losing any more time Irech went to the White Mary ordered some softskin drink they called "Whisky" and looked for a possible client.


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #31 on: August 14, 2010, 02:08:05 pm »

AL3R had just docked in his One-Man cooper, one of the highest end ships available for comfort and ease. He exited the pod and began on his path to one of the many bars that was called the "VVhito M8rY". He should probably get his circuits repaired at some point here, as those letters didn't spell anything in any language. Inside, he noticed one of the embassay members known as Irech. He came up with an idea... and sat down to talk about things.

*I'll PM the conversation*


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2010, 04:21:50 pm »

Growing restless Lacrine decided to check on the courier ship and it's crew, they were to remain at his disposal until the talks were over and he didn't want them to become lax.
ra'Uris Palis greeted Lacrine as he boarded the ship, a tool belt hung loosely across his shoulders with all manner exotic and weird implements.
His name meant builder of Palis, Palis was the name of the courier ship
With his duty done he hurried off returning to what ever he had been fixing before Lacrine turned up.
The bridge seemed even smaller and packed with computers after spending some time in the accommodation provided for him.
The captain, sa'Relisl Lisk Meir lounged in the pilots chair her feet up, silently reading data from the myriad of screens surrounding her.
"Any problems?" Lacrine asked as he eased himself down into the copilot's chair.
"Nothing that'll cause you any troubles," she replied "But the exhaust intake is clogged, our guidance module needs some minor repairs and my yearling has started chewing cables if she is left unattended. Now is there anything in particular you wanted?"
"Not really, I'm just find it odd and uncomfortable on the station, everyone is so stiff so formal and they only speak if spoken to,"
"It just their way especially to people they see as important, heck you have to be pretty formal yourself" as she spoke one of her lower arms lazily stretched out to push a button to change the screen display. "Which reminds me how has the discussion gone?"
"We've got a day to settle in, I've yet to meet my counterparts. It seems they expect these talks to last some time,"
"Then why are you here? You should be off trying to learn all you can about them, bugging their rooms, finding there weaknesses and such,"
"I'm not going to do anything illegal. I'm not going to do anything that could compromise our position," Lacrine responded sharply "Nah, right now I just want to wait here a bit till the talks actually start,"
"Well in that case could you keep an eye on that screen to your left ra'Uris is optimising the power output..."


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #33 on: August 14, 2010, 10:55:37 pm »

Lankton decided to head to his room for the night, as he wanted to be fresh for the morning's talks.  After thanking the bartender again, he walked the long way back to his room, looking for any neutral parties with which he could put in a good word (or ample "donation") to nudge talks in his favor.  He knew that the worst thing to do at this point would be to cause trouble or even to just ruffle people's feathers, so he knew he had to keep things polite and professional.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2010, 09:39:53 am »

[Moving things along.  If there are any other actions done in the night before, feel free to post them or carry them out via PM.]

The night passes uneventfully, save for a few midnight sojourns - possibly just for late snacks.  When the morning (as much as one can have morning on a space station) arrives, the three ambassadors move to a private meeting chamber.  Non-ambassadorial parties are not invited for reasons of security.

The meeting chamber is a simple affair with a table and chairs.  A Terran official sits at the head to act as Speaker and maintain order amongst affairs, but not to pass judgements.  His name is Speaker Jeffries.

"Greetings, ambassadors," he says, "and welcome to this meeting of the 24th Malach, Terran date 2644.  As you are no doubt aware, procedure is for ambassador to deliver a statement of his government's position in this affair.  Once all three parties have spoken, any further discussion may take place.  The issue at hand today is the contested ownership of Lester III by the Ackrian Monarchy and the Keltonian Senate.  First speaker is Ambassador Trill, then Ambassador Lacrine, then Ambassador AL3R."
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #35 on: August 15, 2010, 09:14:24 pm »

Lankton stands and bows to the Terran official.

"Thank you Speaker Jeffries.  Let's get right to business, shall we?"

"As you all know, the Keltonians have been settled on Lester III for many years now.  Our efforts in the sector have been focused on peacefully mining the planet for resources which, as you know, we make available by trade to all the races of the galaxy.  We only desire the betterment of our people in a way that benefits all life.  However, things have gone poorly ever since the illegal settlement by the Ackrians."

"We are not selfish barbarians, so we did not use force to eject the Ackrian colonists from our lands, but instead gave them a chance to move on peacefully, or at least respect our possession of the planet."

"Their recent actions have gone far beyond the boarders of common decency and respect.  Their laughable claim for ownership is an affront to the Keltonian Senate.  They have attempted to steal that which our prospector's rights have already guarenteed to us.  We ask only that the Protectorate award to us what is rightfully ours.

"Thank you."

With that, Lankton takes his seat.

((Edit- name spelling))
« Last Edit: August 15, 2010, 10:24:07 pm by Toaster »
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2010, 10:35:51 am »

Lacrine put his two upper hands together on the table in front of him "ra'Lankton there are numerous flaws with your argument such as how Ackrian colonisation of Lester III would only have been illegal if the planet had already been claimed. It had not and such your prospecting rights had never been guaranteed. I will cover these and other flaws in more detail after ra'AL3R has spoken,"

He paused for a minute before continuing "As we slowly return to known space available planets have been few and scattered, we have taken what little has been allowed to us. Desperate to provide land and the prosperity to our people as we had promised them we found the unclaimed world of Lester III. Lacking in resources and with poor ecology we almost claimed it immediately but we held off in respect for the handful of Keltonian colonists already present. They totaled and still total less than a million. We have billions waiting for homes and chance at life onworld. It is the position of the Ackrian monarchy that Lester III would be much better utilised by us and I would like to remind you that even in the event of the Ackrians being awarded rights to Lester the colonists would be permitted to stay if they so choose.,"

"Our limited knowledge of international treaties and laws informs us that the ownership of a planet, asteroid or the like rightfully belongs to the first nation that claims it. But there are exceptions, there are often extenuating circumstances. In this case there is a dying Keltonian colony and a Polnareth facility and that is as far as extenuating circumstances go. I must ask, would you contest our claim so strongly if we never found the Polnareth base? Would you kick up such a fuss over such a small unproductive colony? We feel that the only reason there is even an issue with the Keltonians is because of greed. We freely acknowledge that the main motivation for placing a claim on Lester III is the discovery of the Polnareth facility. The Ackrian nation is at the current time the most unstable I ever hope to see it. The change to onworld living is hard and we have no infrastructure to make it easier. As a result the success or failure of our new nation stands on a knife edge. So I apologise ra'Lankton but there is no possibility of our backing down, we will accept nothing less than what should be ours by international treaty. I will not give in until I feel the Ackrian Monarchy has what it needs to survive."

"Although I have an offer for you and your people: you allow us the planet, the facility and we grant you a portion of the weapons cache and 20% of all Saronite extracted with a nominal fee to cover the cost of extraction of course,"


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #37 on: August 16, 2010, 02:16:10 pm »

Grabbing the table as best he could with his makeshift hands, AL3R stood up and let his vocal processors warm up a bit before begining on his speech. "The way that the Trade Union sees it, this is a rather... unnecasarry argument. There are plenty of fertile worlds out there in space, so why conflict about it? I happen to know that this land is niether fertile or resourceful, and is therefor rather disadventegus to either side. The way I see it, it is impossible for either side to win in this-if you were to set up a trade route-which you will want to to get resources, then with the applied fee, you will be sending near-nothing out and henceforth recieving near-nothing! However, in this case, I will have to be on Lacrine's side as his race needs the extra space desperately."


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2010, 06:39:39 pm »

With a smile Lacrine nodded to AL3R "Thank you ra'AL3R, I had hoped the Trade Union would understand."

He then turned to look at Lankton "Where as, and I genuinely don't want to offend by this, the Keltonian ambassador seems a little out of touch with reality. You claim that you have been peacefully mining resources from Lester III and trading to all races that will buy for the betterment of all involved, that our presence inhibits this, that our colonisation is and always was illegal, that your people have lived there for many years, that you have guaranteed prospector rights to Lester III, that we have wronged you in terms of common decency and respect.
With respect I must point out that these claims are either wrong, inaccurate or misleading,"

"I'll go through them in order to explain firstly: The reports I have received and evidently the same reports the Trade Union received say that the mineral deposits on Lester III are minimal and unproductive. I am curious how you can produce enough to make trading viable or even to cover the cost of extraction? Second claim: Again based on the reports I've read, which come from our colonists and released by your government there are less than a million Keltonian colonists on Lester III, how may I ask our we the Ackrian's interfering with the operations of such a small colony? Third claim: Colonisation is not seen as a claim of ownership, thus our colonisation was not infringing on any international recognised territory. You did not declare your intend to own Lester III so we never saw a problem with our habitation of it.
Fourth claim: That depends on your definition of many years but in terms of nations and the ownership of planets eight years is in my mind a very short period of time. Fifth claim: I'm curious how you believe prospector rights work because shouldn't we too have prospector rights to what we find on unclaimed worlds or do you have some mysterious unprecedented guarantee to something you haven't claimed. Six claim: During our time on Lester III we have as always endeavored to be courteous, during this latest incident we have as always endeavored to be respectful. We chose to inform you of our discovery as a mark of common decency. Could I ask that you and those you represent consider being as courteous?"


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2010, 10:35:17 pm »

Lankton stands again, and addresses the assembly.

"Let me put down an example for you.  Imagine a small wooded area you visit for relaxation.  It does not belong to anyone, but you have sole knowledge of it.  You come to it often to enjoy its natural beauty."

"Say someone else finds it and starts visiting it as you do.  They impinge on your relaxation, but you tolerate them as they do not cause any serious disruption.  You allow them to share this area without finding a need to mark it as your own."

"What if they then claim the wooded spot as their own, and build a factory?  Your relaxing spot is now ruined."

"In this case, would you not have been wronged?  This is an allegory for what is happening here.  We were not greatly troubled by the presence of a single colony ship of yours on lands we had settled.  Now, however, you claim it as your own for this facility and colonization space.  Clearly you intend to move many more of your people to Lester, and to set up facilities to handle this site and the Saronite.  You're abusing our generosity of not objecting to your initial landing on Lester."

"Do not think that I don't care for the plight of your people.  As Ambassador AL3R said, you are indeed in need of land.  Lester is not an ideal choice- as is well known, it is unsuitable for the large-scale farming that would be needed to support your large population needs.  Fortunately, I have an alternative for you!  We have a world that is currently used for mining operations that we can offer space for your population.   For your troubles, we can help fund the cost of relocating to that planet.  In addition, as I am moved to help, I will offer to personally help fund an exploration effort to find an additional world for your people to settle.  Think of it- if you give up your claim on this one world, you can gain population space on one world and an entire other world for the needs of your people.  I have many old friends in the Keltonian exploration corps that would be willing to help."

"Does this offer suit you?"

Lankton sits again.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #40 on: August 17, 2010, 01:37:34 pm »

"An interesting and generous offer that I'm afraid I must turn down. This other mining world would not likely have much space for the expansion of the colony without at some point infringing on our Keltonian hosts. And I have to know besides the facility what is wrong with Lester III? You have my thanks and respect for your willingness to offer your own personal wealth to help us find worlds for our people. But five of my brothers and their fleets are searching for suitable worlds and my eldest brother has announced a substantial reward for the discovery of colonizable unclaimed worlds, which by the way is open to non Ackrians as well. As it is we have found a great many ecologically suitable worlds but they have all been claimed and many have even been completely unused by those who have claimed them. This a source of great irritation to us. Though it has been noted that the Keltonians have a significant presence on every world they have claimed"

"A strange example, especially since most Ackrians are unused to trees and like myself find them eerie and strange but that is irrelevant.
I also don't think it is an accurate representation of the circumstances since your original intentions were to claim the forest relaxation place and build a factory just as we intend to do. Furthermore your visits to the strange forest relaxation place should be decreasing in frequency as if you remember your population was once around 14 million it is now less than one million. So it is a place you barely visit anymore. And ultimately I do not see why you would see Lester III as a relaxing place.
But even with your original example I would not feel wronged by the construction of a factory and subsequent destruction of somewhere I liked. I would feel saddened. My understanding of the term wronged in this tongue is that someone has slighted you subtly or overtly, has preformed an immoral act against you or has preformed and illegal act against you. In the example you gave it is not a slight, it is not immoral nor is it illegal it is merely an act you find distasteful and would rather not occur."

"As to the viability of Lester III...well we existed off trace minerals in rocks for centuries, grew food in the superstructure of our ships, we even manged to prosper on what little we could get.
Our methods for extraction are much slower than those used by the Keltonians and most races in power but are more efficient because we've had to be.
Our nutrient needs are relative to our body mass which is miniscule to aid in our ability to fly.
I'm confident we can succeed where the Keltonians have failed and make a viable world of Lester III if given the chance.
Still I'm curious about this mining world of yours"
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 01:48:39 pm by Jerick »


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #41 on: August 17, 2010, 04:08:27 pm »

The Night in the White Mary was long and the search for the new client didn't made things better.
Irech was sitting in the bridge and staring on his controls while Ogra was fingering with the Communications array.

Ogra send a message to Uncle Li'op on a secure channel, we have buisness to do...

As soon as his little brother heard this, Irech heard clappering from behind, but not only from the com array but also from the mandibles of his brother which were clicking in zest for action...


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #42 on: August 17, 2010, 04:50:57 pm »

"Ambassadors, perhaps we all could use a little time to consider what has been said, perhaps to cool a little and mediate upon matters," says the Speaker.  "In any case, I am calling a recess for the present.  We will reconvene tomorrow, unless any other statements wish to be made."
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #43 on: August 17, 2010, 06:06:29 pm »

Lacrine stretched his four arms "Well I could use a rest, this kind of discussion gets to me after a while,"


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Re: Phoenix 303 - The Lester Conflict
« Reply #44 on: August 17, 2010, 07:08:19 pm »

As you leave the chamber and go about your various business, you notice the local news reports on the vidscreens.  Tensions are still high on Lester, with several cargo ships full of Keltonian refugees leaving the planet in anticipation of encroaching war.  Neither government has yet changed their formal statements declaring ownership of the planet, but there is a short segment featuring a rather cock-sure looking Keltonian in khaki shorts and a khaki cap with (surprisingly enough) some Ackrian workers behind him.

"And you insist on undertaking exploration of the fortress, Mr Mustang?" the reporter asks.

"Colonel Mustang," says the Keltonian, his bushy white moustache quivering.  "And yes, I fully intend to return to the site tomorrow morning and continue the exploration."

"But what about the increasing likelihood of war?" says the reporter.  "Don't you feel that an expedition at this time would be unwise?"

"I think it's wiser than ever!" says Mustang.  "A joint effort to plumb this facility is just what we need to show solidarity in these times!  If we can bring something out to show both nations, to prove our races can work together, then just maybe we might reach a peaceful settlement after all.  Archaeology comes first, regardless of nationality!"

"What about the likelihood of raiders, or even government agents trying to stop you?"

"That's what I have old Bessie for," says the Colonel, who raises something suspiciously akin to an elephant gun repurposed with a phase disruption module.

"Colonel Mustang, with the Blunderbuss, on Lester," says the reporter.  "I'm Chandra Imes, and this is Sector 12 News.  Good night."
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.
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