Items wanted.
1.Claws (As innate weapons for Rakshasa [Yay for Rakshasa!{The Rakshasa thing is just a side note, so don't focus on it please}]and as sorts of attachable gaunlet like things, similar to katars as I say, but not quite the same.)
2.Katars, or punching daggers as some might know them. Basically a large dagger attached to your arm. If you've seen Full Metal Alchemist, there you go.
3.Rapiers. Foils. Epees. If you don't get it by now, you probably never will.
4.Off hand weapons. All kinds really. Basically any weapon traditionally
used in the off (Left, for most people) hand when using two weapons at once. Main Gauches, Daggers (I don't think we have those, right?), and such.
5. Sabres. A one sided blade for slashing or stabbing.
How they work.
1.Claws - Mostly slashing and swiping type attacks, but punch type moves wouldn't be ineffective. What else can I say?
2.Katars - Definitely used for punching exclusively, except for extremely close quarters combat and wrestling type moves, although that could get dangerous for your own person.
3.Rapiers - Thrusting and stabbing. Most other moves should be completely useless.
4.Off Hand Weapons - These could have all kinds of different attack types and uses, so yeah.
5.Sabres - Err... A one sided blade for slashing or stabbing. What else?
1. Claws - Different styles, although this would be relatively useless.
2. Katars - Multiple blades, smaller blades which do slightly less damage but are lighter? Again, this would be mostly for style.
4. Off Hand Weapons - Yah, this is where the serious Variants come in. Main Gauches, Daggers, Spiked shields (I suppose that would count), and the like. I can't think of alot at the moment (Strange, since I'm big on dual wielding.) but you guys know what I mean.
Well, thats what I could think of at the moment. I hope this could help Toady in some way.