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Author Topic: Is it possible to stop items from moving around when abandoning a fortress?  (Read 729 times)

Medicine Man

  • Bay Watcher
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My last fortress was a disaster waiting to happen,I had no weapons at all and the goblins were ambushing,my miner managed to kill a few of them but I still abandoned.I want to start with a large amount of bismuth bronze so I am going to reclaim a bit and I don't want to have to spend an hour managing where my metal is,so what do I do to prevent the BB from scattering everywhere?

(edit)Is archery and crossbowery still broken?because I think I should get some archers if I want my fortress to live.


  • Bay Watcher
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Pretty sure there's no way, certainly not after abandoning.

Reclaiming is probably not a good idea. I've tried it a few times, back in 40d... here's what happened.

I start with ~50 dwarves with mid-range military skills and very little equipment. They're all friends, and have *no* thoughts. Within a few seconds of arriving, whatever bit of nasty I had in or near my fortress shows up- be it a titan or a lone goblin with a crossbow- and at least one dwarf dies.

Oh, shit, everyone was friends with that guy. So now I have ~50 dwarves, all of whom have lost a close friend, and *have no other thoughts*- it takes maybe two deaths to start a tantrum spiral, if that.

Archers aren't *that* useful... they have their upsides, but I find they're more dangerous to you than your enemies. Just get some well-trained dwarves who heal quickly (In my current fortress I recruited anyone who healed quickly, but I only actually used the three who healed incredibly quickly, and they were happy to carve their way through everything the world could throw at them), and get them sinto some steel armor pronto. Things will get riskier, but... hey, my last fortress I only had two dwarves in my military, never got them better than iron weapons and armor, and they were slaughtering sieges of mixed trolls and crossbows without getting a scratch on them.
What do you really need to turn Elves into Dwarves? Mutation could make them grow a beard; insanity effects could make them evil-minded, aggressive, tree-hating cave dwellers, and instant, full necrosis of their lower legs could make them short.


  • Bay Watcher
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You can't prevent things from moving. but if you wall in an area they won't move out of the closed space. Note that doors don't count because they can be deconstructed. I'm not sure about bridges or certain constructions that act as walls, like a pump output tile.


  • Bay Watcher
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While that's a really funny feature the first few times around, it gets irritating when certain items get "stuck" after a reclaim and can't ever be dumped or put away, and they prevent construction.  It seems like there is a bug with this kind of thing where an item is claimed by a job, and the job can no longer be completed (abandoned fort e.g.) but the item is still claimed by a job and so can never be picked up.  Somebody suggested magma as a solution in another thread, although for magma-safe stuff (which I often have tons of) that won't really help.  Picking up huge stacks of seeds one at a time gets old too ;)  I wouldn't mind of there was a way to just clear all the scattered items and do without them, but on the other hand that might make reclaim a bit too friendly.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dwarvern Survialist Nutter
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I dont know if it still works but it used to be that anything that is on your depot for trading when you abandon will still be there when you reclaim.  I realize this doesnt help now though
If life gives you lemons, burn them.


  • Bay Watcher
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You can't prevent things from moving. but if you wall in an area they won't move out of the closed space.
Wasn't true in 40d. Not sure about now.

Object scattering decreases with object weight. When I plan to abandon a fortress I start moving things into gold bins; only platinum is denser (rose gold is equally dense, if you'd like to stretch your gold supply a little bit with copper).
Hydrodynamics Education - read this before being confused about fluid behaviors

The wiki is notoriously inaccurate on subjects at the cutting edge, frequently reflecting passing memes, folklore, or the word on the street instead of true dwarven science.


  • Bay Watcher
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You can't prevent things from moving. but if you wall in an area they won't move out of the closed space.
Wasn't true in 40d. Not sure about now.

It definitely worked in 40d, because that's when I first learned you could do this. I wanted to try out adventure mode but I had a bitch of a time trying to find a full set of masterwork steel weapons and armor at my old fort when I visited it in adventure. I read that you could wall in an area to prevent things from being moved around, then come back with an adventurer to deconstruct the wall. Everything stored in the room was still in the room, albeit not all in the bins. Note that this is not simply a lack of access - if there's an opening in the ceiling, for instance, items still get scattered. Needs to be completely closed off.

Maybe it won't work now, but I doubt abandonment has been changed at all. Abandoning in 40d had issues with tasked items being "locked" to movement - if that bug wasn't fixed I doubt items were changed to ignore pathfinding for being scattered.