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Author Topic: Fortress Overseer 0.70.1 - !Open Source! 3D Visualizer - 31.25-34.11 Support  (Read 382427 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fortress Overseer - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2010, 07:13:42 pm »

I've downloaded this and have gone through the opening set of input commands every time, but I'm then faced with a permanent blue screen without the map ever loading. Does it just take a really long time, or do I have some other problem?


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Re: Fortress Overseer - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2010, 02:26:45 am »

Wow , this is a amazing! Looking forward to your works (^_^)!


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Re: Fortress Overseer - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2010, 07:32:56 am »

Is there, or can there be, a way to export these as .obj or other common 3D formats so they can be opened in a modeler?  The spire, megaprojects, and such could benefit a lot from heavy-duty textures and sculpting.  I had an HFS layer with 30 z-levels recently and stonesense tried, but didn't really capture it.  I want to redo that topography with the glowing stuff and the purple stuff, with the clowns swarming towards a shaft of light coming from the base of one of the blue things...

Absolutely! You'll have to deal with the current uppity geometry generator, but hopefully this will be good enough for now. Whenever the visualizer is running, if you hit 'x', it will export an "embark.obj" into the working directory. I checked it out in blender and everything looks like it exported fine (in terms of the mesh... I doubt textures will export properly right now, though I haven't tried). When you hit x, the entire thing will lock up. This is a sign that it's working! I'm not liable for where the camera ends up afterwards though, OSG has a mind of its own. Hopefully that shouldn't be too  much of an issue though  :P

I've downloaded this and have gone through the opening set of input commands every time, but I'm then faced with a permanent blue screen without the map ever loading. Does it just take a really long time, or do I have some other problem?

What are your system specs? Sometimes the blue screen will show up and hang for several seconds before the actual geometry shows up on my machine. Try letting it load, then not touching the mouse at all. Just stare it down and wait. If it takes more than thirty seconds or so and nothing shows up, and you didn't touch your mouse at all, give me a copy of your save so I can take a look at it.

Minor progress update!
I'm currently working on overhauling the geometry generator to increase its accuracy -- or rather, its sanity -- and allow for multiple textures per block. The OSG implementation of bump mapping is very, very rigid and only allows for one texture and normal map per piece of geometry, and right now I'm drawing every block (16x16x1 tiles) as a single hunk of geometry. I'd like to not draw every tile separately so I'm going to have to implement bumpmapping on my own, which I guess isn't really TOO complicated, but I've never written shaders before so I'm going to need to brush up on that. After this is done, we should be able to detect all of the different possible materials in the dwarf world and display a different texture for each.

Meanwhile, sexymustard is gearing up with geology textbooks to get ready to go on a texture making rampage. After he gives me a simple sky to use as a skybox, he's going to start cranking out some of the more common minerals and substances in DF... it's going to take him a while to catch up with Toady, but that's our goal  :D

Remember that all of this is very very alpha! After the material/geometry overhaul is done, I'm probably going to work on embedding the viewer into a nice GUI window so we don't have to deal with the command prompt options at the beginning, and relying on mapping everything to random keys to get stuff done while visualizing.


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Re: Fortress Overseer - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2010, 08:16:10 am »

Japa Illo, Coder, cancels whatever he was doing: In Awe.

okay, I can't open the obj file properly in 3dsmax. lame.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 08:47:27 am by Japa »


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Re: Fortress Overseer - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2010, 02:24:03 pm »

Two issues I have with this:

1) The mouse was way too sensitive. At the distance of the below screenshot, I could move the mouse the equivalent distance of a pixel or two and a third of my mountains would go offscreen.

2) Could you make it so that R and F move the thing vertically? I was having a hard time getting in position for the screenshot (and this still isn't quite where I wanted it). Or if they already do that maybe I wasn't holding down the buttons long enough.

Aside from that, looks great! I can definitely see this as the 3Dwarf of DF2010: less features than the other visualizers, but definitely the best-looking.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It runs fantastically, too; despite the mouse sensitivity issue (I had to be sure to get really close before I touched the mouse, or the map would go offscreen and I'd never find it again and I'd have to restart) DFize couldn't handle this giant map very well at all. Very slow and big swaths of missing floors.
The World Without Knifebear — A much safer world indeed.
regardless, the slime shooter will be completed, come hell or high water, which are both entirely plausible setbacks at this point.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fortress Overseer - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2010, 04:36:44 pm »

Japa Illo, Coder, cancels whatever he was doing: In Awe.

okay, I can't open the obj file properly in 3dsmax. lame.

Really?  :( I'll take a look at that, give me a bit. I'm using the built in .obj exporter so I have no idea what it might be doing.

Two issues I have with this:

1) The mouse was way too sensitive. At the distance of the below screenshot, I could move the mouse the equivalent distance of a pixel or two and a third of my mountains would go offscreen.

2) Could you make it so that R and F move the thing vertically? I was having a hard time getting in position for the screenshot (and this still isn't quite where I wanted it). Or if they already do that maybe I wasn't holding down the buttons long enough.

Yeah, definitely. Since there's so many options getting added now, I'm probably going to move everything to a config file. I'll drop mouse sensitivity in it and add keybindings for vertical movement once I figure out what's going on with the .obj export and 3DSmax.

EDIT: Try using these settings:

The imported mesh looked correct with that, but if there's still issues let me know.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 04:50:43 pm by thewonderidiot »


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Re: Fortress Overseer - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2010, 07:08:05 pm »

Fortress overseer v0.03 is up!
  • Added R and F key bindings for vertical movement
  • Moved all of the previous config options plus a few more to overseer.ini

Every setting in the included .ini file was the default in previous releases, so Untelligent, you'll want to change your .ini file's mouseSensitivity setting to something you think might work better for you (default is 2347, so accordingly, 235 would be approximately 1/10th the old mouse movement speed and so on).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.03 - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2010, 07:30:17 pm »

Edit: woops, edit intended for the first post got sent here somehow.

Anyways, the geometry and material overhaul should be ready in the next few days. I'm not quite sure when sexymustard is going to have any textures ready, he's pretty busy this weekend.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 07:36:02 pm by thewonderidiot »


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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.03 - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2010, 03:41:22 pm »

Awesome work.  Thank you!
Diso Faintpuzzles was born in 120.  Although accounts vary it is universally agreed that Diso was chosen by fate as the vanguard of destiny.

In the early spring of 143 Diso began wandering the wilds.

In the early spring of 143 Diso starved to death in the Horn of Striking.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.03 - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2010, 09:23:55 pm »

This is perfect for the project I have planned... Well, half-planned. I still need to finalize the architecture, but it involves a flat plain next to a sheer-sloped volcano that towers a good 45 z levels over the plains. Did I mention the marble, chalk, and sand on the map? And according to dfhack, over 27000 gold? I have more gold than almost all the other minerals and ores combined.
Hello my name is Kristoffer Jørgensen and I am from Norweigen
I come to see hot USA girls and history landmarks!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.03 - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2010, 12:52:07 am »

This is perfect for the project I have planned... Well, half-planned. I still need to finalize the architecture, but it involves a flat plain next to a sheer-sloped volcano that towers a good 45 z levels over the plains. Did I mention the marble, chalk, and sand on the map? And according to dfhack, over 27000 gold? I have more gold than almost all the other minerals and ores combined.

This seems like a fun embark. Do you have the worldgen information/location handy? :D
Take a look at my fancy North America Worldgen!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.03 - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2010, 07:55:49 am »

Update time! The geometry overhaul is well underway and I've reimplemented everything but ramps and the actual displaying of textures. So far, I've redone the entire organization of my scene graph. All of the walls and floors are drawn as optimally as possible on a per-z-level basis while respecting splits between different mineral types. I threw on a loader that processes the entire embark before drawing begins, so much less work has to be done comparing things and testing things in the actual drawing code. As a result of all of this, the drawing is much faster (including the loading time) and as far as I can tell, the resulting view runs faster. If anybody experiences performance issues I can add block grouping functionality to split off sections, but hopefully nobody will find it running worse than before.

I upgraded to the svn trunk of openscenegraph to get access to the new povray exporter (mwahahaha) and it just flat broke my input manipulator. The new stuff is completely incompatible with the old required way of doing things, and fixing it would have added a good 400 lines of code to the already overly bloated and broken manipulator. So, I've decided to just completely bypass OSG's built in input stuff and implement OIS. OIS is an awesome input system, and should integrate smoothly with OSG once I finish the new geometry stuff. Once THAT'S done and there's actual keyboard and mouse input again, I'll do another release.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.03 - a 3D Fortress Renderer in OSG
« Reply #27 on: August 25, 2010, 03:35:16 am »

Overseer 0.10 is up!

Changes v0.10
-Optimized things on a per-z-level and per-material basis
-Made hanging floors 3D to close off open meshes
-Improved ramps so that no overlapping faces are generated -- everything is drawn optimally per-tile now
-Added an export dialog that supports  .obj, .3ds, .ac, .dxf, .lwo, and .pov. Note that tristripping has to be enabled for pov-ray export!
-Removed the "enable ramps option" due to the impending material system. Textures aren't included or supported in this version, but hopefully that won't be a big deal due to the extremely minimal support in previous versions. The next release will see multiple textures and a more robust lighting system.
-Switched input system over to OIS. It's fairly robust now and sexymustard and I can't break it. All of the camera and movement-related glitches are gone now, and things should work fine.

I'm starting work on the material subsystem now. Ideally it won't be too difficult. Sexymustard is going to be able to start on textures full time next week, so expect another release relatively soon.
Also, to whet your taste buds, here are two images rendered in Pov-Ray by bartavelle using the very first PovRay export...
Without fog:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
With fog:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The per-z-level material thing is due to the implementation of the geometry generator right now. Actually, the file used to make those images was generated from the old geometry generator, which was so messy that he had to use a perl script to parse it and add material information -_-; It's better now, I promise! It's still separated by z-level, but it's cleanly so.
If anybody has any issues with any of the exporters or anything else, post here or find me on the #dfhack freenode channel.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 03:40:50 am by thewonderidiot »


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Even without any textures and everything being black and all that, caverns still look quite impressive.
Good job on making this. Though for some reason, east/west axle seems to be mirrored:
The only dragon I've seen in game walked into my rats nest of a fortress and died in the flames of the conflagration he started in the dining hall.  Of course, nearly every dwarf was dead by then, but we consider it a tactical victory.


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Things look black because the normals of the cavern faces are pointing inside, it's not meant to look good on the outside.

And thanks for pointing out the east/west mirrored thing, I didn't notice that when I wrote the new geometry generator. I'll get that fixed up for the next release.

EDIT: So I'm working on the material system, and there's a lot of ways I can lay out the scene graph. I've got a couple of people to help test, but if anybody is interested in helping to test the performance of different geometry generators, let me know.

Also, thanks for all of the kind comments everyone. :D
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 05:28:53 am by thewonderidiot »
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