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Author Topic: Fortress Overseer 0.70.1 - !Open Source! 3D Visualizer - 31.25-34.11 Support  (Read 382432 times)


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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #525 on: February 22, 2012, 06:44:44 pm »

Well, I have no real experience in 3d modelling, and absolutely none in lighting, so I can't tell what would be doable. I can, however, say what I think would be awesome/ideal, if it can be done in the first place, without going into a level of complexity that would make big complicated forts difficult to view because of the complexity.

First off, if DF ever gets torches/lanterns/lamps or anything, I'd simply make the sun or, in night mode, the moon (with maybe a third or half the light and a blue overtone) be a main light source but then have any torches not in sunlight be lit for a smaller light source, with ordinary realistic shadows (nothing fancy, just light doesn't go through things), and then for the caverns make underground moss/fungi and presumed algae in underground rivers all glow for another underground light source (at least at the first layer of cavern I know this works -- it'd be amusing to have it only on the floor because that's where it is in DF, btw -- I haven't found the other two cavern layers quite yet, but have heard tales of eerie glowing pits at the bottom of the world that would also work nicely as lights).

Until then, my ideal balance is a little less simple and I don't know if it could be done or not, but it sure would be nice... The moon in night mode would do what the sun does now but one third the light and a blue overtone. In day mode, I'd try to program an easy way to distinguish between above-ground and below-ground areas (DF does distinguish between constructed walls and floor and natural ones, so I suspect in theory there could be a way to figure it out if the results can be used to label a surface for the renderer somehow). The light from the sun would be full power until it has to pass through an above-ground surface, the first of which reduces it to two thirds the brightness. This would not be cumulative; straight above a three story tower, the sun would light the bottom floor 2/3 just like the second (and, if it's roofed, the third). Then, natural ground surfaces (including walls as well as floors; didn't mean "ground" as in "floor") would block the sunlight completely, but anywhere that sunlight was prevented from reaching I'd have lit by some kind of non-directional light at 1/3 the brightness of the above-ground light.

That way the inside of a fort is slightly darker, and the caverns are a good bit darker and don't have shadows in different places based on the position of a sun that's not visible from there anyway. If the natural ground changing the light completely like that isn't doable, I'd take the principle of the above-ground surfaces casting a non-cumulative shadow and reduce the light to a whole 1/2 instead of by a third to 2/3; it wouldn't be quite as awesome, but I'd expect it to be doable and to nicely set the tone for inside/underground areas.

On the other hand, if you wanted to go a true DF-based model, you could have the sun and moon always be directly above in the sky and have light technically just come straight down... 8^)

Like I said, no idea if that's anything like doable, but since you asked it's my suggestion for an overall design that would work out nicely if it worked. I imagine the after-torch-and-or-lamp-addition plan would probably be easier to program though it might actually take more processing power. I'd love if I knew enough about 3d graphical programming to help in any way... Oh well, it's like watching Dwarf Fortress itself develop and being able to make suggestions but not do much to make them materialize (aside from the occassional animal sponsorship drive).
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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #526 on: February 22, 2012, 08:54:19 pm »

Hey, I just wanted to confirm, after about 30 mins of reading and trying to get FO to connect to doesn't work with with the latest version, yeah?
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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #527 on: February 22, 2012, 09:36:43 pm »

Hey, I just wanted to confirm, after about 30 mins of reading and trying to get FO to connect to doesn't work with with the latest version, yeah?

No. Currently working on a rewrite.


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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #528 on: February 22, 2012, 09:38:18 pm »

To be honest I'm relieved. I was beginning to question what I know about computers when it kept telling me it couldn't talk to DF. :P
Cautivo del Milagro seamos, Penitente.
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When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
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Quote from: Eric Blank
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Sexy Mustard

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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #529 on: February 23, 2012, 02:44:21 am »

More in-progress screenshots!

diffuse lighting now works over the texture atlas, vertex colors integrated via alpha masking, It's still not perfect but its getting pretty close to first release material. Also for first release we plan on using SkyX to give us our sun and moon lighting(as well as all the other things that skyX does so well :D) and within that we should end up getting a color component so the sun should be yellowish and the moon blueish, if that is not the case however I will probably add that in manually sometime after the first release. additionally on the matter of lighting differences for above and under ground that is a much more difficult problem that will certainly not be addressed until a later release.


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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #530 on: February 23, 2012, 03:07:20 am »

wow good job updating to 31.25!
wait a second.....

you guys have horrible luck with update timing.


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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #531 on: February 23, 2012, 03:10:22 am »

wow good job updating to 31.25!
wait a second.....

you guys have horrible luck with update timing.
Question... Not to offend, or anything... But... Do you read before you post?

Also, those update pics look awesome. Far beyond what I thought it was going to be up-close. lol   Now I'm starting to worry about whether it'll run on my laptop. :\ However, with the news that the water has changed (for the better, actually, in my opinion - I couldn't open ocean maps at all, really), hopefully I'll manage. =)
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 03:14:30 am by Talvieno »
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« Reply #532 on: February 23, 2012, 04:20:18 am »

« Last Edit: November 22, 2016, 04:56:00 am by Yannanth »

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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #533 on: February 23, 2012, 10:44:35 am »

I agree.

DF has really lost somethign i think with the Demize of the old Visualizer.
It used to be every other day peopel were posting MASSIVE works in glrious rendations and color and style.

Now all we have is stonesense which is still getting bugs out of it, and is only isometric, it is fun to play, but doesnt give the same GRAND feeling the visualizer did.

O really hope Overseer becomes as wide spread and easy to use.
Ask not what the Dwarfs can do for you...
But ask.... why are they drunk all the time?


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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #534 on: February 23, 2012, 11:36:02 am »

Also, those update pics look awesome. Far beyond what I thought it was going to be up-close. lol   Now I'm starting to worry about whether it'll run on my laptop. :\ However, with the news that the water has changed (for the better, actually, in my opinion - I couldn't open ocean maps at all, really), hopefully I'll manage. =)

You shouldn't have to worry about that, hopefully. I haven't yet tested thing on lower-end hardware, but the old version of Overseer had the entire map in the scene the whole time. That adds up to a LOT of triangles. This new version, due to smoothing, uses a lot more triangles than the old version, but there's also paging, so only the portion of the map around the camera is actually loaded into the scene. Plus, all of the high res textures of the previous version have been replaced by a single texture atlas until further notice, so your GPU will be rendering just one texture onto the geometry instead of fifty-something. The texturing was a large part of what was clobbering Overseer before.

Speaking of lighting, I just had an awesome idea pop into my head... what if you had a special mode which has lightening going in the background and rain... would make the fortress look really evil and generally cool. I'd fancy that.

Good news for you, the sky library we use will be updated with thunderstorms very shortly. That means we'll be able to read in the weather state from DF and... well, you see where I'm going.  ;)


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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #535 on: February 23, 2012, 12:02:39 pm »

Still looking awesome so now all you need to do is draw models for doors, workshops and everything, then livestream data from DF, animate all the in-game creatures and make them fight and perform all interactions like making booze look realistic and finally make it so you can control DF via Overseer and I reckon you'd be set. That's not too much too ask is it? :P
Wow, that's actually really friggin' awesome looking.
That is brilliant.
That is hilarious, Ashton. I love it.
OMG yes!!!  Thank you!!!

Totally not a narcissist.


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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #536 on: February 23, 2012, 12:26:32 pm »

For a guy involved with NASA?

Cautivo del Milagro seamos, Penitente.
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When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Quote from: Sindain
It's kinda silly to complain that a friendly NPC isn't a well designed boss fight.
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Quote from: MrRoboto75
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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #537 on: February 23, 2012, 11:57:34 pm »

I just wanted to say HURRAY! that this is still being maintained I had some cool views of some of the towns in adventure mode in 31.25, in 34 with the new layouts it should be awesome!  :D
I voted for BANANA!


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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #538 on: February 25, 2012, 02:44:49 am »

Still looking awesome so now all you need to do is draw models for doors, workshops and everything, then livestream data from DF, animate all the in-game creatures and make them fight and perform all interactions like making booze look realistic and finally make it so you can control DF via Overseer and I reckon you'd be set. That's not too much too ask is it? :P

For a guy involved with NASA?


Right so, drawing models for buildings is one of the priorities that will be coming up soon. After that, livestreaming from DF (with animated creatures) is something that I'd love to do eventually (the ZMQ API needs to be written into DFHack first). Given the tile-based-ness of DF, it'll be... challenging... to make any of the animations to not look super choppy. Overseer would have to run several frames behind DF so it could plan animations with foresight into what the creature will be doing, otherwise movement would look chaotic and bad. As far as direct control of DF goes -- I'm not sure I want to touch that.

I'm flattered that you think there's even a remote chance I'd be able to pull off that craziness. :P

Added liquids (both water AND magma this time) and sky tonight. Holding off on showing a screenshot with the liquids as the textures need a bit more work.

Here's a shot with the latest shader by SexyMustard and with the basic sky integrated:

There's some seams on the constructed texture that I haven't managed to find the source of yet, so hopefully I'll be able to kill it in the next few days.


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Re: Fortress Overseer v0.51 - 3D Visualizer - 31.25 Support (see 1st post)
« Reply #539 on: February 25, 2012, 04:08:52 pm »

Great Amarok! You are a legendary dwarf among men.
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