Bob, Suck-R, Red and Awe: I'm sorry, knoledge of communist propaganda is treason, you have all been given twenty-five treason points. Red, you have been assigned termination. Would everyone kindly kill Red.
Everyone except Loot-R: You head to PLC with the bomb. PLC is just as grimy and grungy as the rest of HDG sector, although it has rather more bots inhabiting it than normal. A jackobot walks up to you and pauses for a while, making a small humming noise and occaisionally letting off a spark. Suddenly it speaks in a scratchy voice.
"Greetings, citizens, may I have the package you have brought for us? Oh, you have fifty plasticreds each in the back as well!"
Loot-R: You head to R&D, upon arriving you find yourself in a place bearly resembling a room. It is torn up beyond recognition and every few seconds you hear an explosion from another room. A man in a white coat with frizzy grey hair runs up to you.
"Oh! Hello, citizen. You must be one of the troublehooters bringing the bomb. But you dont have it? You must have gone ahead from the rest of the pack, eh? Always the eager one, eh? Come, come, we have a new invention that needs to be tested."
He grabs you by the wrist and tugs you along, you head down a corridoor and through a few more torn up rooms only to find yourself in the center of a large arena with the man. On the floor you can see a small handheld gun with a rather large tank full to something attached to it.
"You will be testing the MSA for us on your mission, test it out!"
The man then runs out of the arena and you see a tankbot burst through the wall to your left.
In conclusion:
Everyone except Loot-R is standing in PLC in HDG sector.
Loot-R is standing in a large arena in R&D in HDG sector with the MSA on the floor next to him and a tankbot aiming at him.