Dear Urist McNewlyElectedMayor
Congratulations on winning the election just two months after arriving! No, I don't mind. Being mayor, baroness, and broker all at once is rather exhausting; I'm just as glad to offload some of the responsibility onto you!
However, there is an issue that must be addressed. You won the election just as a trade caravan arrived, and immediately tried to ban the export of barrels, (and by extension, anything stored in barrels.)
Being as you are newly arrived, you might not realize that a good part of our trade economy is based on excess dwarven wine, prepared meals, and raw fish. I'm terribly sorry to be forced to override your very first edict, but really, do you really think you were being reasonable?
I'll admit, that a newcomer being elected mayor so quickly, and immediately giving such an unreasonable demand led me to -- I hope you will forgive me, one can't be too safe -- check into your background a bit. My worry deepened when nobody seemed to have any connection to you or any idea who you are, and that you seemed to tell everyone you talked to a different story about where you are from. I was quite relieved to hear about your most dwarfly drunken antics in the public tavern.
I also learned that you are a bard, and have been dissatisfied at a lack of opportunities to practice your craft. To soften the blow of having given (as Baroness) myself (as Broker) permission to ignore your barrel edict, I've arranged the opportunity for you to play regularly at the citizens-only legendary dining-hall-tavern. Not nearly so much competition for floor space as there is upstairs in the public tavern where the visiting bards are allowed!
I hope that we are able to start our relationship off on the right foot.
Baroness Broker Reg Ningfath Burnsack of Urnclobbers