Dear all Seed Sorters in the Haulers' Union:
I realize that there is an esprit de corps in your ranks that seeks to bedevil management when you can. However, certain pranks are getting out of hand. Why for the love of anthracite are you mixing different types of seeds when you bag them? I find it merely befuddling, but personally it is no inconvenience. Your union representative however informs me that any bag found to be cross-contaminated in this manner cannot be added to nor sorted into stockpiles. The only people handling these seeds are yourselves, so don't think I am ignorant of your complicity in this attempt to shirk off.
Secondly, the seed stockpiles are clearly marked with the desired types to keep. There is no pressing need to bag other kinds that we have no intention of either eating or planting; certainly you should not be doing so before attending to our future crops. There is no reason to exhaust our supply of bags in this fashion or via the shenanigans above. Quite aside from ordering you to dump them and start over, effectively doubling or tripling your workload, keep in mind that I am quite capable of commissioning more bags to be woven. You have no endgame here.
Your Overseer
Dear Ubbul Sherikdodok,
I am quite aware that you are our best Farmer. You are also our most skilled Mason, and given the labor shortages of our dead civilization many of us will find ourselves with more than one specialization. It will perhaps surprise you to learn that when I issued general Directive #3 allowing anyone to harvest plants I actually meant for everyone in or around the fortress to be eligible. It is not necessary to excuse yourself from a personally assigned masonry project the very same moment a single passion fruit ripens . . . multiple times over several days. There are others who can easily bring the fruits inside, but none who are as deft at shaping stone. Please consider your priorities with this in mind.
Dear Random Lungfish,
Sir or madam, and apologies that I didn't come close enough to be certain, please accept my congratulations for your accomplishments. The main host of your kind seem content to swim in the brook or crawl in the mud gulping air. A few have the strength to pull themselves, fin by fin, between stagnant pools. But you, you had the fortitude, willpower, and sheer audacity to stroll atop my fortress wall! Climbing about without any visible grasping parts: you are an inspiration. I could wish my dwarves had your spirit and joie de vivre.
A choked-up Overseer