Dear Urist McSiegeOperator,
I know you were a little disappointed by the goblin siege that got entirely caught on weapon traps, but 'Fire at Will' does not mean 'Fire upon dwarves collecting goblin equipment from corpses'. Stop that shit.
But they might be Fire Snakes in disguise, or vampires! <|:-S
And yeah, those humans are some happy campers. The thing to do is prob'ly just wait until a caravan comes and gives them a trashing, or start some bizarrely complex project to replace their campifire with some liquid
Dear Urist McCrankypants: That bridge was
the only way into the fortress, you moron! Now that you destroyed it, the caravan has no way to our indoor trade depot, and that means
no booze for anyone. Happy now?
<Urist McCrankypants cancels listen to reason: throwign tantrum.
Rough mudstone Bridge destroyed by Urist McCrankypants.
Urist McCrankypants has died after colliding with an obstacle.>
Oh well, natural selection in action I guess... *shrug*
To: hauler/lumberjack/farmer whatshisname
CC: Every Armok-damned moodsy Drof in this Fortress
RE: Strange moods
Hey fellas,
While I certainly appreciate creative imagination, you know what I appreciate even more?
Useful artifacts. This does
not include the Acacia cup you used most of the year to make, messing up the craf shop's production orders in the process. Especially since said cup is menacing with so many spikes of acacia and dog leather (wait, what? leather spikes?) that it's practically impossible to take a sip without cutting most of your face open. Not to mention the image of goblins laughing at the downfall of a Dwarven civilization; Armok knows things are looking plenty grim even without this kind of defeatist propaganda.
As for you bowyer guys, what could possibly influence you to make a sheep bone or willow
bow? Nobody in the fort even knows how to use such an elfin weapon, let alone make any ammo for it. We're dwarves; we use
crossbows. There's a difference.
- Your Somewhat Exasperated Overseer