Eep! He mentioned liking those arena maps! BURN THE HERETIC!
But I really do hate those maps, since there's always a few overpowered characters (agility-based, X% stun chance per hit) and I could never figure out which ones were which. Not to mention,
everybody modded their own, slightly-different version of the map with their own imbalances built in. That said, maybe it's gotten better since I was last there (haven't played WC3 in almost a year, now).
Other than that, I never really liked DotA, and I've never heard of Dark Ages of Warcraft. I played the odd 'tag' map, if/when somebody hosted one that wasn't horribly un-fun for the chasers.
And there was one map... I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but it was basically a zombie-apocalypse RPG. You and a bunch of friends fought through constantly-respawning zombies to complete a few objectives, like curing/rescuing survivors and the like, throughout a massive, open city. It even used codes for persistent ranks (though levels were reset every time you loaded the map, to keep it fair. You only kept a few rank-based perks.) It was notable because, barring one special ability and one long-cooldown nuke, 'dead' zombies would stand up after a minute or so, meaning you couldn't stand still and mow down enemies. It was brutally hard, though, even on the 'easier' difficulties, and finding a team that was both competent and willing to stick around was near-impossible. Very fun to play around on, though, and the only well-designed RPG map I ever found.