I was wondering; I have a fair amount of adamantine cloth (I like to strip away the outside bits of A that you know cannot unseal the pipe) and I thought it might be cool to turn it all into clothing so that I can fashion a squad of "elite" archers.
The idea is that if they all have A robes, etc. and masks or helmets that cover almost all of their body, they'd be nigh invincible against goblin archers, but could return fire with much greater lethality. Presumably A clothing is light, I am pretty sure robes and/or dresses cover a large body area including both upper and lower body, and it would definitely stop arrows from penetrating the target. However, I imagine that bolts would still power through the cloth and do crushing damage since bolts travel with enough velocity to bruise one lethally even under impenetrable armor (I tested iron bolt vs. steel chain etc. in the arena, and this is what happened. However, I cannot make adamantine robes in the arena to test them, sadly). Would perhaps wearing leather armor under the robes absorb the crushing blow of the bolts?
So assuming I 1) want to outfit them with bolt-proof armor but use as little A per unit as possible, 2) want them to have a light burden so they can move quickly, and 3) cover as much of their body parts as possible (including face, throat, etc.) would robes and some kind of headgear be the most efficient way to do this? Is this even a worthwhile use for adamantine?