Another thing about you people as soon as I shoot down part of your argument it is like you never said it, would it kill you to say "Oh I am sorry Criptfeind, I was wrong"? I mean really, you are completely ignoring how I invalidated your big long post and you have started to attack something else.
Fine, I was wrong.
It is petty god damn simple, I take the number of slots open and divide it by the optimal number of cabal members. Even you should be able to divide 6 by 7 and 7 by 8. Did I not go over this before? On the first day? Huh, I looked back, I never outlined it. Well here you go.
Six divided by seven is 85.7%. That much is true. But it no longer holds true, if it ever did, because there are eight cabal members and only six winners.
Seven divided by eight, firstly, is 87%, a number which you never mentioned, and doesn't even make sense. There are only six winners, not seven.
Now where'd you get 80% from?
This is not true, although true with eight cabal members the most votes we can put on anyone is 7. The other 6 people can only put 5 votes on anyone person. Hell even if they voted for a cabal member the max would be six. Now tell me. Is 7 more then 6?
No, it's more th
an six. Regardless, in that point I was wrong.
This is a flaw, I will admit, but it is even a bigger flaw for your "Take small deals one at a time" strategy. (If you want to call it that.)
Really we are on mutual trust. That and the the fact we have no reason to betray each other.
You do. Imagine I win. Well, I could vote "correctly", or I could vote for whoever I want to win. In fact, you have no reason
not to betray each other. I'm not saying that you will inevitably all betray each other. Maybe some people will betray and some won't. But it's deceptive and a lie to say that you will definitely not betray, that you have such and such percentage to win, that if you go with Criptfiend winning is basically a sure thing.