Well, the game is scheduled for tomorrow, so if it gets running on time...
I'll still be at work or just leaving.
Since we were in the middle of combat, I'd just like to outline what I want to be doing for the next couple of rounds until I get home and can log in.
Since the last round I cast Telekinesis (CL 9) and grappled one of the flying things we are fighting, I will continue to grapple that one until I manage to cause it to fall from the sky.
http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/telekinesis.htmCombat maneuver mode, Range 760 feet, duration 9 rounds, and making grapple checks at +18 (9 caster level +9 int bonus)
I'll be focusing on making whichever enemy is closest to me personally at any the time that it is my turn. (or on whichever I am currently grappling if it isn't falling out of the sky yet.)
Ideally, we run and I make them fall from the sky- they should fall 150 feet then 300 feet per round on subsequent rounds, so I should be able to keep one pinned for three rounds of falling. (really, it depends on how easily they can make the DC20 reflex save to recover and just how far above the ground we are.)
Even if they recover on their next turn, it should take them a couple of turns to climb enough to be in range to attack us again, so if I can drop one a turn and we scoot for the horizon, we should be be to outrun and escape if our eagles are faster than them. (or at least get them separated enough we can deal with one at a time.)
also, apparently, I might have done "damage as if with an unarmed strike" when I successfully initiated the grapple. I'm not sure if that means a bare 1d3 or if I get to use my intelligence modifier for bonus damage (which would be 1d3+9), or if I don't actually get to deal damage(though that last is also unlikely) because the spell description isn't explicit in that regard. looking for something that says one way through google.
and the bird thing I have grappled now will be allowed to make a grapple check opposed to mine to attempt to move half it's speed (and if it fails to move half it's speed and has average or worse maneuverability?... plummet!)