Turn 1:
Dwarfguy2 tries to lose his hands and break free. Result: 1
Not only do you not manage to lose your hands or break free, while trying you somehow managed to wrap the chains around your throat, and are now slowly suffocating.
3 turns until suffocation!
Diablous tries to head towards city door.Ochita tries to head towards city door.Nirur Torir tries to break the chains and head towards the beachResult: 4
In a pretty impressive show of strength you break your chains and run off towards the beach door!
Frelock tries to drag everyone with him while he bursts through the city door like the Kool-Aid Man!Result: 2
You don't manage to drag everyone into the door, instead it just counts as a normal vote. Disappointed by this, you do your best Kool-Aid Man impression, but end up just running into the wall next to the city door.
-1 health.
Lordinquisitor tries to cut himself while heading to the city.You try, but you just can't cut yourself when you can't use your hands. You steer everyone towards the city, even though it just seems redundant at this point.
dwarfguy2, Diablous, Ochita, Frelock and Lordinquisitor go to City:You are all standing in a square, in front of a tall building. The entire square is filled with people partying. There are some shops selling various things still open to the left of you, and ( probably mostly empty ) houses to your right. On the other side of the square, there is what appears to be some kind of police station.
One of you approaches one of the partygoers and asks him: "What are you all partying for?"
He replies: "Yesterday, we were declared safest city OF THE WORLD!" before going back to partying.
Nirur Torir materializes at Beach:You are standing on a beach. There aren't very many people here, and you don't see any sharks at all! You do see a few lifeguards, but none of them strikes you as very angry. You don't even see any giant crabs!
Behind you, dunes...and not a whole lot else. In front of you, a beach with barely any people, and a calm sea, with even less. You see a few ships in the distance, and also some islands. To the left of you, a small town, with a bridge leading to the closest island. And to the right of you...more beach. There's a sign there as well, but you can't read it from here.
Number: 13
Emo ( can cut self once every 3 turns for 1 damage )
10/10 health
Number: 3
Weak ( starts with 8 hp )
8/8 health
Nirur Torir:
EDIT: Oh, and your chains are gone. I kind of forgot to mention that...Oh well.