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Author Topic: Is dwarf fortress communist?  (Read 26472 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • The Enraged Primate
Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #105 on: August 03, 2010, 08:00:16 pm »

Nobody remembers that the trains ran on time under Mussolini?  :'(
Ratbert #CP#Z
"For FUN and HONOR!"


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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #106 on: August 03, 2010, 10:34:10 pm »

I prefer a mixed economy, myself. There are a few systems that I believe should be handled/paid for by the government, such as health-care and education, in order to make them available to all, but you can't simply skip out on the advantages of private production either.

But personally, I don't believe any system is inherently bad or evil(Aside from the system I proposed earlier), be it pure capitalism, pure communism, the barter system, etc. I think I could live comfortably in any system, so long as the implementers are competent.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #107 on: August 04, 2010, 12:15:57 am »

OK, I probably shouldn't get involved in this, especially so late in this, but...

Free healthcare and education isn't socialist.

Yes it is, it's not privately run but controlled by the state nor do taxes mean people pay proportionally to what they use. This is at the very least nationalism with a tendency towards socialism rather than free-market capitalism.

Here we have the problem of where arbitrarily defined words meets negative connotations, brought about by a Pavlovian propoganda campaign.  (To Shades's credit, he was apparently using "Socialism" in a neutral connotation, but in America, "Socialism", and "Europe" are the words by which Right-wing pundits slander virtually anything they oppose, no matter how similar to the things they support.)

Think about this one carefully: If taxpayer-funded public education is "Socialism", then the only nations in the world that AREN'T Socialist are the utterly failed states, like Somalia, where the whole nation has essentially devolved down to "every family for themselves".  At such a point, if Socialism has any meaning leftover whatsoever, it could only be considered a positive thing.

As for the "political philosophy" (using that term as loosely as possible) of Nazis, it's actually much easier to find how a Nazi would react to a given social problem than most people think: The Neo-Nazi movement still exists in America and Europe.  In spite of an effort on the part of Right-Wing pundits to try to portray Hitler as a Leftist because it is more convenient for them to paint someone who is synonymous with "evil" as having all the same views as those who are their own political opponents, the Neo-Nazis (who are quite often brothers-in-arms with the KKK in the US) are quite clearly a part of the furthest fringes of the Right.  Their political philosophy is best described in terms of a Pavlovian response to conditioned keywords than it is to a set of given principles.  Militarism, Religion and/or Mysticism and/or some other Cult of Personality upon which one can swear total allegiance, Traditionalism, and one's own race are the common "happy" connotation words, while other races being mobilized and more powerful politically, a particular pet "evil" form of government or religion or otherwise foreign cultural element, and change or anything that makes people fear for a lack of control are the catchphrases that bring about the "grrrrrrr" response.

While there is nothing expressly written into the political philosophy of Nazism that actually says it must oppose Communism, the Nazi Party that Hitler rose to control formed as a fearful reaction against a growing tide of Communism (due to the essential failure of , which was taking root among some of the Bohemian and labor-related aspects of Germany, and was feared to be a Foreign, Russian Plot to take over Their Country! 

Before Hitler went after the Jews, he first destroyed the labor unions and built the concentration camps to put the Communists (and any other political dissenters) in.  (He also went after the gays and the insane before he went after the Jews...)

Going back to the Neo-Nazis of the current day, they actually quite love the military, and many of the Neo-Nazi or KKK-related (the KKK is currently fractured into dozens of groups all claiming to be the "real" KKK) groups deliberately fashion themselves upon military life, to the point of wearing army fatigues at all times, and many of them being former enlisted men.  They love authority.  They just hate the authorities.  Like I said, it's not much of a political philosohpy.

As for Bungler... no.

In this, I am reminded of Michael Chriton's "Rising Sun", in the part where the Sensei character (who is the authorial sockpuppet demonstrating the "wise" reasons to be mistrustful of the Japanese corporate juggernaught of the 80's) denounces the simply blatantly racist cop by saying "There are many good reasons not to like the Japanese.  He does not know any of them."  (This of course being a way for the author to attempt to differentiate the views he was expressing against the Japanese corporate culture and simple racism.  YMMV.)

When you base your arguments upon pretty obviously untrue conspiracy theories, you are wrong, even if, by accident, you happen to be right.  Even if a broken clock is right twice a day, that doesn't mean the clock isn't still broken when it's right.

It is also worth keeping in mind that many of the evils that Democracies have produced were produced because people allowed the extremists to hold reality-warping beliefs without saying anything, because they believed that it could help their own side of the argument.  (And to that extent, Devek, you aren't helping the argument any by leaping to Glenn Beck several posts in a row.  Fighting every political argument like a shouting match against a Beckkerhead only makes you opposed to them, it doesn't make you right.)

The only downside is that we have too many rights, some rights don't make sense when it comes to what is best for the country and all who live in it. For example, in China you can't flat out lie about the government or tell people to do things in the name of god lol. I think that is awesome.

I think you need to revist your Social Studies textbooks from Elementary school, and figure out what "rights" are and why they are there. 

How can you decry the way in which Right-Wing pundits use propoganda or lie about the government, and then say that we should adopt a system by which we oppress those who "lie about government"?  Who gets to determine what's a lie or not?  Whoever happens to be in power at the moment?  So whoever happens to have power at the moment gets to just declare everyone else dissenters, and haul them off to the gulags?

This is what rights are all about:  Some things are just more powerful than Democracy.  If there were a democratic vote upon the matter, Blacks would never have been given civil rights in the 60's.  Roughly 90% of the military was opposed to desegragation of the military when Truman gave his Executive Order to do it anyway. 

And yes, this means that we have to allow people to say stupid, crazy shit, because stupid, crazy people have rights, too, and that is a small price to pay for the assurance that our own rights will still exist whenever the pendulum of political popularity swings in the other side's favor. (Not that we can't berate and mock them for their stupid, crazy rants.)

Maybe you are opposing the worst of the Right-Wing conspiracy nuts, but by adopting many of the same logical fallacies and fully emotional knee-jerk reactions that the worst of the right adopts, you only make yourself similarly wrong even if you take dissimilar views, and also make a very poor representative of both Liberalism and of America in general to those posters abroad.

Quote from: MaDeR Levap
While Hitler is associated with extreme right and Stalin with extreme left, its true that practical differences was cosmetic. Both systems was totalitarian and evil.

There are actually plenty of differences that play out more at a "ways they dealt with Cognitive Dissonance" level, but I think the best way to illustrate this is with models of political axis differentiating the scale of progressive/conservative with the scale of libertarian/totalitarian, and noting that both were extreme totalitarianists to the point that it was the most salient aspect of their governance, even if they were different in terms of left/right.

Quote from: Lord Dakoth
The primary goal of each major party is only to dethrone the other. Only a minority of politicians stand for ideals, and most of them fade into obscurity. The whole shabang is more of "Red Team vs. Blue Team" or "Elephants vs. Donkeys" than politics. It's not about what you think is best for the country, it's about whether you get reelected or not.

While it is indeed easy to become disgusted with such a thing, there is still the problem of making a false equivalency too soon. 

To illustrate this, most recently, a jobs bill was going to be passed by Congress that would enable tax breaks and lending for small businesses to help the economy.  It was something that not only enjoyed bipartisan support, the co-author of the bill was Olimpia Snowe, Maine Republican famous for occasionally not voting in lockstep conformity with every single other Republican.  It was then declared, however, by Mitch McConnel, that this jobs bill would be something that Democrats could campaign on, especially since it could potentially help the economy recover.  As such, all Republicans unanimously voted against it, with Snowe (who helped write the bill) claiming that "Democrats would not let enough amendments be passed by Republicans"... when all of these amendments were completely unrelated bills designed simply to stall the process.

(News articles related, for the purposes of citation: (This is a determinedly "centrist" account, by which it means they try to show both sides in a falsely equal bad light no matter what.) (An obviously liberal-leaning report) (And just so it can't be said that only one side of the argument is being made, a right-wing blog, as well.)

Yes, both parties engage in politics, (obviously), but to simply say both sides are equally corrupt without investigating that claim, and give up and expect corruption, rather than punish it, is capitulating in your duties as a citizen.  Even worse, it makes it a viable strategy to purposefully depress voter turnout because those people more intent on gaming the system than helping the nation know that the ideologically-driven single-issue voters will always vote and always vote for the same party, no matter what, and that if all other voters stop voting, they can rule the nation even if their coalition consists of only 12% of the public.

If communism was easy to code, it'd be easy to implement in real life. Since, you know..."planned economy" really does have the "plan" (or "programme", as in "programming", as in "coding", as in "code") as its central piece.

Not really.  You can program a computer AI to utterly ignore all sense of rational self-interest or even self-preservation.  (Heck, DF does quite a good job of that with it's simulated "burning socks are EXTRA valuable!" code.)  Real-life Communism fails because, in a system where there is essentially no reward for working harder, and no real fear of losing one's job if one slacks, there is no reason not to do just the most minimum effort it takes to keep one's job.  In computer simulation land, every little drone works its hardest at all times for essentially no hope of any fair proportionate reward because that's what it's programmed to do.

A program can model something that could never work in real life very, very easily, because you can simply change all the laws of physics or rationality whenever you need to in order to force the model to work.

Not to start a huge argument here, but if capitalism is the "best" system imaginable and communism/socialism is of the devil or however you want to put it... then why is it that pretty much all through Europe and North America, the so-called advanced countries, a significant amount of the populace is living among inhumane circumstances, barely able to earn enough to support themselves and their families? Why is it that the streets are full of the homeless and that people resort to loans with ridiculously high rates in a desperate attempt to go on living?


It's because, in the example of the homeless (at least, for the US), most homeless people are the veterans of wars who have completely untreated Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that renders them unwilling, not unable to find steady jobs or even desire to participate in society in any way, due to political wrangling and the whims of an electorate that enjoy thinking of themselves as "Supporting The Troops" when it comes to wasting trillions of dollars on Osprey planes that never work, but are too stingy to actually give the veterans of wars the medical attention they need.

Or, more broadly, it's because Democracy is a flawed system in that, in order to become a perfect system, it would require that at least a majority of the voting public be willing to suffer short-term loses for long-term gains, to respect the rights even of unpopular minorities because it is moral and just rather than going with their emotional reactions of disgust and revulsion, and to be educated and well-informed enough to understand the issues of the day, when many bills are so complex and labarynthine that even most Congresspeople in the current system don't even understand the bills they are voting on if it didn't come from their own comittee.

By the way, it might be interesting to note that while the basis of capitalism is a free market, prices driven purely by supply and demand, this has actually been upset recently quite a few times. Just think of the bailout of the auto industry in the USA (among others); that's something pure capitalism would not allow and is actually a step towards a more planned economy. In fact, a lot of areas of life are driven by socialist ideals; take for example the fact that healthcare is free or highly supported by the state, making it available to almost everyone, rather than just the rich. CT scans are not cheap, if sick people had to pay for all of that (as they should in a pure capitalism), I imagine life expectancy would be a lot lower.

Actually, you might want to take some of the Supply-Siders' own handiwork, as well.  The American market for Flood Insurance, for example, is sold by private insurance companies that keep all the profit they make by selling insurance, but TAXPAYERS pay the actual claims upon those insurance policies.  This is because flood insurance simply isn't profitable if you want to run it as a business, but at the same time, the Supply-Sider's get upset if you allow a "Government Takeover" of a service that is necessary for the public good, but will allow Government to actually run something akin to a business.  As such, we have the "best" of both worlds - massive profits for the rich friends of the Supply-Siders, and a massive government money sinkhole that helps prove that "Government can't do anything right" because they purposefully stack the deck against it, helping them politically as well.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2010, 12:29:24 am by NW_Kohaku »
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #108 on: August 04, 2010, 06:06:46 am »


Seriously. We derailed it so much that it hopped on a different rail whatsoever and is going all the way to the Paradox Station.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #109 on: August 04, 2010, 07:45:55 am »

Nobody remembers that the trains ran on time under Mussolini?  :'(
In fact, it's a long-lingering piece of (oh dear) fascist propaganda:
In a fat-fingered moment while setting up another military squad I accidentally created a captain of the guard rather than a militia captain.  His squad of near-legendary hammerdwarves equipped with high quality silver hammers then took it upon themselves to dispense justice to all the mandate breakers in the fortress.  It was quite messy.

Shrugging Khan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #110 on: August 04, 2010, 08:16:38 am »

CT scans are not cheap, if sick people had to pay for all of that (as they should in a pure capitalism), I imagine life expectancy would be a lot lower.
In 'pure' capitalism, poor people are *supposed* to die. Otherwise they'd have no incentive to work for their money!


Seriously. We derailed it so much that it hopped on a different rail whatsoever and is going all the way to the Paradox Station.
Aaah, come on. Arguments need to be had. You can always ignore the thread if you don't like it, after all.
Not a troll, not some basement-dwelling neckbeard, but indeed a hateful, rude little person. On the internet.
I'm actually quite nice IRL, but you people have to pay the price for that.

Now stop being distracted by the rudeness, quit your accusations of trollery, and start arguing like real men!


  • Bay Watcher
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    • The Enraged Primate
Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #111 on: August 04, 2010, 08:22:04 am »

Nobody remembers that the trains ran on time under Mussolini?  :'(
In fact, it's a long-lingering piece of (oh dear) fascist propaganda:

Don't worry, I also recall that his body was strung upside down at a gas station in Milan...  :)
Ratbert #CP#Z
"For FUN and HONOR!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #112 on: August 04, 2010, 09:10:04 am »

It's because, in the example of the homeless (at least, for the US), most homeless people are the veterans of wars who have completely untreated Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that renders them unwilling, not unable to find steady jobs or even desire to participate in society in any way, due to political wrangling and the whims of an electorate that enjoy thinking of themselves as "Supporting The Troops" when it comes to wasting trillions of dollars on Osprey planes that never work, but are too stingy to actually give the veterans of wars the medical attention they need.

Huh, I didn't know that. Well, at any rate, it's definitely not that way over here since, well... this country hasn't really been in a war since WW2, so not a whole lot of veterans. Most of the homeless over here really are homeless because they've quite literally lost everything. And apparently it's actually pretty difficult to get back up even for those willing and able to work, simply because it's rather hard for a homeless person to gain employment and even if they do, a lot of their income is taken away by various illegal forces.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #113 on: August 04, 2010, 09:48:27 am »

Huh, I didn't know that. Well, at any rate, it's definitely not that way over here since, well... this country hasn't really been in a war since WW2, so not a whole lot of veterans. Most of the homeless over here really are homeless because they've quite literally lost everything. And apparently it's actually pretty difficult to get back up even for those willing and able to work, simply because it's rather hard for a homeless person to gain employment and even if they do, a lot of their income is taken away by various illegal forces.

Well, I can't speak to your nation without even knowing which one it is, but at least for America, when your house gets foreclosed upon, it much more frequently winds up with people living with their families. 

I'm not sure about this exactly, but I know that, at least before the Bush Recesssion went and made 5 unemployed people for every 1 job opening, our job market was generally good enough that outright ex-cons (of which we Americans proudly have so many ex-cons in the making, we literally don't know where to put them all) could gain employment fairly quickly, if in not particularly good jobs, much less the homeless.  The homeless are the people that seriously want no part in society, often because of untreated mental illnesses such as PTSD.
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

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MaDeR Levap

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #114 on: August 04, 2010, 11:17:39 am »

Quote from: MaDeR
Highly emotional statements.
No, not only. But yeah, personal experience trumps blablering of armchair idealist-communist.

how I didn't, at any point, state that historical communism
Do I feel "it was not real communism" crap again? Yes, I do.

how I didn't, at any  was in any way successful, or that it provided a higher quality of life for its subject populations than its capitalist competition.
You denied that communism is inferior to capitalism. Oh, you mean this... real... communism. That never existed and never will.

inadequate to introduce a highly subjective term like "evil" to the entire debate.
Yes, it very adequate. Political and economical system (among other things) can be put under judgement. In this context, it would be moral judgement.

Secondly, judging the communist concept as "doomed" or impossible to implement in reality simply because a dozen psychotic dictatorships and corrupt oligarchies didn't make anything useful of it in the 20th century
Hey, I already asked you once why "poor nations" with "bad leadership" are soo attached to communistic concepts. Someone could thought that such system would help "a dozen psychotic dictatorships and corrupt oligarchies" maintain their rules.

is both rash and short-sighted.
No, it is just conclusion from experience of world in previous century. Closest to success that I can thought are socialist systems (like in Sweden), but socialism is different (related, yeah, but different) beast.

Somehow, you extrapolated from those that I must be intending to glorify the communist dictatorships of the past!
No, I extrapolated that you are armchair communist that does not know anything that you talk about. Nothing new on internet. Move along.

Communism was, in those past cases in which it wasn't just a classic dictatorship with a red flag, implemented in horrendously misguided ways.
I consider communism as system that cannot be implemented in any other way than "horrendously misguided".

tl;dr: Just because the past fucked up doesn't mean the future can't do better.
How much more communism have to fuck up and how much people it have to kill before you concede that this concept does not work?

but if capitalism is the "best" system imaginable and communism/socialism is of the devil
Where I said that capitalism is "best" system? I said, in short, that communism does not work. I did not talk about capitalism here.

Oh, no, no, no. Nothing like smell of internet flame (fueled by politics) in the morning. :) The more main topic of this forum is irrevelant, the better.

it hopped on a different rail whatsoever and is going all the way to the Paradox Station.
More like Retarded Paranoia Station, but whatever fly your boat. ;p After all, all kind of insanity are welcome in DF.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #115 on: August 04, 2010, 11:38:34 am »

Real vs fake communism, socialism, etc: They were kinda real, but corrupt. Just like the capitalism we have isn't "real" capitalism. Too much corruption spoils the soup... er, economic system.
When a wizard is tired of looking for broken glass in his dinner, he is tired of life.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #116 on: August 04, 2010, 01:53:52 pm »

Pure communism is an idea that can't be realized and would almost certainly collapse, while pure capitalism is flat out a bad idea.  There were a few "true" communist settlements out here, and they all fell apart due to people thinking they weren't getting their share.  At the end of the day human greed spoils the idea.  Communism seems to be a bad idea as a form of government over all.

Back on topic a bit, the economy does seem to work like the old mining towns did, but turned up to 11.  You build your house, make your bed carve out your dining room, grow your food, then use your salary to buy it all.
So my crundles are staying intact unless they're newly spawned... until they are exposed to anything that isn't at room temperature.  This mostly seems to mean blood, specifically, their own.  Then they go poof very quickly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #117 on: August 04, 2010, 02:59:54 pm »

Communism works great!

For small groups of people. But beyond around 150ish people or so the system begins to break down, as people no longer know each other. Once you start getting millions of people involved the system has serious problems basically due to freeriders. I'm sure you're all well aware of what a failed communist country looks like. They are numerous.

Capitalism works great too!

If everyone is informed with all of the information so everyone can make rational decisions. As information is not perfect and people do not have the time, knowledge, or ability to make perfectly rational decisions for every purchase you end up with the trend in capitalism where power and wealth become consolidated into fewer and fewer hands. Eventually, a purely capitalistic society with absolutely no control or regulation will resemble feudalism.

Nobles=Board of Directors
Minor Nobles=Managers
Peasants=Employees (and you)

Its basically your average megacorp from dystopian sci-fi. One megacorp may fight with another, sometimes even with actual weapons, or they may agree to merger, such that eventually you only get one company. It is the state and the economy. Everyone serves the company.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #118 on: August 04, 2010, 03:15:46 pm »

DF is fairly communistic/socialistic until the economy kicks in. If people need food, they go to the food stockpile. If the food stockpile is empty and there is nothing else to eat, everyone starves. The only real supply and demand is what the dwarfs supply and what they demand, not counting goods you produce for the trade caravans.

Once the economy arrives, it's not very capitalistic though. There's no real price fluctuations based on supply and demand. Everything just gets a price attached to it, and if the dwarfs can't afford it, they don't get the item.  In DF, dwarven syrup will always be worth 2000 (or whatever, I don't have the actual price in front of me)  Even though dsyrup is just processed sweet pods in a barrel. You could have a 1000-tile sweet pod farm with sweet pods coming out of your ears, and enough dsyrup to build another complete fort out of the barrels, and it will still cost 2000 a barrel, and dsyrup roasts will still cost 3000 or 4000 or whatever even if you have tens of thousands of those meals, and even if there are no other foods available.
When a wizard is tired of looking for broken glass in his dinner, he is tired of life.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Is dwarf fortress communist?
« Reply #119 on: August 04, 2010, 05:16:34 pm »

The problem I see with most people talking about Supply and Demand is that they very often forget about that whole "Demand" part on the end, and only talk about "Supply".

Demand for products like, say, the only available food in the fort are what economists call "inelastic".  This means that you can adjust the prices however much you want to adjust the prices, and people will still buy it, because demand is very much driven by how much a person can do without a product and what products are "substitutable" with your product.  For the only available food, alternatives to the only available food are "starving" and "maybe finding a cave spider to eat alive".

Effectively, the sweet pod farmer in that scenario has a total monopoly on the food market, and can charge whatever he damn well wants to charge, because as long as people value not having to rely on finding bugs on the ground to survive more than they value money, they will continue to pay for food.

(Note: In real life, where you DON'T have government monopolies on all products, prices on things like food, where all products are completely interchangable are actually driven very low by the nature of being in "Perfect Competition", where all products are the same, so the only way to compete is on price.  Competition forces prices down, and forces innovation in terms of productivity and cost controls, as well as quality control, specifically because you will go out of business otherwise.  This is, however, one of the main problems of Communism, where there is no competition to the Government, as well as with Monopolies in general that may emerge from unregulated Free Market capitalism.

Hence, Beeskee's statements about food prices going down in response to an oversupply would be correct IF AND ONLY IF there were competitors in the marketplace trying to underbid one another to sell their product just to get it off the shelves, which in DF, there is not.)

This only gets shaken up when there is a substitute.  If someone starts selling muck roots for 5 dbs, it's an alternative to dwarven syrup roasts.  It's a pretty crappy alternative, and depending on whether or not there's enough muck roots to go around, the sweet pod salesman might just ignore it, and simply continue gouging all the people who can't get to the muck roots in time (at which point, the demand exceeds supply for muck roots, so THEIR prices will shoot up), but if there are enogh muck roots, then the sweet pod salesman simply needs to look at how demand reacts to the substitute.  Dwarven Syrup is sweet and tasty and muck roots are... muck roots. So it's really a question of how much more is someone willing to pay to eat sweet and tasty dwarven syrup than just a muck root.  This will change from consumer to consumer, and especially change depending on the economic conditions of the dwarf in question - people go for cheaper, lower-quality substitutes when they are in a recession.  So demand, and hence prices, for pork (which is the cheap substitute for beef) will go UP in a recession, while beef demand (and hence prices) will go down... but never to the point where pork and beef have the same price. This will result in muck roots and dwarven syrup drawing together in price until it reaches a stable state where you find a balance in how much more someone is willing to pay for delicious Dwarven Syrup than for Muck Roots.
Personally, I like [DF] because after climbing the damned learning cliff, I'm too elitist to consider not liking it.
"And no Frankenstein-esque body part stitching?"
"Not yet"

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