First batch are general commands.
/ch help (page|create) Displays a help menu listing a brief description of all the available commands.
/ch list (page) Displays a list of visible channels.
/ch who Displays a list of players in your active channel. Admins are prefixed with a @, while moderators are followed by a *.
/ch [channel] (password) Sets your active channel. All future messages will be directed to this channel.
/ch join [channel] (password) or /join [channel] (password) Joins a channel, but doesn't change your active channel. You can be in multiple channels at once.
/ch leave [channel] or /leave [channel] Leaves a channel.
/qm [channel] [message] or /[channel] [message] Sends a quick message to a channel without changing your active channel.
/ch ignore (player) If no player name is given, your current ignore list is displayed. If a name is given, you will ignore or unignore that player.
These require moderator status or above (Check
here if unsure)
/ch remove [channel] Removes a channel.
/ch mod [channel] [player] Grants moderator status to a player over a channel.
/ch kick [channel] [player] Kicks a player from a channel.
/ch ban [channel] (player) If no player name is given, the current ban list is displayed. If a name is given, you will ban or unban the player.
/ch reload Loads any manual changes to the HeroChat configuration file.
/ch mute [channel] (player) If no player name is given, the channel's mute list is displayed. If a name is given, you will toggle muting the player for this channel only.
/ch gmute (player) If no player name is given, the current global mute list is displayed. If a name is given, you will toggle globally muting the player.
/ch toggle [channel] Toggles the channel. If a channel is disabled, only admins and moderators can speak in it.
/ch create [name] [nick] (color:c) (-options) Creates a new channel. The c in the color parameter should be replaced with a hexadecimal digit representing a color.
The various options are
Options available to everyone:
-h # Hidden from the /ch list command's list of visible channels
-j # Shows join and leave messages whenever players enter or exit the channel
Options available to admins only:
-a # Forces new users to automatically join the channel upon first login
-q # Allows users to use the quick message shortcuts on this channel
-f # Forces users to stay in this channel (they get an error if they try to leave)