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Author Topic: what tv shows are you currently watching?  (Read 105961 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #390 on: December 17, 2019, 04:54:03 am »

But Watchmen already wrapped everything up
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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #391 on: December 20, 2019, 07:10:42 am »

Give us yer Witcher reviews. You Netflixpeople, you.


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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #392 on: December 20, 2019, 11:13:55 am »

Give us yer Witcher reviews. You Netflixpeople, you.

Witcher? I hardly knew 'er.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #393 on: December 20, 2019, 12:20:35 pm »

Give us yer Witcher reviews. You Netflixpeople, you.

Generally, I liked it. The pilot is a bit weak, but it gets better as it goes along. The actors are well-cast and give fine-to-excellent performances. There's considerable pacing issues and confusing timeline shit, plus the CGI is hit-and-miss, but overall it works. Sometimes you cringe, sometimes you're pleasantly surprised - it's no GoT-killer, but it is clearly its own show with its own feel.
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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #394 on: December 20, 2019, 02:59:11 pm »

Epithet erased. The Characters are cordial enough to one another that it doesn’t push the trauma buttons, and on top of that, it’s actually good. The Characters feel like actual People, instead of just walking piles of tropes stitched together like demented, malformed sausages made by someone who doesn’t know what a sausage looks like.
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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #395 on: December 20, 2019, 03:50:36 pm »

Epithet Erased probably belongs in cartoon thread.
I had passed on this one due to overwhelming criticism, largely about the animation quality. Seeing a compliment here though, I might add it to my list of things to check out.


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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #396 on: December 20, 2019, 04:15:17 pm »

Epithet Erased probably belongs in cartoon thread.
I had passed on this one due to overwhelming criticism, largely about the animation quality. Seeing a compliment here though, I might add it to my list of things to check out.
The art is high quality, but I think that animating a tv series with 20-30 minute long episodes was outside the budget of an independant Youtube Channel, but pretty much everything else is above the level of quality you’d find in a youtube series. The voice acting and music are both professionally done, and as previously stated, the art is good. At times it can feel like a webcomic with voice acting and music, and at others it can feel like a radio drama that’s been animated, but at least from my experience, none of the niggles were ever bad enough to ruin it, and everything surrounding the animation holds it up well.
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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #397 on: December 21, 2019, 02:43:49 am »

Give us yer Witcher reviews. You Netflixpeople, you.
It was... surprisingly good. I expected far, far worse. Note this is from a point of view who came into this with pre-existing knowledge of books, games, the original Polish TV series and even a comic or two.
   The plot was... weird. In terms of Geralt, it adapts most of the short stories (which I always considered a high point in terms of Witcher) in a chronological way. It actually keeps... really accurate to source material, which was my first surprise. There are some changes, but I generally understand why they have been made and agree with them*. Then there's Yennefer, which plot I find a bit medicore, but it does give her character background that, if you were reading the books, it would probably take a while to figure out her story after reading about her for first time. Her character though really shines when with Geralt though, but more on that later. The third main plot follows Ciri, and is shoved some few hundred (Yennefer) to about fifteen years forward from the rest, which I can see being a real source of confusion for everyone, especially since the show opens with it. You have to either know what is going on beforehand or watch the entire show (or at least most of it, which is not a given for modern critics) to actually properly grasp what's going on, and I personally found her plotline to be the weakest of them all, and kinda boring really.
   As far as actors go - I admit when I heard about the choices, I found them weird, and there was quite a lot of jokes about Geralt looking like a Hercules, but I must say that for what is worth, Cavill didn't lie and he really seems to know a thing or two about Witcher. I wouldn't say he nails it, but it's clear he has a grasp on what he's doing, and comes as close to nailing it as I could admit he could. He's very much the strong part of the show, and all his muscles are probably from having to carry the show on his back. Don't get me wrong, Yennefer might be compelling, but it's only with her banter with Geralt she shows a side she doesn't otherwise. She's also not how I would imagine Yennefer, but I guess she's good enough and I'm just biased due to game's portrayal that is now ingrained in my brain as "The Yennefer". Knowing that though, I can't say that I feel fine with Triss actress. She simply doesn't look compelling, and while she doesn't really get a lot of time to shine, I feel like she's a complete mistake right now. I don't even really want to blame it on casting, because I could see her being a better Triss with some cinema magic, but we'll have to see about that. Dandelion looks kinda bland for his character, but I don't really have much to say against him, mainly because he spends most of his time with Geralt, which makes his character about hundred times more entertaining than he'd be on his own. Ciri is eh. I think she is easily within "adaptation" of her character in terms of looks, but she also haven't had time to shine yet. Other characters are generally okay, and while the diversity hires did raise a brow in me, they aren't VERY in-your-eyes, but I could see people getting angry about it (especially with Istredd**). I don't mind it very much, and in two cases I think they make perfect sense*** and I applaud them for that, but they really could have used without shoving some random European-dressed peasants into the mix. I don't think it's very immersive to put, for example, black people in clothes that are culturally consistent with middle-ages white people, having that black person apparently share the culture with those white people and never acknowledge any of it. I know people will try to defend it because "it's fantasy it can be anything" but there's a reason why people of Westeros are white, while people of Summer Isles are black. I'd rather if people stopped colorizing forcefully and put thought into what they're doing - I think having some of main characters be of different race, but black statists is just to meet obvious diversity quotas. A big question to me is the skin color of elves - seeing the first two being black, I was VERY afraid they went for "the race everyone is racist towards in universe is black", but they haven't, and some elves are just black while others aren't. Right now I'm not sure anymore if that would have been a bad thing, even if it would be very obviously forced. Either way, it's more of a nitpick and addressing an issue that seems to pop up a bit, but it didn't really make my time with the series less enjoyable.
   What I however consider a giant problem is some of the costumes. They are generally okay, but holy fuck shit balls are Nilfgaard absolutely horrendous. I'm not even asking for them to wear game-style late period plate armor, but the absolutely disgusting ballsack armor (it does, in fact, make them look like actual dickheads) is just so out of place, especially when compared to pretty neat armors that show up in Cintra. Not to mention that in one or two closeups you can very plainly see the thing soldiers wear under their helmets is modern-made balaclavas. I really hope they get rid of it, because it is literally my biggest gripe with the show. It's trash, it's out of place, I cannot imagine how anyone could think it's a good idea seeing it. There is also a very obvious "evil empire" trope at play with Nilfgaard, with trashy Ork-like weapons to complete the ballsack armor. Just retcon this thing out and we can all forget this was ever a thing. Out of smaller nitpicks, Vilgefortz wears an interesting (it's not really accurate, but a bit more beliveable) setup of clothes with a gorget over them, suggesting armor underneath, and a sash to create a look of XVIIth century cavalier, which he swaps out in next episode for a horrible fantasy-like coat of rusted plates that are all mis-matched and misaligned and sewn together seemingly at random. Why they did this is beyond me, but oh well.
   Now, I feel it's already pretty long and doesn't cover everything, but I'd like to throw in few words about the "feel" coming from a person who literally grew up on Witcher - it's... pretty good actually. My heart did warm up seeing the scenes from books brought to life, or even some scenes that felt like they're cut-for-cut similar to the old series, but done with way bigger budget. It's kinda like seeing a childhood story you and your friends used to tell each other when you were young made into a movie. While the origins of Geralt might be disputed (there's this whole thing about Sapkowski being "inspired" by Elric of Melniboné), I feel like that Witcher was very important for fantasy not only in Poland, but Eastern Europe in general, so while the adaptation doesn't really feel like something that's made unique by it's country of origin, I can't be helped but think of it as something that's somehow part of local culture. There might be a missed opportunity in lack of Slavic folk which would make the soundtrack stand out from the generic fantasy music, and while I am pretty sure no media other than games actually used this, and it only appeared in the third game (Maybe it would have made it too similar to the games, which is something that show has a weird relationship with, since they're both seemingly inspired by it, but also sometimes forcefully trying to be unique. What was wrong with the game medallion is beyond me, as the new one looks cheaper, and the game one was based on the old series one, which IIRC was personally approved by Sapkowski and was one of few things that series got spot-on. But that's just nitpicks now.), I think the choice was so well-fitting that it has became part of the Witcher brand for me. It's not a per-se negative of the show, as I cannot really judge it on not having something that doesn't have to be there, but something that I felt could have made the action scenes just that much more.
   TL;DR In the end I was EXTREMELY positively surprised by the show. I was prepared for it to be a steaming pile of shit taken on something I grew up with, but... it's not that bad. It's not perfect of course, but I was prepared for the worst, and I've gotten something that's actually good. Main gripe is something I cannot vouch for myself, which is that the plot might be complete mess impossible to understand to people that aren't familiar with the setting or aren't willing to give the show benefit of the doubt and watch it whole, rather than expect to have everything explained early on. There's a lot of seemingly red herrings and the pacing isn't great, but, with the knowledge that I can lose my Polish Person Identification Card if the community as a whole disagrees, I declare that the show is worthy. Just fix the Nilfgaard armor for second season.
Spoiler: the more spoiler parts (click to show/hide)
Kot finishes his morning routine in the same way he always does, by burning a scale replica of Saint Basil's Cathedral on the windowsill.


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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #398 on: December 22, 2019, 03:16:59 am »

As somebody with no history with the Witcher franchise, I was kinda dumbstruck that this is what everybody's been talking about. It's so comically edgy that I could neither take it seriously nor finish the first episode. I'm willing to concede that maybe the series isn't doing the greater story justice, but the ~25 minutes I saw struck me like Game of Thrones fanfiction. You have fantasy racism, gravelly-voiced protagonist dressed in black, blood and guts, lots of tiddies and a rape backstory all in the first half of the first episode. That's not a grim, gritty fantasy world, that's a F.A.T.A.L campaign.

The conspiracy theories about diversity quotas and le essjaydubyas are funny, though. It's like I never left Reddit.
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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #399 on: December 23, 2019, 07:11:22 am »

I've been watching The Politician. Without giving any real spoilers, it's basically about this well-off young man who dreamt as a child of becoming the president of the United States and has spent pretty much his every waking moment since working towards that goal - and his next stepping stone on that path is to become president of his high school's student body.   

The show has scheming and skulduggery aplenty, as well as humour in various shades of dark and a good helping of twists and interpersonal drama.
I certainly didn't expect to like this sort of thing, but I'm glad my mother and I started watching it after giving up on finding anything better.
There seem to be quite a lot of bad reviews floating about the internet, but I didn't read much of them since I am still part-way through the show - I do seem to remember one of them criticising the show's pacing and "lack of direction", though, which seems rather stupid to me.
Not sure what publication those reviews were from but I get the feeling their writers have a somewhat poor attention span if they had that much trouble following the show.
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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #400 on: December 24, 2019, 05:08:17 pm »

As somebody with no history with the Witcher franchise, I was kinda dumbstruck that this is what everybody's been talking about. It's so comically edgy that I could neither take it seriously nor finish the first episode. I'm willing to concede that maybe the series isn't doing the greater story justice, but the ~25 minutes I saw struck me like Game of Thrones fanfiction. You have fantasy racism, gravelly-voiced protagonist dressed in black, blood and guts, lots of tiddies and a rape backstory all in the first half of the first episode. That's not a grim, gritty fantasy world, that's a F.A.T.A.L campaign.

The conspiracy theories about diversity quotas and le essjaydubyas are funny, though. It's like I never left Reddit.
   Eh, fair. I can completely understand why Witcher seems like edgy shit to someone who had no experience with it, and especially to people who don't know it's story. While story it's it's own thing, as honestly half of my enjoyment of the series was seeing things I know from books conveyed onto screen, the judgement of the how well adapted they are, and anticipation of how it will look in future. However, in terms of "greater story" and justice... I don't think that's particularly the case. Sure, the greater story is much more enticing even with edginess, but Witcher started as bunch of short stories, and almost all of them have already appeared in the series, and those short stories are considered the best parts of books by many. To answer why is that I can only really provide some cultural and historical background.
   Witcher is not exactly new, it started back in 80s, when Poland, and by extension, Eastern Europe was slowly emerging from the Communism, during which not everything was... okay. But skipping the details a bit, Witcher was essentially taking what people saw of western fantasy that was seeping into the now opening borders, which was glorious and hammy noble bright fantasy, and deconstructing it to the extreme. Killing monsters is not a heroic - it's a job. Snow White wasn't living quietly in a hut at the end of the world, she was a victim of unfortunate circumstance, overzealous sorcerer and mother, resulting in her joining a band of seven brigands. The Beauty is a literal beast, the Beast never had any trouble getting women to "love" him because he was rich, so he doesn't really care anymore. Elves aren't some amazing people others look up to, they're hated. Killing is horrible and brutal. War is horrible and brutal. Sex isn't scared. Add in fair dose of Slavic folklore (but not only, it shouldn't be said that Witcher is in some way essentially only Polish - it takes from way more sources), and cultural references. The world is pretty shitty, gritty, but also treated with a very high dose of self-conscience, and then there's something that the TV cannot really convey - the philosophy of it all, all of it firmly grounded in the more... eastern (not Asian, mind you) storytelling and sensibilities. It's something that may not be appreciated nowadays, because of advent of Game of Thrones and such "gritty realism" works, but back then... that was essentially it for countries still behind Iron Curtain and in it's immediate fallout. I don't want to sound like I'm comparing Sapkowski to Tolkien (because he's very much not on the same level), but I think it's fair that in terms of cultural impact Witcher here was comparable to Lord of The Rings (which, admittedly was translated quite soon into Polish and the book wasn't *forbidden*, but it apparently wasn't something you'd find in a random library). But setting the excuses aside, I'd say eh, give it a try, maybe in few years when the rest of the story arrives and it can be more... solidly grounded in it's own story. I can see how it seems like a try to outedge Game of Thrones, but it was there before it, and people liked it for whatever reason.
   As for diversity quotas and le sjw theories - I don't know why you call them theories. In books black people are a complete novelty, so people of other races being there as random peasants raises a brow. But ok, let's assume it's just because they were what was on hand and since they're just people without any role in the script, they can be whatever. But why Fringilla Vigo, which is aunt of Cahir (the bad Nilfgaard dude, who is white), who is related to Anna Henrietta (which is not shown, but presumably white), Emhyr (who is white) and by extension to Ciri (who is white, thankfully), and whose similarity to Yennefer (which is... Indian, I think, but supposed to be white) is a plot point later on, is black in show, just kinda escapes my grasp, unless there was a reason why they wanted her to be black in spite of fucking over internal consistency, and only reason that really springs to my mind is diversity quota. Call it Reddit or not (which I think is kinda dumb, doesn't Reddit actually defend the diversity?), but it's there.
Kot finishes his morning routine in the same way he always does, by burning a scale replica of Saint Basil's Cathedral on the windowsill.

Il Palazzo

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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #401 on: December 24, 2019, 05:55:57 pm »

Reading the various reviews so far, it appears that fans love it, but the general audience finds it too edgy for its own good.
Rotten Tomatoes has it hovering about the same score as the latest Star Wars, and that's not great.


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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #402 on: December 27, 2019, 07:48:57 am »

Call it Reddit or not (which I think is kinda dumb, doesn't Reddit actually defend the diversity?), but it's there.

All I'll say is, it's very fashionable among a large section of gamers to throw a huge tantrum whenever any kind of minority shows up anywhere. Attempts at justification usually read as thin skinned "No it's REALLY IMPORTANT that this fictional game doesn't have any women or black people or gays" post-hoc rationalization.

I'll concede that in the case of The Witcher it might not have been well thought out, but especially before release it seemed like people were really grasping at straws to shit on the non-white actresses. I appreciate the context, but Lord knows I'm still probably never going to watch this show again. Might check out the books though, with the new context in mind.
This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.


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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #403 on: December 27, 2019, 08:04:03 am »

   As for diversity quotas and le sjw theories - I don't know why you call them theories. In books black people are a complete novelty, so people of other races being there as random peasants raises a brow. But ok, let's assume it's just because they were what was on hand and since they're just people without any role in the script, they can be whatever. But why Fringilla Vigo, which is aunt of Cahir (the bad Nilfgaard dude, who is white), who is related to Anna Henrietta (which is not shown, but presumably white), Emhyr (who is white) and by extension to Ciri (who is white, thankfully), and whose similarity to Yennefer (which is... Indian, I think, but supposed to be white) is a plot point later on, is black in show, just kinda escapes my grasp, unless there was a reason why they wanted her to be black in spite of fucking over internal consistency, and only reason that really springs to my mind is diversity quota. Call it Reddit or not (which I think is kinda dumb, doesn't Reddit actually defend the diversity?), but it's there.

My view is that it's actually American cultural hegemony at work, not SJWs. It's racial quotas, but based on an American model. And it's a legit criticism that a Polish work is appropriated (for cash though) then has a whole lot of American cultural sensibilities stamped on top. Think about it this way: if they do the same treatment to most countries, everyone is up in arms about it. But if that source country is a "pale skin" country then suddenly you're not allowed to criticize the fact that they've blandified it for an American audience complete with the approved quotas.

The original game series did in fact get criticized for a lack of diversity. But hey, it's set in medieval Poland to the best of my knowledge, and there weren't quite that many black people running around. A point of comparison is whether you'd get upset about that game set in Inuit lands only having Inuit people in it, or get upset about any game set in feudal Japan only having Japanese people in it. If not, why the need to get upset about a medieval Polish game only being populated by Polish people. That's the thing, it's being viewed through the lens of contemporary American culture and you need to adhere to the "rules" or there are certain people who will attack your product. And the rules are that your racial mix must resemble the approved racial mix of the modern USA, if and only if your country of origin is pale-skinned.

So if there is any pushback, it's not because there are black people in it, it's because they changed the setting of the source material to match the racial mix in a place like the USA rather than Poland. It's been Americanized in that and probably other ways.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2019, 08:18:08 am by Reelya »


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Re: what tv shows are you currently watching?
« Reply #404 on: December 29, 2019, 10:53:26 pm »

I just finished watching Lost in Space season 2.
The action scenes were too frequent and lengthy for my taste. Watching people run around frantically dodging explosions and racing to put out fires is great in small bursts, but in hour-long episodes where they spend about two thirds of their time trying to keep the excitement dialed up to 11, it just becomes tedious. I spent a large part of this season playing games on my phone while waiting for the tryhard music to die down so that I would know they might be getting back to the real plot.
Still, the season did find time for a few dramatic twists and unexpected plot devices, and ended on a cliffhanger that leaves me looking forward to season 3.

I also recently watched Emergence.
Mystery amnesia girl drops out of the sky, gets adopted by first family she encounters, and begins exhibiting Magneto powers while black suits try to hunt her down. It's all pretty cliche, and fails to set itself apart from the multitude of other shows that have done the exact same things.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2019, 02:56:43 am by Folly »
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