[ninja'd]I read Princess Maker 2, all I can think of is good 'ol Lizzie Shinkicker with her father Gendo Shinkicker (Ikari).[/ninja'd]
I think I like this idea. Makes looking for Bay-12 LPs easier easier to find. You've got a bit of work ahead of you if you have any plans on archiving old completed/discontinued ones though.
As for suggestions, there's a Covert Action LP that's going to start, but I wonder if anyone will take interest in making a Roller Coaster Tycoon (preferably original (+expansions)) LP. But there should be a special set of rules to make it more interesting than a regular playthrough, while still accomplishing the goals. At least, I see some potential with RCT to have some creativity.
It does remind me of a Zoo Tycoon LP I saw before that was run by a kid; but what about someone with a
GJJS that does manage to complete his goals, but in a very misguided attempt; or an LP of all the parks being done by the perspective of a workman? Nothing more possibly nightmare fuel than hearing the story of a workman cleaning up a mangled rollercoater with 24 people mashed within, only to hear the nearby hamburger vendor request some of the remains, seeing as he's "low on stock" or something like that.
There could also be the classic Grand Theft Auto games (seeing as Rockstar has them for free download). Prince of Persia games, or Starcon 1 (with the strategy game mode) could also serve for interesting LPs, along with Civilization or Dune 2. And even though I think it would be spoiler city, any of the Myst games ought to be a good challenge (both puzzle and story-telling). At least get the community involved for the puzzles (only those who haven't played/completed the game may participate however. Experienced could accidentally reveal too much).