Lessseee... I mostly play RPG-style stuff m'self, so here's what I can suggest that didn't notice already suggested:
Black Sigil - Blade of the Exiled fairly thouroughly impressed me, personally, though some people complain about the encounter rate. It's a pretty solid old-school RPG. Also, though being vague to avoid spoilage, the first bit of the game made me crack up laughing. Main character gets kicked while he's down, repeatedly.
I heard good things about Knights in the Nightmare, but wasn't able to really get into it; there were some emulation issues when I mucked about with it and it takes a bit of figuring out to play it anyway. Supposedly, it's something akin to an SRPG mixed with Bullet-hell shooter. What I have seen of it was very pretty.
I can recommend Hero's Saga - Laevatein Tactics, Rondo of Swords, and Luminous Arc 2 all as fairly decent SRPGs, though the plot/game mechanics of LA2 is a bit on the ridiculous side. There's also a SMT SRPG that was freaking solid, what I played of it, which probably makes both of the DS SMT titles in english being worth a go.
Sands of Destruction has been pretty decent what I've played of it (S'an RPG), but I haven't gotten very deep into it either. Still might be worth checking out. Supposedly, you're supposed to be trying to destroy the world or something~
Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes is surprisingly good for what amounts to a match-three style game. It mixes in RPG elements with a surprising amount of strategy and a pretty solid art style, for a portable game. EDIT: Wait, OT mentioned this. Seconding it, then~
Lastly, Tales of Innocence recently got translated by devoted fans. Haven't played it enough to say either way if it's decent, but someone put a heck'uva' amount of man hours into getting it into english, so I imagine there's at least something there.