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Author Topic: The Medical Realm  (Read 1666 times)

Noble Digger

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The Medical Realm
« on: July 25, 2010, 08:50:03 pm »

Hi! I've been playing my current 31.x fort since DF31.04 (the fort is called Beandagger and is shamelessly whored all over DF Map Archive if you want to see it) and the major problem messing up my efforts is the medical profession. I have a dedicated Healer with no hauling labors who spends most of her time standing right next door to the Hospital in the Dining Hall or Statuary. I have a couple specific problems with her, some already noted and logged in the bug tracker, others, I'm not so sure. I'll list 'em off first.

A) Dwarves bring far too many of some items to the hospital. Thread, cloth, crutches, and splints, to be specific. Screenshot included.

You can see that there are too many crutches, splints, buckets, cloth, thread.

B) Some items are never brought to the hospital, or too few of them. Also covered by the above screenshot. I'm sure this is entered in the BT already, though I'm disappointed that it's still broken after 12 patches. The health care system -does not work- due to this bug. Without plaster for casts, dwarves with broken limbs run around working until they bleed to death.

C) Surgery still doesn't work. Patient not resting. This was marked fixed in recent patch notes. I'm posting here to ask if anyone else is still experiencing this bug. It's possible that because my fort was created in an older version, the dwarves are still retarded, it may thus be necessary to start a new fort to fix this bug. Your thoughts?

D) Patients refuse to rest. They'll go lie in bed for a handful of game cycles and then run off and keep working, even with major, crippling injuries such as 10+ broken bones, gouged out organs, bleeding head wounds. Dwarves die from complications after minor accidents because they refuse to stay in the hospital to get cleaned, stitched, and splinted, acquire infections, and die. Plaster casts don't work due to (B).

E) Collapses are currently extremely over-tuned. A minor collapse caused by something silly like a tree growing up just before a dwarf ramps out the tile below the sapling, will cause a massive and nasty collapse whose debris can kill and injure dwarves within 15+ tiles. Children are especially affected because they follow the adults around, and tend to linger in the area for a moment after the adults leave to do other work. Dwarves aren't scared of collapses, and won't try to avoid the EXPLODING DEBRIS that is killing them, often even running into the collapse zone to continue work after the initial shock wears off. Collapses also last a really long time compared to my experiences in the DF40x versions--I've noted how tiny, 1-floor-tile collapses can cause an explosion lasting hundreds of game cycles (at 55 fps, this is 10 seconds or so) and occupying a 10+ square radius on average. While collapses are entirely preventable...technically...they do happen, unfortunately, and currently cause so much injury and chaos which the hospital system can't do anything about. If this were not so, I might purposely cause collapses occasionally just to give the medics something to do.

Your thoughts, dwarves?
1. To evade the truth or importance of an issue by raising trivial distinctions and objections.
2. To find fault or criticize for petty reasons; cavil.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Medical Realm
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2010, 09:50:24 pm »

While I havnt noticed the collapses to be quite as bad as that, I have been leaving my wounded dwarves to die a lot because setting up a working hospital is such a pain.

I can eventualy get them to stock all the right objects, even if by deleting other stockpiles, but both the patients and doctors try very hard to be useless. I eventualy just think 'ah go rot', and that is usualy exactelly what they do.

Havnt even tried making casts yet.
I make Grimlocke's History & Realism Mods. Its got poleaxes, sturdy joints and bloomeries. Now compatible with DF Revised!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Medical Realm
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2010, 05:15:35 am »

I just started a new fort  with the new version. I was able to stock the hospital with everything I needed, except plasters. I made a stockpile within the hospital area, and the plaster bag was brought there, but it didn't get counted at the hospital.

However, besides that, everything was working. A soldier got bitten by a werewolf. He kept walking about until I finished designating the hospital, then he rushed to the hospital bed. He needed everything - surturing/bandaging/cleaning/surgery. The traction table and the regular table were adjacent to the hospital bed. The doctor had no jobs other than healthcare. The patient was cleaned, then operated, then cleaned again, then surtured, patched up, and went on his merry way.

However, I didn't have the time to make soap, so he still has some infection in his hand... :-( That, or it is the lychantrophy coming up :-P

So, yeah, hospitals are working now. Make sure your doctor has no jobs other than the healthcare ones. Make him a dining room/bedroom near the hospital. Put the tables/traction tables near the beds.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Medical Realm
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2010, 10:13:19 am »

A) Dwarves bring far too many of some items to the hospital. Thread, cloth, crutches, and splints, to be specific. Screenshot included.

I've found that they tend to stock too many of things I have too many of, especially if there isn't a stockpile that will accept the overflow. Within a few years (during which time I did set up stockpiles that accept the things I had too much of) this stopped. This is also not exactly a serious bug, unless you desperately need those crutches and splints for something else. (I wouldn't try setting up two hospitals, but if you have enough dwarves that you might ever need two 12 bed hospitals then I either envy your processor or don't envy your framerate. Probably both.)

B) Some items are never brought to the hospital, or too few of them. Also covered by the above screenshot. I'm sure this is entered in the BT already, though I'm disappointed that it's still broken after 12 patches. The health care system -does not work- due to this bug. Without plaster for casts, dwarves with broken limbs run around working until they bleed to death.

By "some items" you mean plaster. And only plaster. Also, while there are circumstances where a cast is required, I've never run into one where a dwarf actually died because of the lack. I've had cave-ins, sparring injuries, and major battles with just about every injury I can imagine. Even plenty of requests for immobilization. They've always either done fine with a splint if they even made it to the hospital alive. There are also reports that the medical dwarves *will* use plaster if it is available (and also if you have pre-filled buckets of water around, which is somewhat less likely).

C) Surgery still doesn't work. Patient not resting. This was marked fixed in recent patch notes. I'm posting here to ask if anyone else is still experiencing this bug. It's possible that because my fort was created in an older version, the dwarves are still retarded, it may thus be necessary to start a new fort to fix this bug. Your thoughts?

The treatment history of my most recent cave-in victim:
  • Evaluated  (4th Obsidian)
  • Cleaned with cow soap
  • Compound fracture of right false rib repaired
  • Compound fracture of right upper rib repaired
  • Compound fracture of left upper arm repaired
  • Evaluated
  • Cleaned with cow soap
  • Received pig tail fiber sutures on right false rib
  • Received pig tail fiber sutures on right shoulder
  • Received pig tail fiber sutures on left upper leg
  • Received rope reed fiber sutures on left shoulder
  • Had right false rib set (1st Granite)
  • Had left shoulder set
  • Had right shoulder set
  • Had left upper leg set
  • Had left upper arm set
  • Had right upper arm set
  • Received cave spider silk dressing on right false rib
  • Received rope reed fiber dressing on right shoulder
  • Received giant cave spider silk dressing on right uppr arm
  • Received rope reed fiber dressing on left upper leg
  • Received rope reed fiber dressing on left shoulder
  • Received rope reed fiber dressing on left upper arm
  • Received fungiwood splint on left upper leg
  • Received fungiwood splint on left upper arm
  • Received willow splint on right upper arm (12th Slate)
That dwarf sat still through the entire thing, and was still walking around more then a year later. True, she did receive an infection but with the sheer time it takes to treat that many injuries (more then 2 months) it's pretty much inevitable. In short: I've never run into this bug, at least not in the latest version.

D) Patients refuse to rest. They'll go lie in bed for a handful of game cycles and then run off and keep working, even with major, crippling injuries such as 10+ broken bones, gouged out organs, bleeding head wounds. Dwarves die from complications after minor accidents because they refuse to stay in the hospital to get cleaned, stitched, and splinted, acquire infections, and die. Plaster casts don't work due to (B).

It seems to me this is a repeat of C, so let me repeat my answer. I've never seen this happen. I have seen dwarves run around after being successfully treated, acting as if they didn't have broken bones at all, when in fact they had broken bones which had been splinted and otherwise treated.

There was a bug introduced and fixed fairly recently that made bleeding a bit excessive and difficult to stem. If you've carried your current fort over between versions, you might have run into that.

E) Collapses are currently extremely over-tuned.

I have to admit that it seems a little excessive. I mean, I just listed the treatment one dwarf received following a collapse.

The health care system surely has problems, but compared with the previous "sit in bed and hope you don't die" it's a massive improvement.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Medical Realm
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2010, 10:33:45 am »

A quick work around for A

Set the hospital to hold what you want, make sure there are no boxes/bags
Then, one by one start adding containers, once they realized that the container is full, they should drop crutch #3-#458, then when the next container comes they'll get thread instead of getting the crutches and putting them in the second one when the first is full.
Only in dwarven culture is alcohol poisoning a death worthed investigating, while being impaled through several toes, a eye, and a thumb from a spiraling water[3] is not.  Because everyone knows, the only way a dwarf could get alcohol poisoning is if someone put poison into the alcohol.

Noble Digger

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Re: The Medical Realm
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2010, 11:28:11 pm »

I'm convinced all my problems (except E! Collapses OMGOMGOMG) are due to carrying over an old fort. It's my fault for getting super-attached to a fort during early versions of a major release. Such a shame, I struggled through 16 years of this fort without immigrants and it was really, really fun, but I feel like I need to move on now and try to get more of the newer features working better.
1. To evade the truth or importance of an issue by raising trivial distinctions and objections.
2. To find fault or criticize for petty reasons; cavil.