It's a shame you can't specify specific materials for stone/wood jobs (e.g. in order to do "Make nether-cap Barrel" or "Construct bauxite Floodgate") - I know that it's possible to hack active jobs like that (i.e. once they're in the workshop)
Maybe someday in the future we can change it to add jobs to the workshop. It can be done, it is just a lot more complicated.
How exactly are the "item" and "source" tags (including the misspelled "soure" for clear glass portals) within <dfjob> used?
I'm not sure I understand the question. There is a map called itemMap, when I iterate through the items to populate it like so:
itemCount[itemName][material] += quantity;
itemCount[itemName][materialType] += quantity;
itemCount[itemName]["all"] += quantity;
itemCount[subtype][material] += quantity;
itemCount[subtype][materialType] += quantity;
itemCount[subtype]["all"] += quantity;
Once the items are counted, the jobs source and item count are calculated by going through each <item> and <source> tag and adding them to a total. FYI the creature type materials are broken, as they are for dfhack. I never bothered to fix them because so far there hasn't been a case where knowing the specific creature material type mattered (but it at least identifies the material as the right category.)
Is it possible to specify item subtypes by their ID rather than by their [NAME] (e.g. ITEM_TRAPCOMP_MENACINGSPIKE instead of "spike")?
It is, but why? Is there a conflict between subtypes and types? I can resolve it in a simpler manner if so.
Items of type "tool" (85) also need subtypes.
The job list in readme.txt has a bunch of errors in it, since the list in DFHack's memory.xml is similarly incorrect - the list from Dwarf Therapist (located here) is much more correct.
I don't even use dfhack's list lol. I have been basing my job types off the decompiled DF code, but I obviously can't release that with my program. I will put Therapist's list in the readme instead if it is more accurate.
Also, if you guys are adding jobs to your own.. mind sending me your google account names? You can modify the offical dfjobs.xml online at the project site without having to download or use any source revision software, it is really easy.