Anyone interesting in working on dfjobs.xml?
Hi Devek. I've done some work on dfjobs, adding half a dozen new jobs to it as I've needed them. But I've run into difficulties when it comes to automating bag creation - how to specify 'cloth'. It is easy to, for example, specify barrels out of 'wood' so they don't run out but I cannot work out a way to specify generic cloth when creating the 'box'('bag'/'chest'/etc).
Some jobs require a material, you can specify wood, bone, other, on inorganic. If you specify other or inorganic you also need to specify which other or inorganic material. Other is a hard coded list.
How do I specify 'cloth'? Or "anything that was based off the THREAD template and so now appears with 'thread' in the item list"? Nothing I've experimented with works - I can only get either queues of UNKNOWN_MATERIAL chests or an outright crash of Dwarf Foreman.
Unfortunately the Foreman Utility 'test.exe' seems bugged. That is, the items, materials, reactions and vectors works but the
jobs button is broken. It just prints "Queue Base: 0 Queue Pointer: 0 Queue Size: 0". If I could get the output of the current job queue I could take that and see how the manually input "make cloth bags" job looks.
There is a slightly different problem when it comes to smelting. I can have iron automatically created from the various ores easily enough. And it knows to trigger when bars of iron are low... but what it doesn't seem to understand is that the jobs it has already queued are going to produce iron bars! This is in contrast to smelting STEEL (which is a reaction). It knows that it does not need to queue more steel production because it can count what it has already done.
I'm loving the tool by the way. It is a good start and useful so far particularly for furniture.