the wheel seems to have worked after quitting auto hotkey and opening it again, but that was some scary stuff, kinda reminded me of SAL for a second when I had that momentary loss of control, it was however stopped when I CTRL+Del'd to bring up task manager but right clicking on other menus reactivated it.
I'm sure it won't be an issue however once your window checks are more thorough though, but for right now its a blast controlling DF this way.
Question though, if I wanted to switch ESC in the game to Space, would that affect the script? I'm guessing it would due to its nature, but how would I go about changing it in the script to space?
edit: Wow, using the scroll for up and down levels makes it worth any chance of override I get from testing this program out..
usually DF would take its sweet time to go up and down all 200 layers, but I just did so with fairly precise control in less than 10 seconds.
edit2: Having issues using shift+arrow keys for mass selecting trees on my very flat map to be harvested, it seems to make my df go up terrain levels. Is this due to a limitation of using < and > in scripts? if so, you should be able to still use another symbol which won't get in the way of basic DF movement and selection commands, that way there will be better synergy between the mouse and keyboard.
edit3: OOH. Cool feature, not sure if intended though. You can still use the right click menu when the script is off, which means if you are having trouble with having hi-jacking issues from the mouse you can still use the building options which are a lot smoother than df's build menu. Also the scroll through layers works through it as well.