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Author Topic: Godhood II - Proliferation  (Read 12244 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #60 on: August 04, 2010, 03:27:08 pm »

Ha Gu Sa's eyes saw the subtle shift. In an instant his face was to the shadows on Obsidian, the void of his eyes staring into the void of the dark. There he saw it- shifting cracks, damage in the darkness.


He flowed through the cracks like the darkness itself, only to be blocked, like water flowing against glass. He turned his gaze to the barrier- strong, designed to prevent the work of the divine.

But he was Ha Gu Sa, lord of the dark, and nothing would hide from him in his own domain. Through shadows it came and through shadows it stole, and through shadows it would kneel to his will. His arms flowed into a dark torrent, slipping through the cracks and gripping the substance beneath. He knew not what lay beneath the veil, but it was his now.

The darkness swirled beneath, shaping barrier, darkness, and void alike into a sphere. The darkness swirled with the divine barrier, forming an impenetrable shell of darkness that divine acts and forces could not penetrate save by Ha Gu Sa's will- a soft silk band to mortals, but as ironclad a wall to deities as the now-subverted barrier had been in its original incarnation. And now it inhabited the space where Obsidian lay.

With that, Ha Gu Sa passed into his new dominion, and saw what had lurked beneath Obsidian- perhaps the whole universe. An utter void- ravenous and entropic, destroying all that was. Ha Gu Sa considered this grimly, for although Obsidian and its surroundings were now shadowed by his private bubble, the rest of the universe might not be so fortunate.

Still, his duty was to his own works, not those of the other gods, and so for now he replaced void with shadow- dark but harmless, so that his world and its inhabitants would have no fear of the clawing void. He made minor adjustments as well, having great plans for it in the future.

With that, he rested, irritated at his world's works being interrupted by this annoyance.

Ha Gu Sa cuts off the section of void occupying Obsidian's space into a sphere, impenetrable to the void and other cosmic phenomena. He warps that section of barrier as well, making it protect the sphere from divine actions as it used to, but subject to Ha Gu Sa's will and exceptions.

Ha Gu Sa replaces the void within his bubble with deep darkness, and shapes it into a divine realm.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #61 on: August 04, 2010, 03:37:55 pm »

  The world itself was getting colder. A few of the more imaginative Valan'anquin attributed the unnatural frost to gods, or beasts. Afew dissedents drew upon that to implicate Areos himself in the frost, claiming it was folly to have brought back slaves.
  Slaves was the wrong word. The majority of the captured tribe members had been fully integrated into Areos' tribe and were living approximately equal to the rest of them. Their heritage was remembered though, and they were often looked down upon by the older families.
  Right now, though, they had bigger problems than tribal rivalries. It was snowing outside, at a very early date. It didn't often get this cold this early, and the entire tribe was concered for their welfare. It made sense. Without the thick clothing of the northern tribes, they would freeze come winter.
  "Damn it, my nose is dribbling!" Grunted Carvayas, Areos' second in command, and the largest man in the room by far. "It's this dratted cold that did it!" The hulking man snorted and wiped away some mucus from his upper lip.
  "I know, but I cannot help you. It got to cold too quickly to gather the supplies for the winter." Areos said, biting his lip. It was true, if this weather continued, Areos would be chief of dirt and sand, and possibly a monkey if he was lucky. His tribe would freeze to death by spring.
  "And with the snow out there," Came Carvayas' voice, finishing Areos' thought, "we can't hunt to get some furs. We're deader than a squirrel in a wolves den if this weather continues."
  "Right. We need some very inventive thinking if we are to survive this."
  "Or, godly intervention!" Laughed Carvayas. Areos chuckled. Gods!
If the cold weather continues, Areos will lose most of his tribe. LordInquisitor, help!
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #62 on: August 04, 2010, 03:47:13 pm »

Something had... changed... One of the pools was open. One of the pools was now a portal, the shadow people gathered around it and looked in... a world of ice and snow. Of harshness and death. This would be the first test of his people.

But the shadow people were finicky and hard to control, they were not smart enough to carry out his plans, so he made another.

A great shadow loomed over the landscape. A giant behemoth of shadow and death. Made of the same shadow stuff as the people it was many times more powerful, not only was it darkness but it extruded darkness into the land around it. It was smarter than the shadow people, cunning and conniving. The Nazath knew it would not stay fully bound to him will forever and so he made a restriction. This shadow behemoth could only ever leave the realm of undeath by a portal pool, but no portal pool would ever grow large enough naturally and so it was trapped.

To serve his new creation he made seven more. They were bigger than a man but smaller than the Behemoth, although smarter than a shadow person they were not as smart as the Behemoth. They were each given one seventh of the realm of death to rule over with the Behemoth over them.

Then to give his creations power he made a conduit of pure shadow hidden deeply in his realm, it gathered energy from the Nazath sphere and released it as a powerful magic energy of shadows. The secrets of its manipulation he gave to the Shadow Behemoth to use to rule over the seven lords. To the shadow lords he gave lesser powers over it. To the shadow people themselves he gave only the most basic and feeble control, although most did not even use that much.

The strongest of the seven shadow lords had the only known pool to another realm and though it he sent a force of shadow people, to scout and see.

The Nazath has made two new races: The Shadow Behemoth and the Shadow Lords. The Shadow Behemoth is a very powerful creature that rules over the realm of undeath and the seven shadow lords. It has a great mastery of shadow magic and it uses this to control the seven lords. The seven lords are powerful entity of shadow who rule over the realm of undeath under the Shadow Behemoth. They have a weaker version of shadow magic they use to keep the shadow people in line. He has also made shadow magic which at its weakest allows for illusions and basic manipulation of shadow, the more powerful shadow magic can make things from pure shadows and send horrors into the minds power others. At its most powerful it can be used to do almost anything, even replicating the weaker effects of other magic. All the shadow creatures of the realm of undeath are particularly vulnerable to shadow magic and its effects, even being able to be controlled be a powerful enough wielder.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #63 on: August 04, 2010, 06:15:56 pm »

Order of the Unveiled Truth
 - Tech: Exalted Magic (+2 Military)
 - Culture: Heirarchy (+2 Social)
 - Culture: Academia (+2 Academic)

Pol: [3]  0 
Soc: [5]  3  (Heirarchy +2, Population +1)
Eco: [-3] 0
Mil: [10]  6  (Exalted Magic +2, Training +4)
Aca: [14] 15  (racial +10, Academia +5)
Rel: [-10] -10  (racial -10)

Leader: Lord Inquisitor Eldamian

Pol: 17  (+10 The Veiled Truth)
Soc: 14  (+10 The Veiled Truth)
Eco: -6
Mil: 8
Aca: -2 (before racial mods)
Rel: 0 (before racial mods)

Nihilus sends eldamian, together with a sizeable escort, to each nearby tribe again. He preaches that the Order of the Unveiled Truth has found a solution to the catastrophe- But it is required that the tribes move into the valley, swear fealty to the Order and have some of their promising youths join the order.

Political action initially, social & economic ends.  Eldamian's action, + 1/2 Group bonus.

Skill: 17  Difficulty: 0

The effort was unproductive.  (49/100)

Charismatic as Eldamian is with the Veil, the innate scepticism of the villagers actually works against him as they disbelieve his promise that the Order can provide a solution.  When it becomes clear that the villagers are unwilling to move, Eldamian's patience wears out.

Military action, social & economic ends.  Group action, + 1/2 Leader bonus.

Skill: 10  Difficulty: 0

The effort was a failure.  (18/100)

In retrospect, losing his patience was not one of Eldamian's best moves.  Although the power of Exalted magic was horribly destructive to flesh and building alike, the villagers were rather more skilled with rocks, clubs and - regrettably - hand to hand fighting.  Their leader, a much-feared Valan'anquin named Areos, personally broke Eldamian's jaw.

Eldamian gains a reputation for defeat, giving him a -4 Political penalty until he can erase it.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #64 on: August 04, 2010, 06:50:35 pm »

"So we shall go out there, to all the people and we shall do what?" Eldamir asked, perplexed. His voice sounded a bit strange, thanks to his wound, but he was still able to speak well enough.

"You shall banish the cold with your mighty magic." Answered Nihilus.

"But, we aren`t mighty enough.. It won`t work! We will only disgrace ourselves.. And the order!"

Nihilus laughed. "But i`m mighty enough. You shall just go out there and you shall act like you`d do something. I will banish the cold."

Eldamir smiled in turn. "A mummers show. Most cunning. But what do we do with the other acolytes, who don`t know the truth yet. They have their family out there and they will wish to take part in the ritual."

"Say them they have to concentrate themselves on the spell.. They don`t have to use their magic; They just have to focus their minds on the task. Tell them something like this, clad in fancy words. Now go- Once you have finished your "mighty spell" i will remove the cold. Your prestige, and that of the order, will grow immensely. This cold might have been sent by a god, but it certainly was no godsend and lasted long enough."

Eldamian nodded and turned around, but nihilus called him back.

"Eldamian.. Don`t fail me again."

Eldamian clenched his broken jaw. "Master.. I.. The veil didn`t help a bit. The tribe was too stubborn.."

"But i didn`t tell you to start a fight." Just a hint of wrath could be heard in Nihilus voice, yet that hint was terrifying.
"But i will forgive you your little mistake.. If you manage to put up a good show. Hopefully this will persuade the tribe of your power.. And thus they should still join us."

"And if not, master?"

Nihilus sighed. "Then i will remove them. For the greater good."

-Some Hours later-

Eldamir donned the veil, took a deep breath and the door swung open.

All the people of the village had gathered before the tower, and waited, shivering and hungry expecting him to help them.. At least some did. Many others were sceptical and just came because they had nothing better to do.

 His four lord colleges were standing on a raised podest while several acolytes were kneeling in the snow, eyes closed, their will fixed on the "spell" they had to cast.

Eldamir walked dignified to his colleges and raised his arms. "The Order heard your pleas and we will help you. Once we were members of different tribes, but now we are all but one single tribe.. United under the Order! Praise the Order!" Some people raised their voices in praise; More remained silent.

"Many don`t believe in our might; Many are sceptical and don`t believe in our ideal. Some even tried to defy us in their ignorance" Eldamirs glanced at some of his bodyguards, which were wounded in the skirmish.

"Yet, we are merciful and we will forgive them. Today the Order will show his might. Today we will banish the cold!"

The people just sat there, waiting. It seemed like the cold made them deaf to "rallying speeches".

Thus Eldamir decided to go ahead and started to chant a low hymn. After a few moments his colleges and acolytes joined in.

But nothing happened. Not even after several minutes.

Some people started to leave, mumbling disgruntled.

Eldamir was at a loss. Was this his punishment? To be mocked in front of all his people? Would Nihilus do something like this?

And suddenly, just as eldamir was about to stop the nonsense, a blazing, shimmering light erupted from the top of the tower, engulfing everything and everyone in many strange and beautiful colours.

Eldamir did a motion to shield his eyes from the blinding light; But before his hand reached his face the light was gone.

And the cold. And the snow.

The people just stood there, awed. And then they raised their hands and cried "Praised be the Order!"

Messengers started to run off in every direction of the wind; To spread the word of the event.

"Let`s see what the unbelievers will say now." Eldamir thought, smiling.

"Praised be the Order!"

"Praised be the Order!"

Nihilus removes the cold and the snow from terra, making the climate normal again. The ice and the snow moves back to the south and the north caps, taking care not to cause too much harm to the kronos and leaving enough room for the ice people to live. For he is a gentle god.

Messenger spread the word of the event.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 06:36:09 pm by Lordinquisitor »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #65 on: August 04, 2010, 08:54:40 pm »

The air warmed quickly, with the snow melting at a great speed. The rapid melting of the snow caused the dirt surrounding Areos' tribe to turn to mush. Men and woman and children alike slogged through the mud, the clinging muck sticking all the way up their shins. It was hell on earth, but at least it was warm.

  The Tribe had bigger concerns, however. A Magi had visited the village, preaching about some 'Order'. Luckily, almost none of the tribe even thought about switching over, and the Magi began to get irritated. Spotting the weakness, Areos pried at the cracks in the Magi's calm demeanor until he snapped. The wounds were even more pathetic, sowing even more hatred towards the Order. Areos had taken the brunt of the force with only a scarred eye to show for it. It was fine of course, but Areos had adjusted almost immediately, and twisted it to his advantage. He wore an eyepatch. It was mostly for show, and most of the tribe knew this, but the rugged, battlescarred look enhanced his gruff political tactics, so he wore it.

  Then, soon after the melt,
another messenger wearing the bleached white furs of the Order ran into camp, preaching that the Order had reversed the ice.
  "Bretheren!" began the messenger, breathless. "The white Magi of the Order have stopped the encroaching ice! They have warmed the world, from the four corners to the stars themselves! Praise the Order! Praise!" The messenger fell to his knees, sobbing and raising his hands to the sky.
  Areos looked around at the faces of his tribe. To a man, every single member had a incredulous, disgusted look upon their face. It was much the same reaction that they would have had had the man eaten dirt.

  There was little else to do but quietly attempt to usher the man away. Areos took him by the shoulder and spun him around, but the man only looked at him. Tears swam in the messengers eyes.
  "Would you reject this magic again? These miracles?"
  "What you say are miracles," said Areos, "Are merely sciences and nature hidden from you. These men do not seek to protect you. They seek to enslave you, to take you willingly into their service." The voices of Areos' tribe roared their approval.

  "BLASPHEMER!" Screeched the Messenger, eyes drying completely as his rage burned from his pupils. "THE ORDER SHALL BRING DOWN IT'S MAGICS, IT'S HORDES, IT'S RIGHTOUS POWER UPON YOUR HEADS! YOU SHALL DIE TORTURED IN OUR DUNGEONS!"
  "Then you shall die." Answered Areos calmly, before swinging his fist into the other mans face. As the messenger collapsed, Areos caught him and carried him away from the camp. The man awoke with a throbbing headache and a very interesting story for his superior.
Areos' tribes camp has become a marshland temporarily.
Areos has begun wearing an eyepatch. His eye is fine.
Areos rejects the messenger. He fights back when said messenger threatens him.
Areos has proved himself to be a total badass. Nevermind. :P
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #66 on: August 04, 2010, 09:00:20 pm »

((If the Ice is melting then I get a couple of acts, water getting stronger on that planet.))
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #67 on: August 04, 2010, 09:02:25 pm »

((If the Ice is melting then I get a couple of acts, water getting stronger on that planet.))
It's not that much ice...
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #68 on: August 04, 2010, 10:24:12 pm »

((If the Ice is melting then I get a couple of acts, water getting stronger on that planet.))
It's not that much ice...
((Well if you say so... I just thought that there was enough ice to turn the ground swampish all around the planet would possibly give 1 act or 2))
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #69 on: August 04, 2010, 10:25:14 pm »

((You may want to do OCC in the OCC thread.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #70 on: August 05, 2010, 07:22:46 pm »

The migration was going smoothly. The camp had been packed up and all the amenities were carried by anyone with a spare hand. Cloth was strapped to the migrants by strings of muscle and tendons.
 Areos surveyed his tribe with little happiness though. It was a pain to move, even though it was nessasary if they were to eat. He wished someone would invent something to carry more things easily, but he didn't have the time nor the ability to do so. So he watched them go on their way.
 "Come." He said to Carvayas, motioning the huge man to follow. And together they made their way behind the migrating tribe.


When they had set up the new camp, Areos took his usual survey of the site. All the tents were in place, and the fire pit was shallow, but other than that everything looked well.
 Save for the Apple tree growing near the eating area. It wasn't a sapling, but Areos usually had his tribe move here, and it didn't usually sprout trees themselves from the ground!
 After quite some time thinking, Areos came to the conclusion that he had to get some better minds on this. He called in the brightest minds the tribe could offer and set them to work on figuring out the reason that this tree was there.

Areos' tribe migrates farther from the Tower.
Areos' stumbles across the beginnings of agriculture. He has his brightest minds unlocking it's secrets.
Thou art I, I art Thou.
The trust you have bestowed upon thy comrade is now reciprocated in turn.
Thou shall be blessed when calling upon personae of the Hangman Arcana.
May this tie bind thee to a brighter future!​
Ikusaba Quest! - Fistfighting space robots for the benefit of your familial bonds to Satan is passe, so you call Sherlock Holmes and ask her to pop by.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #71 on: August 10, 2010, 08:15:21 am »

Turn 5- Space Invaders!

Almanac advances Terra to an ice age, then creates the Kronos, a race of humanoids suited to the icy conditions. - 2 Acts

Almanac appoints Garesh as his prophet, Almanac introduces his beings to the concepts of philosophy and community - 1 Act

Nihilus creates the Veiled Truth, a purple silken veil. It increases the charisma of the wearer and gives him powerful persuading abilities. (+ Political, + social.) - 1 Act

Ochita teaches the elves Mining, Smelting, Swordsmithy and Swordsmanship. - 2 Acts

Garthor sends altered Mecanid scouts to all the planets currently in existence. - 1 Act

The One Creates a planet striving for perfection, He stole some material from the other planets, and names it Grag'nos.
The One Exhales a special cloud of vapors, some condensing into water but the rest floats in the atmosphere for a while.
- 2 Acts

Ha Gu Sa cuts off the section of void occupying Obsidian's space into a sphere, impenetrable to the void and other cosmic phenomena. He warps that section of barrier as well, making it protect the sphere from divine actions as it used to, but subject to Ha Gu Sa's will and exceptions.

Ha Gu Sa replaces the void within his bubble with deep darkness, and shapes it into a divine realm.
- 4 Acts (1 limiting void, 2 binding sphere to Ha Su Ga, 1 shaping void to deep darkness)

The Nazath has made two new races: The Shadow Behemoth and the Shadow Lords. - 2 Acts

Nihilus removes the cold and the snow from terra, making the climate normal again. The ice and the snow moves back to the south and the north caps, taking care not to cause too much harm to the kronos and leaving enough room for the ice people to live. For he is a gentle god.

Messenger spread the word of the event.
- 1 Act

Areos' tribe migrates farther from the Tower.
Areos' stumbles across the beginnings of agriculture. He has his brightest minds unlocking it's secrets.
- Command

Time passes almost instantly - which is not surprising, given that it is advanced by a god of Time.  Here and there, little exclusions occur around the homes of the Valan'anquin, protected in bubbles from the storm of speeding time around them.  For what seemed thousands of years, bubbles of unmoving space remained untouched until at last Almanac was ready to return them to the stream of time.

By this time, the few Valan'anquin who had survived persisted, mostly remaining in a hunter-gatherer culture.  Whatever civilisation might have arisen was wiped out by the ice age when it happened.  Almanac carved a race of men from the ice, shaggy and resistant to cold.  He named one of them Garesh, his prophet, and taught them the ways of philosophy and community.

Garesh, Kronos Prophet

pol: 5
soc: 9
eco: 8
mil: 0
aca: -5
rel: 14

Convert to Alamanaism.  Religious action, religious ends.
Skill: 14  Difficulty: 0

The effort was unproductive.  (47/100)

Despite his best efforts, Garesh only converts a handful of Kronos to the ideal of worshipping Almanac.

Nihiilus shifts the ice and changes the weather patterns of the world such that snow falls mainly on the poles.  This increases the level of ice at the poles drastically, but the rest of Terra does become significantly warmer.

Some of the Order of the Unveiled Truth head out, spreading news of the shifting of the great ice floes by Nihilus.

Political action.
Skill: 3  Difficulty: 0

The effort was a failure.  (24/100)

Not only are the Valan'anquin so utterly suspicious of this 'divine' resolution to the mysterious change in weather, they became paranoid and distrusting of all gods - including Nihilus.

Increase of 10 to difficulty of all Nihilus' commands next turn.

Valan'anquin learn Agriculture?  Academic action, economic ends.
Skill: 10  Difficulty: 0

The effort was a major success.  (87/100)

Areos, the Valan'anquin chief leads his tribe away from the mysterious and dangerous Tower, settling in a relatively fertile valley.  After discovering some non-native plants growing from discarded food waste, he sets his tribe to the task of figuring out how to repeat the performance.

Not only do they succeed in domesticating several fruit trees and a sort of large-seeded grass (suited to withstanding the dry ice age that had just miraculously passed), some of the Valan'anquin realise that if they feed some of the large mammals that they sometimes hunt for food, the creatures stick around instead of running.  They soon domesticate these as well, realising that their long fur and sour milk are of use.  The skills spread soon enough to other tribes, but Areos' gets there first.

His tribe puts an end to their nomadic existence, settling once and for all in the valley.

Areos' tribe develop Agriculture [Economy +2] and, in a stroke of genius, domesticate Goats as well. [Economy +2]

Valan'anquin - Sapient humanoids.  Long lifespans, agile minds.  Sedentary agrarian culture.
   Innate: Mental Acuity  [Academics +10]
   Innate: Scepticism  [Religion -10]
   Culture: Scepticism
   Culture: Pacifism  [Military -4, Social +2]
   Tech: Hand-To-Hand Combat [Military +2]
   Tech: Agriculture [Economy +2]
   Tech: Animal Husbandry [Economy +2]
   Total population: ~25,000
   P0 : S2 : E4 : M-2 : A10 : R-10

Space Invaders!

Garthor sends Mecanid scouts to every planet in the Universe.  They arrive as flying, rotating saucers with pincer-like arms, investigating every place they can find.  Sometimes, out of primitive curiosity, they abduct creatures and sapients, cutting them apart to see how they work.

To all other sapients, hideous alien metal men are invading from the stars!


The void widens, enough for the cracks to become noticeable, but still small.  Staring through the cracks, one can see absolutely nothing.  For infinity.

Code: [Select]
Ochita: 2 Acts
Ha Su Ga: 3 Acts
Nihilus: 5 Acts
Nazath: 4 Acts
Quoth: 7 Acts (!)
Garthor: 4 Acts
Death: 7 Acts (!)
One: 2 Acts
Almanac: 1 Acts
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #72 on: August 10, 2010, 09:55:32 am »

(Well, the order should have told them that they banished the cold, not a god.. But, oh well.)

"Master, they have denied our might.. Again!" Eldamir exclaimed, frustrated.

"Ah, my Valan`anquin, just like i love them.. Though, sometimes they can be quite.. Vexing." Nihilus stated.

Eldamir sighed. "Can`t you just.. You know, make them believe in us? You created them, you could alter them."

Nihilus smiled. "No, i can`t. I want to give them the freedom to make their own decisions.. I don`t want to take it away from them." He made a little pause. "Though, maybe i could remove some of the more bothersome individuals.. And i should probably protect terra against the other, childish, gods, too."

And then he laughed.


Nihilus teleports Aeros and his tribe to crystal. No flashy show of powers; They simply suddenly are there.

Nihilus binds Terra to his will and makes it unreachable for creatures and gods alike. Dedicated Demigods and gods, who know how, can still enter terra but can`t use any of their godly powers. The spell is bound to the Nexus.



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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #73 on: August 10, 2010, 11:09:47 am »

Seeing that his scouts are too primitive to carry out their duties without causing further problems, Garthor finds a grouping of Mecamen and reveals himself to them. He explains to them that their planet is only one of several, created by a number of gods. He also tells them that a number of scouts have been sent to explore these planets, and they need someone to control them. Those who accept the offer Garthor then adds to the scout's hivemind, allowing their superior intellect to guide the swarm. They are also given the ability to pass on the link to other Mecaman, expanding the hivemind further.

Garthor gives several of the Mecamen access to the scout's hivemind. He also gives them the power to extend the hivemind to any other willing Mecamen.

((...I just created the robo-zerg didn't I?))
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Godhood II - Proliferation
« Reply #74 on: August 10, 2010, 11:12:52 am »

Quôth knew he had waited too long. It was time to call his children into this universe. The Carrier  was infused with a greenish glow as Quôth put his power into it and with a giant stroke he ripped the fabric of the essence apart and opened a portal to another dimension.

The Arflognir was waiting at the head of the small flotilla of 30 ships. Quôth could feel their hope, their happiness and...their hunger.

My Children, come and join me, there is a universe to be is still young and fresh but this makes it only taste better...

The euphoric minds of his children flooded his head...and nearly cleared every rational thought from it.

Synchronous the 30 ships broke into movement. Every single one an 700m long, unnatural beauty created from the twisted minds of the Korpr. Abominations of dead metal and living decaying biomass, the "Putrid"-class destroyers made their way into this new universe.

The crew was still the same: those who had survived Quôth's trial but hadn't the luck of being immune to his artificial diseases. They all had mutated in horrible ways, their shapes covered in decaying flesh, bubonic skin here and there breaking open to release undefinable liquids that where highly contagious, for some the body changed so fast that carrion insects were absorbed into the body never to be seen again. It seemed like their body was infected with all kinds of horrible diseases imaginable and unimaginable.

But instead of begging for mercy and a quick death, those poor, wretched beings didn't mind. They endured their horrible existence with stoic calmness and seemed to be content with what had been done to them. Quôth had given them immunity to all diseases in exchange for the existence as living vessels for them. He had saved them from the ravages of time in exchange for their fertility. He gave them immunity to pain for their loyality and most of all he had given them hope and a chance. Every single one of the came from a dying reality, born on a planet ravaged by the gods, left alone and forgotten. The only prospect of life, was waiting for the inevitable end coming in form of the  reality slowly shrinking due to the absence of a god stabilizing it. He had rescued them but told them the price for it. They paid it gladly to save their families and their race. And thus, over the ceturies, they had become an own race: the Korpr.

The Arflognir, the mastress of his Vanguard, a technological wonder, like everything his children had crafted. Although the differeces to the rest of the fleet were only marginal, and therefore no one who didn't know every ship in the fleet could distinguish it from the rest. Quôth warped onto the bridge of the ship and materialized next to a Korpr who bore the same armor like him. But opposed to QUôth hewore a helmet of the same sickening colour. A speaker was mounted on the helmet which,at closer inspection, resembled a shouting mouth. The giant in the armor bowed deeply before a metallic voice thundered from the speakers.

Father Crow, you call, we heed.

It is a pleasure Kvasir. But currently we have to wait for the carrion to become ripe.

a disappointed grunt echoed from the helmet.

How is the status of the main host?

They are hungry, Great Lord. Everything waits for your command...

They have to wait a bit longer...

Quôth opens a rift to another reality to open the passage for a small flottilla of 30 space ships, each about 700 meters long, containing a crew of 2000 Korpr (sums up to 60000 of them)

((OOC: do you need a more specific description of the Korpr and their technology or can i bring the details as they come into play...?
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