Don't let your emotions for Skree get in the way of the bigger picture, guys.
Skree is but a part of this.
Feringus and Gentleman need to be stopped, now.
Kill Skree. Don't make him suffer any longer.
Rebuttals for Pacifism:
Japa (dodge /wear Skree out) - This will take up far too much valuable time. It will be too late.
iceball3 (shout FACADE as loud as possible) - This is a doubtful course of action, at best. It relies on far too much chance and guesswork than I'm comfortable with. Maybe if there was some precedence for FACADE working from any source other than the organ, or of AG being able to properly shout it, then I might be behind this, if only to counteract the herpaderp bullcrap we pulled with the music box.
rarborman (put paper hat on Skree) - Fantastic, he'll look super stylish as he violently murders us.
dragnar (use eyedol / hide on dock) - Use eyedol how, exactly? Hide on dock where, exactly? Again, hiding would take way too much time. If it was even possible to do in the first place
RAM (throw music box) - What does this achieve? The damage has already been done; destroying the music box isn't going to make it stop storming. We would need to play FACADE on the organ to do that.
Also, remember: even if we manage to calm Skree down slightly, it'll just be turning the knob down from Insanely Murderous Rage to just plain old Murderous Rage.
Any effort to reverse the process (something we know absolutely nothing about, by the way, and will have to figure out from scratch) and Feringus and Gentlemen will have already achieved their goals.
Skree can and will outmanouvre us and has far more endurance than we do. Running or outlasting Skree is simply not an option.
Our only possible advantage at the moment is Stovebrand.
Let's use it.