This seems like a pretty good idea. You book it for the stairwell.
The monstrous creature slams the wall behind you.
You race out of the kitchen as tentacles slither up after you.
Grab eyemonster with claw. Bring it to it's mommy.
Maybe you can pacify it by bringing it the small one? Worth a shot, anyhow. You frantically plug the clawgun back into your socket, maintaining the grip. The oculoid is
freaking out.
You bring the creature down, nervously standing in front of the great beast thing. The eyemonster is seriously flipping out and totally trying to latch onto you with its tentacles.
run flee run hide get out get awaySHIT SHIT NOT A GOOD IDEA
bad bad bad bad bad bad bad leave run run run run badThe monstrous oculoid knocks you into the corner of the room, but cannot seem to actually get at you because its teeth are getting in the way. It can’t seem to grab you, and isn’t using its tentacles to grab you either. You’ve got a very brief respite in this nook but you won’t be safe for long. What do you do?
no no bad leave run flee flee bad runOur whip was burned in that incinerator chamber. How would it end up there?
Wait, it was? I missed that.
No, it wasn’t. It was suspected that the whip was in there, but no sign of it was shown. The last time it was seen was tangled up in one of the oculoid’s tentacles.