Fill the bucket with water, toss water into the fire place.
You twist the knob and fill the bucket. Woooooosh! The water is a little gross and dark-looking but that's okay.
Splash! The fire extinguishes with a steamy hiss.
Light shines down from above.
check the price for the can in the vending machine, buy it with the appropriate eyedollar coin
try to tie the string to the coin before puting it in the machine, so you can possibly recover the coin.
You check out the vending machine. The only thing in there is an unlabeled can, costing 11 eyedollars. You only have a 3 and 5 coin. Fortunately with some clever thinking you can use one coin twice!
The unlabeled can falls out. You take it.
Tie string to ladder
Um, okay. You do this.
The string is just kind of hanging out there.
Insert Lightning Medallion inside Idol`s eye hole, then try inserting it in the music box`s hole.
The idol's eye mark is a protrusion (it inserted into the safe handle's indentation); the music box's marking is just decoration.
Examine mirror!
You examine the sink and mirror. The sink has a hot and cold handle, both turning inwards. Written on the mirror is HCCHCH.
Examine self more closely, in hopes that we are not an elder god.
You wave hi.
You are beaten to it.
Put bucket on head for protection, run screaming to other room.
You quickly back away from the thing. It writhes around on the floor, watching you. You don't want to get any closer if you can help it, bucket or no.
You book it to the smithy. The thing is hot on your heels!
Hit the eye thing with the hammer in the smithy.
The eyemonster follows you into the smithy as you grab the hammer, then stops near the exit. You can't get close enough to hit it with the cable.
Attack the eye thing with your whip.
You suddenly remember about your trusty whip! As the creature scurries closer, you reach with one hand to take it out.
You grab it with the whip and yank it towards you! The hammer is ready and OH GOD ARE THOSE TEETH?!
WHAMThe thing goes careening back into the light room, your entangled whip going with it. You tentatively open your eyes to see if it's gone.
Investigate. And retrieve whip, if possible.
You head back to the light room. No sign of the creature nor your whip. The mirror is completely smashed, though you still remember what it said, and the vault thing on the floor remains as perplexing as ever. The string is still inexplicably tied to the ladder.
Become intrigued by the smashed mirror, peer inside.
You look inside the mirror, though you can't fit in. There is a vast expanse of darkness - what you can see appears to be... organic.
also I'm curious as to what is in the can
You shake the can. There is something loose inside, but no tab or anything to open it with.
smash the can open with the hammer on the anvil to retrieve the prize!
WONK! You clumsily bash the can open with the hammer, not really worried about a smooth hit. A key pops out; you take it.
Turn the handles on the sink in the order that was on the mirror. One rotation hot, two cold, one hot, one cold, one hot.
The handles don't rotate more than 90 degrees, but you try turning them inwards on and off to signify one entry in the string. Nothing happens. Perhaps the letters corresponded to something else?
use key on vending machine
The key fits perfectly.
There is a button. You press it without any prompting.
FOOM! The lights finally go up, centered on the vault.
hmm... maybe the vault handle? Say h is counterclockwise and c is clockwise.
You twist the wheel in full rotations back and forth, equating the hot-cold code with CCW and CW, as the same directions the corresponding sink handles turned. There are a few clicks, and the vault slowly moves.
There is a hole in the floor! Light now shines down into the dark room below.
Peer into the vault, if you cannot see the bottom then drop the can and listen for depth.
You can see the floor, though it's too far to jump down.
Go downstairs into the dark room we were in before.
You enter the formerly dark room.
climb down to the floor, examine skeleton for possible treasure!
The skeleton is holding a key in his left hand. It is firmly clenched, though you can wrestle it out.
You notice its right leg is twisted in an odd way and its right arm is dislocated. This is a bit disconcerting. Your adventuring nerves must still be shaken from the encounter with the eyemonsterthing.
press button
You press the button and the door opens up. That was easy!
examine wires too
The wires look just like the ones in the above light room. They run from the ceiling into the wall.