That took a little longer than I thought it would; when the next room(s) are discovered I might have to slow down a bit. I'm not the fastest artist (I've only had this tablet for two days now!) and I'm not quite done with the next puzzle sets.
All right, let's get this started up again.
You are currently in the Smithy. There is a hammer tied to an anvil with a steel cable, and some kind of floor panel under the anvil. The fireplace burns furiously, though you have hammered off the grate. On the right side of the room is a window and some kind of electronic monitor. On the left is a desk with a locked drawer and some papers presumably written by the room's former occupant, 'Les'. An oil can is on the mantle. You have moved a painting to discover a vault, and opened it with the eyedol. According to another paper from Les, he has lost a key somewhere wet downstairs, and there are 'critters' about. The ladder leads down to the room you started in.
This is your inventory. It currently contains a
lightning medallion, a
bottle of whiskey, a
strange device, a
creepy eyedol,
two coins, a
music box, and a
tin of Dapper Dan Men's Pomade.
Examine electronic gadget on right wall
You check out the gadget. It appears to be a monitor of some kind, with a control knob. The display is dark. There is a place for something to be put at the bottom.
Hammer cable
Clang! No luck. It's quite a sturdy cable. It may breakable, but bludgeoning it won't snap it.
Look out the window.
It's hard to see anything; it's built pretty high up. You can see a rocky ground and wall, and some kind of circular shape on the floor. Hard to say what it is, though. The light source is higher up.
press buttons randomly on device.
There are only two buttons on it, and a 4-character display. It appears that pushing the right button adds 7 to the ones column, and the left button moves all the numbers one place to the left. Pressing both resets the display.
The display currently reads 0070 due to your button-mashing.
Examine who's on the painting.
You examine the painting closer. It is a fellow with a funny flat hat and a rather magnificent beard.
There is some writing at the bottom of the painting.
Kiss painting.
You feel a strange urge to... no, nevermind. It was nothing. You hope we can move on and not discuss this further.
Also, you should examine the coins!
They have a similar eye-symbol on them. They appear to be worth 3 and 5 units respectively. You guess you have 8 eye-dollars or whatever currency these are.