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Author Topic: Profanemachines the Awe-inspiring Ageless Necro-Fortification of Death [SUC]  (Read 5724 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Edit: Well, since hardly anybody is interested in my succession fort, i guess i'll start it early.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 12:20:20 pm by Magick »
"Alright, I'll trade you these mugs, and you'll give me those -Oh. Here. Just take this. WAIT. I DID NOT MEAN TO GIVE YOU THOSE."


  • Bay Watcher
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Edit: Well, since hardly anybody is interested in my succession fort, i guess i'll start it early.

Early as in now?
Well if you remove the [MULTIPLE_LITTER_RARE] tag from dwarves I think they have like 2-4 children each time they give birth. And if you get enough mothers up on the pillars you can probably get a good waterfall going.


  • Bay Watcher
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Yes, as in now.
Spoiler: dwarves (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: embark (click to show/hide)
Ah, finally we've arrived. Not that these bumbling morons helped any. I don't know why our noble leaders even bothered sending them with me! At any rate, i am keeping this journal *just in case* one of those fuckers smashes me with a drawbridge "accidentally". Speaking of which, I've had the golem assigned to me. I'm very fragile, and should a band of goblins ambush us, i know they'll go straight for me.
When we arrived, i began to give a very rousing speech. Some of the other dwarves, particularly Existent, lost their lunch at the name of the fortress. I was just giving the closing word when our great friend mother nature decided to drown me out. Bitch.
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Damn, there's a lot of ore around here! Including plenty of exposed Lignite, coal, limonite, magnetite...


FUCK YEAH! I knew there was something good about this place!
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And a bit of platinum, too!
It's apparently Granite right now. Early spring. Fun times.
I ordered that useless dolt Urist to go mine out a fort, and he came back saying that the stone he was digging into was wet.
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Then, i ordered our jeweler to go help him. Not that that matters much. I bet they're doing it in the mines. Lazy assholes.
So then they began to channel above the fucking ENTRANCE, trying to drop SOIL into the aquifer. I screamed at them for a while,
and they dug through to the northern part of the mountain. It turns out that, just a little further north, there's stone that is completely dry! Agh. I am surrounded by morons.
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On a completely unrelated note, our brewer likes cats. A lot. In fact, all three of them adopted her. In the future, she shall be known as Lorbam the crazy cat lady.
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*Yawn*...All this writing is tiresome. I'm just going to lay here for a while.........
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« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 02:15:01 pm by Magick »
"Alright, I'll trade you these mugs, and you'll give me those -Oh. Here. Just take this. WAIT. I DID NOT MEAN TO GIVE YOU THOSE."


  • Bay Watcher
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Some of you may wonder, in the future, why i know so much about minerals.
This is why:
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While i was asleep, Urist stole my journal and drew a map of the current layout of the fort. With his pick. Asshole.
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So, i designated an area to make a covered pathway, so we may travel between the storeroom and the entrance unmolested.
Unfortunately, but predictably, the asshat miners were too busy digging the stockpile to build my freaking covered path. I ended up building half of the damn thing myself!
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Also, here is a list of the current stocks. Thanks to a miscount by Existent(She was shaking too much to count correctly. I hate nervous dwarves.) I don't know exactly what we have, but i have a close approximation.
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It seems our friend mother nature has been busy plotting against me again. The underground portion of my pathway almost cut through the center of the fucking aquifer!! Fuck! Thankfully, my genius gave me the newest answer: Just dig a fucking tunnel straight to it, stop fucking with stairs. Oh, and we finally completed the covered portion.
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I was having Urist dig out the drainage for our new farm, when our nemesis struck again.The entire drainage area we were digging was surrounded by aquifers! Fuck aquifers!!!
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Oh, and it is now summer.
Those damn miners finally finished digging the stockpile. See that tunnel on the side? It leads to the newest drainage project for our farm. It's called a screw pump, and when it's finished I'll irrigate the farms. But not yet.
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Our woodworker, Cogen i believe, has spotted a dangerous foe.
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I can't wait to get some marksdwarves and tear that thing apart.

My pathway has been finished! Of course, the other dwarves are praising the miners for building it. Shitfaced morons. All of them.
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I swear I could just haul off and smac-
Wait a minute....
More useless, suicidal freaks have made their way to my fortress. Ugh, at least one of them is a farmer.
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Many of them were groaning about not having rooms. Being a generous dwarf, i decided to dig some out. Mine is a tiny bit larger though, and will be finished long before theirs. Hey, they're the ones who aren't working.
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I'm happy to report that the pump system is now operational. But our shit-for-brains mechanic, who is also the brewer who is also a crazy cat lady, forgot to hook the gear system up to a lever. So, we'll have to make do with a floodgate beneath the pump.
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Also, it's autumn now. Time flies when you're screaming at fucks for not working. Once the caravan arrives, I'll be sure to let Existent do all the nervous talking she wants. Maybe it'll confuse the merchants into giving us more than we asked for.

I am also proud to announce that i have begun construction on my room. It will be engraved, and larger than your rooms. Sorry, leaders before peasants!
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I'm also going to put a table and a chair in my room, for obvious reasons. I need a place to eat and work on sketches for things related to the fortress. Oh, and i finally started to work on a drawbridge, to keep the fuckers elves out.
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Wait. Why isn't the woodworker making them?
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At this point, i calmly walked up to Goden, and the following conversation ensued:
"Why aren't you working Goden?"
"Ahm on brake, sir."
She quickly ran away from me. Maybe it was the dead rat on the floor.

Fuck. More migrants!
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However, we did get an entire family of woodworkers(Mother/father/son/daughter). When those kids grow up, be sure to make them follow their parents. Woodworking is entirely too slow at this fortress.
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In other news, here are the first few pieces of art engraved in my room! They are also my favorites.
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And, to end this entry, we have our first harvest!
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Comments so far?
"Alright, I'll trade you these mugs, and you'll give me those -Oh. Here. Just take this. WAIT. I DID NOT MEAN TO GIVE YOU THOSE."


  • Bay Watcher
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We're nearly out of food! What's taking that caravan so long!? We're having to butcher innocent little kittens!

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Fortunately, we managed to harvest our plants just in time. Mmm, strawberry wine!
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Wait a minute. What the fuck!?
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I have half a mind to beat these fuckers. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BED!!!
Well, it's now Obsidian. Winter. The caravan from the mountainhomes never showed up.
I asked one of the useless slimeballs that supposedly migrated from there about it.
He told me that, a month after our departure to this land, a massive goblin force attacked. They overwhelmed the army, stormed the halls, and cut down the king and queen. Many of the peasants managed to escape, however. He also told me that they would soon be migrating to our humble abode. Fuck.
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I had another farm set up near the drainage pump. This one is for aboveground plants, like strawberries, prickle berries, etc.
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In other news, Existent wasn't working nearly as hard as she should've been. So i walked up to her, bashed her mug out of her lazy hand, and told her to stop being "On Break" and start updating the fucking records. She complied after i made her a small office.
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Also, our original woodcutter/carpenter decided to start cooking, since her lazy ass wasn't needed in the carpenter's workshop.
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Existent finally decided to update those stocks. Have a look!
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Mmm, nothing like a couple of biscuits to get a dwarf up in the morning.
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It's a good thing i ordered Goden to start cooking seeds we weren't going to use. Ever.

I decided, it's time to breach that fucking aquifer. Fuck.
I ran into some problems convincing the miners to do that though.
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I've started to engrave your rooms, you dirty sods. I thought i'd tormented you enough, so i screamed at the carpenters until they started making beds. Then, i began to smooth the floors, the walls, etc.
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The quarry to the north has been converted to an aquifer piercing layer. It looks like a monster when i draw it from a bird's eye view.
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Anyway, it's time to collapse the plug! i sent Urist's underling to finish the job, as i didn't want Urist to be hurt.
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I walked up to the ledge, and looking down, i saw Urist's lackey. With a broken skull, arm, maybe a leg. It's kinda pathetic. They keep trying to get a drink of water, then they fall unconscious. Of course, then i went back and did my engravings.
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While i was engraving, Urist came up and started yelling at me for getting his friend hurt. I've never heard a dwarf shout louder than i can.
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Anyway, i got a hospital built with one of the beds, and Existent started working on the poor dwarf.
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She's still trying to suture the poor thing, but without any thread(Really shouldn't have used it all in making cloth), Existent can't do a thing.
Ahhh, springtime! I feel like a new dwa-

Expedition Leader's Log
Spring, year 2 of Profanemachines
Urist Sharveshshaketh, Head Miner

We finally kicked that tyrant out of his position of power. I've taken over the role of expedition leader temporarily.
Good luck, Andfhe!


And here's an overall view of the fort.
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"Alright, I'll trade you these mugs, and you'll give me those -Oh. Here. Just take this. WAIT. I DID NOT MEAN TO GIVE YOU THOSE."


  • Bay Watcher
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This fortress seems to be in better condition than mine...
but then again, you don't have a yeti infestation.
Well if you remove the [MULTIPLE_LITTER_RARE] tag from dwarves I think they have like 2-4 children each time they give birth. And if you get enough mothers up on the pillars you can probably get a good waterfall going.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Watch Bays
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"Existent, M.D., Attorney at Law"

I like it.
[DF 0.31.13]  ۝ War of the Ring Mod ۝  [WotR 0.13.3]

War of the Ring is back baby!
A mod based on Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.


  • Bay Watcher
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This fortress seems to be in better condition than mine...
but then again, you don't have a yeti infestation.
Well yeah. But we do have a food shortage. And a nearly-dead miner that's your dwarf's friend.
And you have dwarven traders.

"Existent, M.D., Attorney at Law"

I like it.
Existent, M.D., Attorney at Law, Major in Psychology.
Something along those lines.
"Alright, I'll trade you these mugs, and you'll give me those -Oh. Here. Just take this. WAIT. I DID NOT MEAN TO GIVE YOU THOSE."


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Watch Bays
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I like it, I didn't realize I would also be a doctor. I plan on making my dwarf's persona a cross between the father in Fallout 3, and the Janitor from Chad Vader.
[DF 0.31.13]  ۝ War of the Ring Mod ۝  [WotR 0.13.3]

War of the Ring is back baby!
A mod based on Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.


  • Bay Watcher
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I just arrived at the fortress I was sent to command, and I was handed an overhead map of the place when I walked in. I'm trying to figure out what I'm looking at, there are half dug out rooms whose purpose remains unknown, and a seemingly completely walled of lungfish supply. The place is much to walled off for the caravans to get in and well... I'm going to start trying to figure out what everything is, and their purpose.

(By the way, no one could access the jewelers workshop you had built to build it)

I like it, I didn't realize I would also be a doctor. I plan on making my dwarf's persona a cross between the father in Fallout 3, and the Janitor from Chad Vader.

Your the chief of medical stuff in my fortress too.
Well if you remove the [MULTIPLE_LITTER_RARE] tag from dwarves I think they have like 2-4 children each time they give birth. And if you get enough mothers up on the pillars you can probably get a good waterfall going.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ancient Wizard Dance.
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i wanna play!, but is there any way i can use mayday graphic pack with the save? i get headaches from ASCII
Ah, I wish I had been lucky enough to be scum.
I'd make such great scum...


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Watch Bays
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i wanna play!, but is there any way i can use mayday graphic pack with the save? i get headaches from ASCII
No, Mayday's uses modified raws.
[DF 0.31.13]  ۝ War of the Ring Mod ۝  [WotR 0.13.3]

War of the Ring is back baby!
A mod based on Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.


  • Bay Watcher
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I realized that a large portion of the wall was actually a bridge, which I decided to open , then I realized there were two levers, and I'd rather not be here when they're pulled. I took the best room for myself, because I'm leader now. Also turns out those were lungfish skeletons. There are a lot of exposed veins I can just see over the closed bridge, including magnetite, that's good. I ordered beds and doors to be put in what I believe were to be bedrooms, seing as the way they were shaped.

I've heard some Existent person being called a bloody thief, that's weird.
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What's going on up here I can't even imagine.
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Well if you remove the [MULTIPLE_LITTER_RARE] tag from dwarves I think they have like 2-4 children each time they give birth. And if you get enough mothers up on the pillars you can probably get a good waterfall going.


  • Bay Watcher
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i wanna play!, but is there any way i can use mayday graphic pack with the save? i get headaches from ASCII

You can use different graphics though. If you can find out how to get them to work, i would suggest Ironhands's or Phoebus's

Andfhe:  On the left is the windmill for the pump that drains the farms. On the right is the part of the story where the two miners botched an attempt at filling an aquifer.

Also, the two levers nearest to my office/room are...well, press N and look at the notes i left. They relate to the farm's irrigation system.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 07:44:10 pm by Magick »
"Alright, I'll trade you these mugs, and you'll give me those -Oh. Here. Just take this. WAIT. I DID NOT MEAN TO GIVE YOU THOSE."


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Watch Bays
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Yeah, I've got no problem with him using a different tileset (I'll be using Phoebus'), but Mayday's isn't cross-compatible.
[DF 0.31.13]  ۝ War of the Ring Mod ۝  [WotR 0.13.3]

War of the Ring is back baby!
A mod based on Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien.
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