Let me go ahead and address some of the confusion in this thread.
There are several reasons why the responses to OP have been vitriolic. Despite Einstein's trolling attempt, it has nothing to do with messiah worship. It has everything to do with the fact that Toady has developed - and continues to develop - a game that entertains for far longer than any AAA-title, and does so for free. The OP (and some - but not all - posts supporting him) come off as insulting. For those of us who have enjoyed DF for YEARS, having it (and Toady) insulted can ONLY result in outrage. I'm surprised that the responses have been as light-handed as they are.
As a programmer who has worked on individual- and team-driven projects, I have some minor insight into project management, and how things invariably unfold. Both systems work great, better than their counterpart depending on the circumstances. With team projects, the organized method is to have the team break down the system into a series of smaller black-boxes that individuals can work on. The important bit there is that the project is designed from the ground up to be a team effort. Taking an individual project and throwing people at it hinders productivity far more than it adds through parallel work. As a perfect example, look at Baughn's amazing work with the graphics rendering. For the vast majority of people, it speeds up play significantly, and that is a very good thing. However, as anyone who was desperately waiting for the new release will tell you, it takes a truly substantial amount of time for Toady to merge the graphics code back into the prime code base. This is because the project was never intended for multiple developers. Was Baughn's work worth it? Hell yes! It's a near-perfect success. But it took a substantial amount of effort to make it happen, and the graphics are probably the most compartmentalized section of the project (note: that's a guess given most project structures).
The dev log of Dwarf Fortress is what I read when I feel myself getting too cocky. I show it to other developers to watch their dumbfounded reactions. The complexity of this game is immeasurable, and yet Toady has externalized as much as possible to the RAWs so the modders can do their thing.
Are there bugs? Yes.
Would multithreading kick ass? Yes.
Do we want a finished DF within our lifetimes? Yes.
Will pestering Toady help any of those things?
No.If you want to make DF a better game, submit bugs into the tracker. Try and recreate them. See if you can discover the circumstances under which an esoteric bug occurs. Add that information into the tracker.
Every feature you would request, every bug fix you would cry over - Toady (and the tracker) knows of them. He does his best to prioritize these things and address them as quickly as possible.
And to address a post in particular:
But you can at least have them submit fixes to you for known bugs (not suggestions, not new development, just KNOWN BUGS that are on your to-do list to fix). Then you can look over their code and test it out.
The problem with that is the assumption that the codebase remains static long enough for simultaneous development to occur without stepping on toes. Even using source repositories and merge tools, multiple people working on the same file can be disastrous. Secondly, you are assuming that someone brought in would have the knowledge necessary to know where in the code the bug would be. Toady knows his code inside and out. The ramp-up time for supplemental developers would be enormous.
For fuck's sake, man. It's been eight years. You're on 0.31.10. You will not complete DF in your lifetime unless you step back and start letting a few someone elses help.
Skipping over how insulting and infuriating that is, I think you are severely underestimating the amount of development which has occurred over time. In the last few years, the game has gone from 2D with static features to a 3D game complex enough to allow calculators to be created with magma flow. You are underestimating Toady.
Okay I'm done.