Then that's a perfect excuse for me to take a break and wait for your next release to continue work. Meanwhile, I've been staring at the screen too long and am bleary-eyed, would be lucky to recognize my wife before she got mad at me, and need some feedback.
In the pic below, you can see a couple of different ways of rendering the flowery flowers. What seems preferable to someone with less bedeviled eyes? The two methods that seem best to me are (see below for illustrations of A and B):
(A) the method that uses the three-stone ore tile to make for some big flowers, which has the advantage of looking pretty and the disadvantage of being sorta inconsistent with the usual flower bushes and stalks (I think? maybe not?), and
(B) the more humble method of simply using tile 13 -- grass/grain -- with the tops uncolored (black, and therefore invisible) and the bottoms colored as per the flower color, which has the advantage of being more consistent with the perspective and sizing of normal plants, but doesn't get that BIG, BOLD FLOWER look out.
I was struggling with this terrible, weighty decision, but then I thought, hey, it doesn't have to be my decision! I'm just the graphics conversion
guy chicken.
What would you prefer, Seth, and anyone else who feels like weighing in? The question is put most clearly in the contrast between the two tiles for Dogbane.
EDIT: Graphic moved to spoilerage, since the question has been answered and it's obsolete.